Establish your own need. It is also important to have an idea of your particular need. Ask yourself if you want to buy an accessory to keep your car clean or you want one to improve the visibility while driving. You may also settle for auto parts that are useful for carrying your pet while you are on the road or to hold you mobile phones in a safe manner. Once you know what you would like to have you can look for accessories in the pertinent categories. Check your motor. Luckily the MR2 is a used car that comes equipped with a later model ECU, or computer. Some other used cars don't have the luxury of having a plug-n-play type of computer, so to speak. Have regular compression tests done after long trips, or modifications. You don't want to modify an unhealthy motor, always be on top of your car's maintenance. Once you are satisfied with the seats and floors start the vehicle. Listen for any odd noises, etc. Do all the electrical features of the vehicle work? Check the air conditioner and all the vents to see if they work properly. Check that all lighting and turn signals work properly. You can try to get some of these auto parts from your local auto parts store as well, but these are not normally for racing purposes and you may have to have them ordered anyway. If you are able to order these parts, you could wait a long time and may have to pay more for them. The good thing is that you will not have to worry about the cost of shipping the auto parts to the store and will be able to pick it up there once it arrives. Firstly your search will depend greatly on whether or not your vehicle is a new or an older one. The parts for newer vehicles can be found at most stores that carry part for that make and model. For older vehicles it is likely to be more difficult since the manufacturer may have stopped making the part. What many persons do is to use replacement parts on vehicles whose parts are hard to get. You therefore need to decide what kind of vehicle part or body kit you want. Are you looking for aftermarket car parts or genuine parts? You've no time to go to market and search for the required parts? No problem internet is there to help you out. Many websites have been established to help people find the part they want. You may be able to find used car parts on the internet. Shop online and do some research on installing the part as well. You may be able to save money on the purchase of the used car part, as well as save money on labor if you know how to install the part yourself. When you conduct your search online, don't forget to include the make and model of your car. The internet being what it is these days you can sometimes find the part you want by searching your junkyard's website! A junkyard search like this couldn't be easier! You'll also be able to find the location of the junkyard and their hours. If you do query the search engines or yellow pages you might be surprised to find that there is more than one place you can look for auto parts near you. Just remember that looking for used auto parts isn't much different than looking for a used car. Check the classifieds too. of these ways of looking will save you time and money. Place newspaper on the ground under the oil filter. Take the filter wrench and tighten it around the oil filter. Turn the oil filter counter clockwise to loosen it. Finish taking it off by hand and then drain the remaining oil in the filter into your metal pan. Empty the oil in your collecting pan into some plastic containers. So, how do you get good spare parts for your automobile at discounted prices? This requires doing some homework of your own. But let's do it together.