#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma semicolon 1 new bool:g_Ivisivel[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false, ...}; new bool:g_Godmode[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false, ...}; new bool:poison[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false, ...}; new bool:vampire[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false, ...}; new bool:super_faca[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false, ...}; new bool:view[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false, ...}; new bool:fogo[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false, ...}; new bool:AWP[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {true,...}; new bool:EAGLE[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {true, ...}; new bool:bhop[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false, ...}; #define VERSION "Private version" new g_iCreditos[MAXPLAYERS+1]; new iEnt; new String:EntityList[][] = { "func_door", "func_rotating", "func_walltoggle", "func_breakable", "func_door_rotating", "func_movelinear", "prop_door", "prop_door_rotating", "func_tracktrain", "func_elevator", "\0" }; new Handle:cvarCreditosMax = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:cvarCreditosKill_CT = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:cvarCreditosKill_T = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:cvarCreditos_LR = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:cvarCreditosKill_CT_VIP = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:cvarCreditosKill_T_VIP = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:cvarCreditos_LR_VIP = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:cvarCreditosSave = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:cvarTronly = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:cvarEnableRevive = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:cvarSpawnMsg = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:cvarCreditsOnWarmup = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:cvarMinPlayersToGetCredits = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:cvar_1; new Handle:cvar_2; new Handle:cvar_3; new Handle:cvar_4; new Handle:cvar_5; new Handle:cvar_6; new Handle:cvar_7; new Handle:cvar_8; new Handle:cvar_9; new Handle:cvar_10; new Handle:cvar_11; new Handle:cvar_12; new Handle:cvar_14; new Handle:cvar_15; new Handle:cvar_16; new Handle:cvar_17; new Handle:cvar_18; //new Handle:cvarRoundCreditos = INVALID_HANDLE; //new Handle:cvarCrInterval = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:c_GameCreditos = INVALID_HANDLE; new g_sprite; new g_HaloSprite; public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "Deathrun ErrorHead.pl", author = "Edited by Mieszi", description = "Comprar itens no shop jailbreak", version = VERSION, }; public OnPluginStart() { LoadTranslations("common.phrases"); LoadTranslations("jail_shop.phrases"); c_GameCreditos = RegClientCookie("Creditos", "Creditos", CookieAccess_Private); // ====================================================================== HookEvent("player_spawn", PlayerSpawn); HookEvent("player_death", PlayerDeath); HookEvent("smokegrenade_detonate", Event_SmokeGrenadeDetonate, EventHookMode_Post); HookEvent("smokegrenade_detonate", Event_SmokeGrenadeDetonate2, EventHookMode_Post); HookEvent("player_hurt",EventPlayerHurt, EventHookMode_Pre); HookEvent("round_end", Event_OnRoundEnd); // ====================================================================== RegConsoleCmd("sm_shop", SHOPMENU); RegConsoleCmd("sm_credits", Creditos); RegConsoleCmd("sm_gift", Command_SendCredits); RegConsoleCmd("sm_reviver", Reviver); RegConsoleCmd("sm_vercreditos", Command_ShowCredits); RegAdminCmd("sm_give", SetCreditos, ADMFLAG_ROOT); RegAdminCmd("sm_set", SetCreditos2, ADMFLAG_ROOT); // ====================================================================== // ====================================================================== cvarCreditosMax = CreateConVar("shop_creditos_maximo", "100000", "Maxim of credits for player"); cvarCreditosKill_T = CreateConVar("shop_creditos_por_kill_t", "100", "Amount of credits for kill ( prisioner )"); cvarCreditosKill_CT = CreateConVar("shop_creditos_por_kill_ct", "100", "Amount of credits for kill ( guard )"); cvarCreditos_LR = CreateConVar("shop_creditos_por_kill_lr", "200", "Amount of credits for the last player"); cvarCreditosKill_T_VIP = CreateConVar("shop_creditos_por_kill_t_vip", "250", "Amount of credits for kill ( prisioner ) for VIP (flag a)"); cvarCreditosKill_CT_VIP = CreateConVar("shop_creditos_por_kill_ct_vip", "250", "Amount of credits for kill ( guard ) for VIP (flag a)"); cvarCreditos_LR_VIP = CreateConVar("shop_creditos_por_kill_lr_vip", "450", "Amount