! ! Remember to refresh with: 'xrdb .Xdefaults' if you make any changes. ! !----------------------------! ! Xterm setup !----------------------------! XTerm*termName: xterm-256color XTerm*utf8: 1 XTerm*renderFont: true XTerm*faceName: Monospace:size=10:antialias=true XTerm*borderWidth: 0 XTerm*autohint: true XTerm*locale: true XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true XTerm*backarrowKey: false XTerm*bellIsUrgent: false XTerm*cursorBlink: false XTerm*vt100.saveLines: 10000 XTerm*selectToClipboard: true XTerm*ScrollKey: true ! Normally, selected text is stored in PRIMARY, to be pasted with Shift+Insert ! or by using the middle mouse button. With these settings you can use ! CTRL+SHIFT+v/c and you can make Xterm copy to clipboard so that you can use ! CTRL+v in GUI applications. XTerm*vt100.translations: #override \ Shift Ctrl c: copy-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n\ Shift Ctrl v: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD) ! Fix backspace and delete key. XTerm*ttyModes: erase ^? XTerm*vt100.Translations: #override BackSpace: string(0x7f) \n\ Delete: string(0x1b) string("[3~") !----------------------------! ! Color theme !----------------------------! XTerm*background: #142034 XTerm*foreground: #aaaaaa XTerm*cursorColor: #9aedfe *.color0: #142034 *.color8: #4f4b58 *.color1: #ff5c57 *.color9: #ff5c57 *.color2: #5af78e *.color10: #5af78e *.color3: #f3f99d *.color11: #f3f99d *.color4: #57c7ff *.color12: #57c7ff *.color5: #ff6ac1 *.color13: #ff6ac1 *.color6: #9aedfe *.color14: #9aedfe *.color7: #eff0eb *.color15: #eff0eb