Find the Pain You Love One of the biggest perversions of the system is the mainstream idea of happiness. The Masters have convinced us that happiness is found in a state of effortlessness. When we hear the word happiness, we immediately associate it with drinking champagne on an expensive yacht. This false image is part of the labyrinth keeping the slave wondering and searching for peace and happiness in activities unable to provide neither in full capacity. When I entered my teens, I started skating. My goal was to become a pro, which today sounds like the funniest joke I have ever heard in my life. At the time, however, I thought it was actually possible. I was training all the time. If I wasn't at school or studying at home, I was skating, working on my dream. I failed because I had neither the talent nor the knees to pursue a real career as a skater. I was bad at it. Nevertheless, my failure told me a lot because you always learn something essential when you dedicate your best to a goal. This comparatively short period taught me that it is possible to love pain. The state you enter when you land a nice trick after months of hard work was hard to match by doing anything else. When I retired, I lost that feeling for a long time. I didn’t miss the skateboard underneath my feet. In fact, I was glad it was over. I knew that as soon as I try to do something my knees will start complaining again. The only thing I missed was the opportunity to embrace the pain I love. I had lost that feeling even though I was technically doing things that could be considered difficult. I was going to work and punching numbers, but loving that kind of pain was impossible, at least at first, because it was imposed on me by the system. Of course, part of my revolt was due to natural laziness, but there was also something else – an external cause that I couldn't control. I had become a slave experiencing pain making someone else richer. The system had taken me. Denying it was pointless. My first reaction was to seek pleasure in activities approved by the system – mp3 players, TV shows, candies...etc. It didn't work. This is when I learned that the only way for me to feel better is to find pain that I love. When people are asked what they would do with millions of cash, the usual response is retirement on a pristine island. Cool, but aren't you curious why so many real-life millionaires and billionaires aren't doing just that. Why are they still here? Why are we always hearing and reading about them? Can’t they just hide somewhere? The explanation is simple. First, they have to hold up their end of the deal with the devil. Second, they want to remain in the game forever even though most of their earthly needs have been satisfied. As weird as it may sound, those dudes are also fighting for their right to experience the pain they love. We do the same.