of credits for the last player for VIP (flag a)"); cvarSpawnMsg = CreateConVar("shop_spawnmessages", "1", "Messages on spawn", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); cvarCreditosSave = CreateConVar("shop_creditos_save", "1", "Save or not credits on player disconnect", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); cvarTronly = CreateConVar("shop_terrorist_only", "0", "Menu for only prisioners", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); cvarEnableRevive = CreateConVar("shop_ativar_revive", "1", "Enable/Disble revive", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); cvarCreditsOnWarmup = CreateConVar("shop_warmupcredits", "0", "Should players get credits on warmup?"); cvarMinPlayersToGetCredits = CreateConVar("shop_minplayers", "5", "Minimum players to get credits"); cvar_1 = cvar_2 = cvar_3 = CreateConVar("preco_03", "7000", "Price of item (imortal)"); cvar_4 = cvar_5 = cvar_6 = CreateConVar("preco_06", "3500", "Price of item (hp)"); cvar_7 = cvar_8 = CreateConVar("preco_08", "1500", "Price of item (super knife)"); cvar_9 = CreateConVar("preco_09", "50", "Price of item (healing)"); cvar_10 = cvar_11 = CreateConVar("preco_11", "7000", "Price of item (skin)"); cvar_12 = cvar_14 = cvar_15 = CreateConVar("preco_15", "8000", "Price of item (respawn)"); cvar_16 = cvar_17 = cvar_18 = CreateConVar("preco_18", "2500", "Price of item (low gravity)"); if(GetConVarBool(cvarCreditosSave)) { for(new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) { if(IsClientInGame(client)) { if(AreClientCookiesCached(client)) { OnClientCookiesCached(client); } } } } AutoExecConfig(true, "sm_shopjail"); } public OnPluginEnd() { if(!GetConVarBool(cvarCreditosSave)) return; for(new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) { if(IsClientInGame(client)) { OnClientDisconnect(client); } } } public OnClientCookiesCached(client) { if(!GetConVarBool(cvarCreditosSave)) return; new String:CreditosString[12]; GetClientCookie(client, c_GameCreditos, CreditosString, sizeof(CreditosString)); g_iCreditos[client] = StringToInt(CreditosString); } public OnClientDisconnect(client) { if(!GetConVarBool(cvarCreditosSave)) { g_iCreditos[client] = 0; return; } if(AreClientCookiesCached(client)) { new String:CreditosString[12]; Format(CreditosString, sizeof(CreditosString), "%i", g_iCreditos[client]); SetClientCookie(client, c_GameCreditos, CreditosString); } } public OnMapStart() { g_sprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/laserbeam.vmt", true); g_HaloSprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/halo.vmt", true); } public Action:MensajesSpawn(Handle:timer, any:client) { if(GetConVarBool(cvarSpawnMsg) && IsClientInGame(client)) { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Kill"); CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Type"); } } public Action:PlayerDeath(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { new attacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker")); new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); CreateTimer(2.0, MensajesMuerte, client); if (!attacker) return; if (attacker == client) return; if(!GetConVarBool(cvarCreditosKill_CT)) return; if(!GetConVarBool(cvarCreditosKill_T)) return; if(GetAllPlayersCount() >= GetConVarInt(cvarMinPlayersToGetCredits) && (GetConVarInt(cvarCreditsOnWarmup) != 0 || GameRules_GetProp("m_bWarmupPeriod") != 1) ) { if(GetClientTeam(attacker) == CS_TEAM_CT) { if (IsPlayerReservationAdmin(attacker)) g_iCreditos[attacker] += GetConVarInt(cvarCreditosKill_CT_VIP); else g_iCreditos[attacker] += GetConVarInt(cvarCreditosKill_CT); } if(GetClientTeam(attacker) == CS_TEAM_T) { if (IsPlayerReservationAdmin(attacker)) g_iCreditos[attacker] += GetConVarInt(cvarCreditosKill_T_VIP); else g_iCreditos[attacker] += GetConVarInt(cvarCreditosKill_T); } } if(GetAllPlayersCount() >= GetConVarInt(cvarMinPlayersToGetCredits) && (GetConVarInt(cvarCreditsOnWarmup) != 0 || GameRules_GetProp("m_bWarmupPeriod") != 1) ) { if (g_iCreditos[attacker] < GetConVarInt(cvarCreditosMax)) { if(GetClientTeam(attacker) == CS_TEAM_CT) { if (IsPlayerReservationAdmin(attacker)) CPrintToChat(attacker, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","KillCT", g_iCreditos[attacker],GetConVarInt(cvarCreditosKill_CT_VIP)); else CPrintToChat(attacker, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","KillCT", g_iCreditos[attacker],GetConVarInt(cvarCreditosKill_CT)); } if(GetClientTeam(attacker) == CS_TEAM_T) { if (IsPlayerReservationAdmin(attacker)) CPrintToChat(attacker, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","KillT", g_iCreditos[attacker],GetConVarInt(cvarCreditosKill_T_VIP)); else CPrintToChat(attacker, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","KillT", g_iCreditos[attacker],GetConVarInt(cvarCreditosKill_T)); } } else { CPrintToChat(attacker, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Maximo", g_iCreditos[attacker]); g_iCreditos[attacker] = GetConVarInt(cvarCreditosMax); } } } public Action:MensajesMuerte(Handle:timer, any:client) { if (IsClientInGame(client)) { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Reviver4",GetConVarInt(cvar_15)); } } public Action:Creditos(client, args) { if(client == 0) { PrintToServer("%t","Command is in-game only"); return; } CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Creditos", g_iCreditos[client]); } public Action:SHOPMENU(client,args) { if(GetConVarBool(cvarTronly)) { if(GetClientTeam(client) != 2) { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Prisioneiros"); return; } else { DID(client); } } else { DID(client); } } public Action:Reviver(client,args) { if(client == 0) { PrintToServer("%t","Command is in-game only"); return; } if(GetConVarBool(cvarEnableRevive)) { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Ativado"); return; } if(GetConVarBool(cvarTronly)) { if(GetClientTeam(client) != 2) { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Prisioneiros2"); return; } else { if (IsClientInGame(client) && !IsPlayerAlive(client)) { if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_15)) { CS_RespawnPlayer(client); g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_15); decl String:nome[32]; GetClientName(client, nome, sizeof(nome)); CPrintToChatAll("\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04The player\x03 %s \x04has respawned!", nome); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item reviver", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_15)); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Morto"); } } } else { if (!IsPlayerAlive(client)) { if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_15)) { CS_RespawnPlayer(client); g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_15); decl String:nome[32]; GetClientName(client, nome, sizeof(nome)); CPrintToChatAll("\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04The player\x03 %s \x04has respawned!", nome); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item reviver", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_15)); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Morto"); } } } public Action:EventPlayerHurt(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- { new victim = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event,"userid")); new attacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker")); if(attacker == 0 || !fogo[attacker]) return; if(victim != attacker && attacker !=0 && attacker 0 && IsValidEdict(nClientVictim) && IsClientInGame(nClientVictim) && IsPlayerAlive(nClientVictim) && nDamage > 0) { new EntityPointHurt = CreateEntityByName("point_hurt"); if(EntityPointHurt != 0) { new String:sDamage[16]; IntToString(nDamage, sDamage, sizeof(sDamage)); new String:sDamageType[32]; IntToString(nDamageType, sDamageType, sizeof(sDamageType)); DispatchKeyValue(nClientVictim, "targetname", "war3_hurtme"); DispatchKeyValue(EntityPointHurt, "DamageTarget", "war3_hurtme"); DispatchKeyValue(EntityPointHurt, "Damage", sDamage); DispatchKeyValue(EntityPointHurt, "DamageType", sDamageType); if(!StrEqual(sWeapon, "")) DispatchKeyValue(EntityPointHurt, "classname", sWeapon); DispatchSpawn(EntityPointHurt); AcceptEntityInput(EntityPointHurt, "Hurt", (nClientAttacker != 0) ? nClientAttacker : -1); DispatchKeyValue(EntityPointHurt, "classname", "point_hurt"); DispatchKeyValue(nClientVictim, "targetname", "war3_donthurtme"); RemoveEdict(EntityPointHurt); } } } public Action:DID(clientId) { new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(DIDMenuHandler); SetMenuTitle(menu, "%t","Shop", g_iCreditos[clientId]); decl String:opcionmenu[124]; Format(opcionmenu, 124, "%T","Invisivel", clientId,GetConVarInt(cvar_1)); AddMenuItem(menu, "option5", opcionmenu); Format(opcionmenu, 124, "%T","AWP", clientId,GetConVarInt(cvar_2)); AddMenuItem(menu, "option6", opcionmenu); Format(opcionmenu, 124, "%T","Imortal", clientId,GetConVarInt(cvar_3)); AddMenuItem(menu, "option8", opcionmenu); Format(opcionmenu, 124, "%T","Jail", clientId,GetConVarInt(cvar_4)); AddMenuItem(menu, "option9", opcionmenu); Format(opcionmenu, 124, "%T","Rapido", clientId,GetConVarInt(cvar_5)); AddMenuItem(menu, "option10", opcionmenu); Format(opcionmenu, 124, "%T","HP", clientId,GetConVarInt(cvar_6)); AddMenuItem(menu, "option12", opcionmenu); Format(opcionmenu, 124, "%T","Eagle", clientId,GetConVarInt(cvar_7)); AddMenuItem(menu, "option13", opcionmenu); Format(opcionmenu, 124, "%T","Super", clientId,GetConVarInt(cvar_8)); AddMenuItem(menu, "option14", opcionmenu); Format(opcionmenu, 