local screensize = vec2(ac.getSim().windowWidth,ac.getSim().windowHeight) local timer = 5 --image_0 is used as the rules splash screen local image_0 = { ['src'] = 'https://s8.uupload.ir/files/fix_vsn.png', ['sizeX'] = 256, --size of your image in pixels ['sizeY'] = 64, --size of your image in pixels ['paddingX'] = screensize.x/2-512/2, --this makes it sit in the centre of the screen ['paddingY'] = -50 --this moves it up 50 pixels } --image_1 is used as the icon local image_1 = { ['src'] = 'https://s8.uupload.ir/files/fix_vsn.png', ['sizeX'] = 256, ['sizeY'] = 64, ['paddingX'] = 25, --use this to align it, currently 50 pixels from top right ['paddingY'] = 1000 --use this to align it, currently 50 pixels from top right } --this waits for the driver to not be in the setup screen, then starts the timer for the rule splash image function script.update(dt) ac.debug('isInMainMenu', ac.getSim().isInMainMenu) if not ac.getSim().isInMainMenu then if timer >= 0 then timer = timer - dt end end end --this draws the splash screen then after draws the icon function script.drawUI() if timer >= 0 and not ac.getSim().isInMainMenu then ui.drawImage(image_0.src, vec2(image_0.paddingX, screensize.y-image_0.sizeY-image_0.paddingY), vec2(image_0.sizeX+image_0.paddingX, screensize.y-image_0.paddingY), true) end if timer <= 0 then ui.drawImage(image_1.src, vec2(image_1.paddingX, image_1.paddingY), vec2(image_1.sizeX+image_1.paddingX, image_1.sizeY+image_1.paddingY), true) end end