# This is the config.yml | You can customize all ranks and settings # The prefix has a maximum length of 16 characters, else it get cuts! # Don't add or delete ranks when the server is online, it could give bugs! # Don't touch the scoreboard-teams which start with "er_"! # The rank has to start with "er_" in order to get added! # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # permissions: Enable the EasyRanks-Permission system (ADDED SOON)!!!!! # chat: Use the EasyRanks-Chat system # defaultRank: All players with no rank get this rank # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # %p will be replaced with the player # & in order to use color-codes permissions: false chat: true defaultRank: er_player ranks: er_player: prefix: '&7Player&8: &f' chat: '&8[&7Player&8] &7%p &f➟ &7' er_owner: prefix: '&4Owner&8: &f' chat: '&8[&4Owner&8] &7%p &f➟ &7' er_admin: prefix: '&cAdmin&8: &f' chat: '&8[&cAdmin&8] &7%p &f➟ &7' er_moderator: prefix: '&9Mod&8: &f' chat: '&8[&9Mod&8] &7%p &f➟ &7' er_supporter: prefix: '&bSup&8: &f' chat: '&8[&bSup&8] &7%p &f➟ &7' er_vip: prefix: '&6VIP&8: &f' chat: '&8[&6VIP&8] &7%p &f➟ &7' er_developer: prefix: '&dDev&8: &f' chat: '&8[&dDev&8] &7%p &f➟ &7' er_builder: prefix: '&eBuilder&8: &f' chat: '&8[&eBuilder&8] &7%p &f➟ &7' er_youtube: prefix: '&5YT&8: &f' chat: '&8[&5YT&8] &7%p &f➟ &7'