124, "%T","Cura", clientId,GetConVarInt(cvar_9)); AddMenuItem(menu, "option15", opcionmenu); decl String:sGame[64]; GetGameFolderName(sGame, sizeof(sGame)); if (StrEqual(sGame, "cstrike")) { Format(opcionmenu, 124, "%T","2flash", clientId,GetConVarInt(cvar_10)); AddMenuItem(menu, "option16", opcionmenu); } else if (StrEqual(sGame, "csgo")) { Format(opcionmenu, 124, "%T","Molotov", clientId,GetConVarInt(cvar_10)); AddMenuItem(menu, "option16", opcionmenu); } Format(opcionmenu, 124, "%T","Skin", clientId,GetConVarInt(cvar_11)); AddMenuItem(menu, "option17", opcionmenu); Format(opcionmenu, 124, "%T","Smoke", clientId,GetConVarInt(cvar_12)); AddMenuItem(menu, "option18", opcionmenu); Format(opcionmenu, 124, "%T","Teletransportadora3", clientId,GetConVarInt(cvar_14)); AddMenuItem(menu, "option20", opcionmenu); Format(opcionmenu, 124, "%T","HE", clientId,GetConVarInt(cvar_16)); AddMenuItem(menu, "option21", opcionmenu); Format(opcionmenu, 124, "%T","Bhop", clientId,GetConVarInt(cvar_17)); AddMenuItem(menu, "option22", opcionmenu); Format(opcionmenu, 124, "%T","Gravity", clientId,GetConVarInt(cvar_18)); AddMenuItem(menu, "option23", opcionmenu); SetMenuExitButton(menu, true); DisplayMenu(menu, clientId, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); return Plugin_Handled; } public DIDMenuHandler(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, client, itemNum) { if ( action == MenuAction_Select ) { new String:info[32]; GetMenuItem(menu, itemNum, info, sizeof(info)); if ( strcmp(info,"option1") == 0 ) { { DID(client); CPrintToChat(client,"\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04make by dk."); } } else if ( strcmp(info,"option5") == 0 ) { { DID(client); if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_1)) { if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) { decl String:sGame[255]; GetGameFolderName(sGame, sizeof(sGame)); if (StrEqual(sGame, "cstrike") || StrEqual(sGame, "cstrike_beta")) { SetEntityRenderMode(client, RENDER_TRANSCOLOR); SetEntityRenderColor(client, 255, 255, 255, 0); g_Ivisivel[client] = true; CreateTimer(10.0, Invisible2, client); } else if (StrEqual(sGame, "csgo")) { SDKHook(client, SDKHook_SetTransmit, Hook_SetTransmit); g_Ivisivel[client] = true; CreateTimer(10.0, Invisible, client); } new wepIdx; // strip all weapons for (new s = 0; s < 4; s++) { if ((wepIdx = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, s)) != -1) { RemovePlayerItem(client, wepIdx); RemoveEdict(wepIdx); } } GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_knife"); g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_1); CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Invisivel2", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_2)); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Vivo"); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item invisivel", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_1)); } } } else if ( strcmp(info,"option6") == 0 ) { { DID(client); if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_2)) { if(!AWP[client]) { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","MaximoAWP"); } else if(AWP[client] && IsPlayerAlive(client)) { GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_awp"); AWP[client] = false; Client_GiveWeaponAndAmmo(client, "weapon_awp", _, 0, _, 1); g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_2); CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","AWP2", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_2)); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Vivo"); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item awp", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_2)); } } } else if ( strcmp(info,"option8") == 0 ) { { DID(client); if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_3)) { if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) { g_Godmode[client] = true; CreateTimer(20.0, OpcionNumero16b, client); g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_3); CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Imortal2", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_3)); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Vivo"); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item imortal", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_3)); } } } else if ( strcmp(info,"option9") == 0 ) { { DID(client); if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_4)) { if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) { abrir(); g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_4); CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Jails2", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_4)); decl String:nome[32]; GetClientName(client, nome, sizeof(nome)); CPrintToChatAll("\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04O jogador\x03 %s \x04abriu as jails pelo shop!", nome); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Vivo"); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item jails", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_4)); } } } else if ( strcmp(info,"option10") == 0 ) { { DID(client); if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_5)) { if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) { SetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Data, "m_flLaggedMovementValue", 1.5); g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_5); vampire[client] = true; CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Rapido2", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_5)); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Vivo"); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item rapido", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_5)); } } } else if ( strcmp(info,"option12") == 0 ) { { DID(client); if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_6)) { if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) { g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_6); new vida = (GetClientHealth(client) + 150); SetEntityHealth(client, vida); GivePlayerItem( client, "item_assaultsuit"); // Give Kevlar Suit and a Helmet SetEntProp( client, Prop_Send, "m_ArmorValue", 100, 1 ); // Set kevlar armour CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","HP2", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_6)); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Vivo"); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item da vida", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_6)); } } } else if ( strcmp(info,"option13") == 0 ) { { DID(client); if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_7)) { if(!EAGLE[client]) { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","MaximoEAGLE"); } else if(EAGLE[client] && IsPlayerAlive(client)) { GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_deagle"); EAGLE[client] = false; Client_GiveWeaponAndAmmo(client, "weapon_deagle", _, 0, _, 7); g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_7); CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Eagle2", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_7)); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Vivo"); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item da eagle", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_7)); } } } else if ( strcmp(info,"option14") == 0 ) { { DID(client); if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_8)) { if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) { decl String:sGame[255]; GetGameFolderName(sGame, sizeof(sGame)); if (StrEqual(sGame, "cstrike") || StrEqual(sGame, "cstrike_beta")) { new currentknife = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, 2); if(IsValidEntity(currentknife) && currentknife != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE) { RemovePlayerItem(client, currentknife); RemoveEdict(currentknife); } new knife = GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_knife"); EquipPlayerWeapon(client, knife); super_faca[client] = true; } else if (StrEqual(sGame, "csgo")) { new currentknife = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, 2); if(IsValidEntity(currentknife) && currentknife != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE) { RemovePlayerItem(client, currentknife); RemoveEdict(currentknife); } new knife = GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_knifegg"); EquipPlayerWeapon(client, knife); super_faca[client] = true; } g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_8); CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Super2", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_8)); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Vivo"); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item da super faca", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_8)); } } } else if ( strcmp(info,"option15") == 0 ) { { DID(client); if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_9)) { if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) { new health = GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iHealth"); if(health >= 100) { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04 Your life already is full '-'"); } else { SetEntityHealth(client, 100); g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_9); EmitSoundToAll("medicsound/medic.wav"); CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Curar2", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_9)); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Vivo"); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item de curar", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_9)); } } } else if ( strcmp(info,"option16") == 0 ) { { DID(client); if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_10)) { if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) { GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_molotov"); GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_flashbang"); GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_flashbang"); g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_10); CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Molotov2", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_10)); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Vivo"); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item da molotov", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_10)); } } } else if ( strcmp(info,"option17") == 0 ) { { DID(client); if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_11)) { if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) { g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_11); SetEntityModel(client, "models/player/ctm_gign_variantc.mdl"); CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Skin2", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_11)); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Vivo"); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item da skin", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_11)); } } } else if ( strcmp(info,"option18") == 0 ) { { DID(client); if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_12)) { if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) { GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_smokegrenade"); g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_12); poison[client] = true; CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Smoke2", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_12)); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Vivo"); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item da smoke", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_12)); } } } else if ( strcmp(info,"option20") == 0 ) { { DID(client); if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_14)) { if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) { GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_smokegrenade"); g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_14); view[client] = true; CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Teletransportadora", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_14)); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Vivo"); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item da teletransportadora", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_14)); } } } else if ( strcmp(info,"option21") == 0 ) { { DID(client); if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_16)) { if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) { GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_hegrenade"); g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_16); fogo[client] = true; CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","HE2", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_16)); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Vivo"); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item da he2", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_16)); } } } else if ( strcmp(info,"option22") == 0 ) { { DID(client); if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_17)) { if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) { g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_17); bhop[client] = true; CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Bhop2", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_17)); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Vivo"); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item do bhop", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_17)); } } } else if ( strcmp(info,"option23") == 0 ) { { DID(client); if (g_iCreditos[client] >= GetConVarInt(cvar_18)) { if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) { g_iCreditos[client] -= GetConVarInt(cvar_18); SetEntityGravity(client, 0.6); CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Gravity2", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_18)); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Vivo"); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Item da gravidade", g_iCreditos[client],GetConVarInt(cvar_18)); } } } } } public Action:SetCreditos2(client, args) { if(client == 0) { PrintToServer("%t","Command is in-game only"); return Plugin_Handled; } if(args < 2) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Use: sm_set <#userid|name> [amount]"); return Plugin_Handled; } decl String:arg2[10]; GetCmdArg(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2)); new amount = StringToInt(arg2); decl String:strTarget[32]; GetCmdArg(1, strTarget, sizeof(strTarget)); decl String:strTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH]; decl TargetList[MAXPLAYERS], TargetCount; decl bool:TargetTranslate; if ((TargetCount = ProcessTargetString(strTarget, client, TargetList, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_CONNECTED, strTargetName, sizeof(strTargetName), TargetTranslate)) <= 0) { ReplyToTargetError(client, TargetCount); return Plugin_Handled; } for (new i = 0; i < TargetCount; i++) { new iClient = TargetList[i]; if (IsClientInGame(iClient)) { g_iCreditos[iClient] = amount; CPrintToChat(iClient, "[ SHOP ] Set \x03%i \x01credits in the player: %N", amount, iClient); } } return Plugin_Continue; } public Action:SetCreditos(client, args) { if(client == 0) { PrintToServer("%t","Command is in-game only"); return Plugin_Handled; } if(args < 2) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Use: sm_give <#userid|name> [amount]"); return Plugin_Handled; } decl String:arg2[10]; GetCmdArg(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2)); new amount = StringToInt(arg2); decl String:strTarget[32]; GetCmdArg(1, strTarget, sizeof(strTarget)); decl String:strTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH]; decl TargetList[MAXPLAYERS], TargetCount; decl bool:TargetTranslate; if ((TargetCount = ProcessTargetString(strTarget, client, TargetList, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_CONNECTED, strTargetName, sizeof(strTargetName), TargetTranslate)) <= 0) { ReplyToTargetError(client, TargetCount); return Plugin_Handled; } for (new i = 0; i < TargetCount; i++) { new iClient = TargetList[i]; if (IsClientInGame(iClient)) { g_iCreditos[iClient] += amount; CPrintToChat(iClient, "[ SHOP ] Give \x03%i \x01credits in the player: %N", amount, iClient); } } return Plugin_Continue; } public Action:Command_SendCredits(client, args) { if(client == 0) { PrintToServer("%t","Command is in-game only"); return Plugin_Handled; } if(args < 2) // Not enough parameters { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Use: sm_gift <#userid|name> [amount]"); return Plugin_Handled; } decl String:arg2[10]; GetCmdArg(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2)); new amount = StringToInt(arg2); decl String:strTarget[32]; GetCmdArg(1, strTarget, sizeof(strTarget)); decl String:strTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH]; decl TargetList[MAXPLAYERS], TargetCount; decl bool:TargetTranslate; if ((TargetCount = ProcessTargetString(strTarget, client, TargetList, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_CONNECTED, strTargetName, sizeof(strTargetName), TargetTranslate)) <= 0) { ReplyToTargetError(client, TargetCount); return Plugin_Handled; } for (new i = 0; i < TargetCount; i++) { new iClient = TargetList[i]; if (IsClientInGame(iClient) && amount > 0) { if (g_iCreditos[client] < amount) CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","NoCredits"); else { g_iCreditos[client] -= amount; g_iCreditos[iClient] += amount; CPrintToChat(client, "[ SHOP ] You give \x03%i \x01credits for player: %N", amount, iClient); CPrintToChat(iClient, "[ SHOP ] You get \x03%i \x01credits from player: %N", amount, client); } } } return Plugin_Continue; } public Action:OnTakeDamage(victim, &attacker, &inflictor, &Float:damage, &damagetype) { if (g_Godmode[victim] == true) { damage = 0.0; return Plugin_Changed; } else if(IsValidClient(attacker)) { if((vampire[attacker] && GetClientTeam(attacker) != GetClientTeam(victim))) { new recibir = RoundToFloor(damage * 0.5); recibir += GetClientHealth(attacker); SetEntityHealth(attacker, recibir); } if(super_faca[attacker]) { decl String:weaponName[255]; GetClientWeapon(attacker, weaponName, sizeof(weaponName)); decl String:sGame[255]; GetGameFolderName(sGame, sizeof(sGame)); if (StrEqual(sGame, "cstrike") || StrEqual(sGame, "cstrike_beta")) { if(StrEqual(weaponName, "weapon_knife")) { DealDamage(victim,100,attacker,DMG_BULLET,weaponName); } } else if (StrEqual(sGame, "csgo")) { if(StrEqual(weaponName, "weapon_knifegg")) { DealDamage(victim,100,attacker,DMG_BULLET,weaponName); } } } } return Plugin_Continue; } stock bool:IsValidClient(client, bool:bAlive = false) { if(client >= 1 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client) && (bAlive == false || IsPlayerAlive(client))) { return true; } return false; } public Action:OnPlayerRunCmd(client, &buttons, &impulse, Float:vel[3], Float:angles[3], &weapon) { new water = GetEntProp(client, Prop_Data, "m_nWaterLevel"); if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) { if (buttons & IN_JUMP) { if (water <= 1) { if (!(GetEntityMoveType(client) & MOVETYPE_LADDER)) { SetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Send, "m_flStamina", 0.0); if (!(GetEntityFlags(client) & FL_ONGROUND)) { if(bhop[client] == true) { buttons &= ~IN_JUMP; } } } } } } return Plugin_Continue; } public Action:OnWeaponCanUse(client, weapon) { if (g_Ivisivel[client]) { decl String:sClassname[32]; GetEdictClassname(weapon, sClassname, sizeof(sClassname)); if (!StrEqual(sClassname, "weapon_knife")) return Plugin_Handled; } return Plugin_Continue; } public OnClientPutInServer(client) { SDKHook(client, SDKHook_OnTakeDamage, OnTakeDamage); SDKHook(client, SDKHook_WeaponCanUse, OnWeaponCanUse); } public OnClientPostAdminCheck(client) { g_Godmode[client] = false; g_Ivisivel[client] = false; fogo[client] = false; super_faca[client] = false; poison[client] = false; vampire[client] = false; AWP[client] = true; EAGLE[client] = true; view[client] = false; } public Action:Event_OnRoundEnd(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { for (new i = 1; i <= GetMaxClients(); i++) if (IsClientInGame(i)) { poison[i] = false; vampire[i] = false; view[i] = false; fogo[i] = false; super_faca[i] = false; bhop[i] = false; AWP[i] = true; EAGLE[i] = true; } } public Action:PlayerSpawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); if (GetClientTeam(client) == 1 && !IsPlayerAlive(client)) { return; } CreateTimer(1.0, MensajesSpawn, client); } Normalizar(client) { if (g_Godmode[client]) { g_Godmode[client] = false; } if (g_Ivisivel[client]) { g_Ivisivel[client] = false; SDKUnhook(client, SDKHook_SetTransmit, Hook_SetTransmit); } poison[client] = false; vampire[client] = false; view[client] = false; fogo[client] = false; super_faca[client] = false; bhop[client] = false; AWP[client] = true; EAGLE[client] = true; } public OnAvailableLR(Announced) { for (new i = 1; i <= GetMaxClients(); i++) { if (IsClientInGame(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_T) { if(GetAllPlayersCount() >= GetConVarInt(cvarMinPlayersToGetCredits) && (GetConVarInt(cvarCreditsOnWarmup) != 0 || GameRules_GetProp("m_bWarmupPeriod") != 1) ) if (IsPlayerReservationAdmin(i)) g_iCreditos[i] += GetConVarInt(cvarCreditos_LR_VIP); else g_iCreditos[i] += GetConVarInt(cvarCreditos_LR); SetEntityGravity(i, 1.0); Normalizar(i); SetEntPropFloat(i, Prop_Data, "m_flLaggedMovementValue", 1.0); } } } public Action:OpcionNumero16b(Handle:timer, any:client) { if ( (IsClientInGame(client)) && (IsPlayerAlive(client)) ) { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Mortal3"); g_Godmode[client] = false; } } public Action:Invisible(Handle:timer, any:client) { if ( (IsClientInGame(client)) && (IsPlayerAlive(client)) ) { g_Ivisivel[client] = false; CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Visivel novamente"); SDKUnhook(client, SDKHook_SetTransmit, Hook_SetTransmit); } } public Action:Invisible2(Handle:timer, any:client) { if ( (IsClientInGame(client)) && (IsPlayerAlive(client)) ) { CPrintToChat(client, "\x0E[ SHOP ] \x04%t","Visivel novamente"); SetEntityRenderMode(client, RENDER_TRANSCOLOR); g_Ivisivel[client] = false; SetEntityRenderColor(client, 255, 255, 255, 255); } } public Action:abrir() { for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(EntityList); i++) while((iEnt = FindEntityByClassname(iEnt, EntityList[i])) != -1) AcceptEntityInput(iEnt, "Open"); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:Hook_SetTransmit(entity, client) { if (entity != client) return Plugin_Handled; return Plugin_Continue; } public Action:Command_ShowCredits(client, args) { decl String:sName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], String:sUserId[10]; new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(MenuHandlerShowCredits); SetMenuTitle(menu, "%t","Players Credits"); for(new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++) { if (IsClientInGame(i)) { GetClientName(i, sName, sizeof(sName)); IntToString(GetClientUserId(i), sUserId, sizeof(sUserId)); decl String:buffer[255]; Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s: %d", sName, g_iCreditos[i]); AddMenuItem(menu, sUserId, buffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED ); //sUserID to id_usera, a sName to nick ktory sie wyswietla w Menu } } SetMenuExitButton(menu, true); DisplayMenu(menu, client, 20); return Plugin_Handled; } public MenuHandlerShowCredits(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2) { } GetAllPlayersCount() { decl iCount, i; iCount = 0; for( i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++ ) if( IsClientInGame( i ) && !IsFakeClient(i) ) iCount++; return iCount; } bool:IsPlayerReservationAdmin(client) { if (CheckCommandAccess(client, "Admin_Reservation", ADMFLAG_RESERVATION, false)) { return true; } return false; }