command /contract [] [] [] []: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: if arg-2 is not set: if arg-3 is not set: if arg-4 is not set: send "&c&m---------------" send "&7/contract " send "&c&m---------------" if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is set: if arg-4 is set: if arg-1 is "give": send player title "&7You have sent an &acontract &7to" with subtitle "&e&l%arg-2%" for 3 seconds send arg-2 title "&a%player% &7has sent you a" with subtitle "&e&lCONTRACT&7!" for 3 seconds send "&7/contract accept " to arg-2 send "&7/contract deny " to arg-2 set arg-3 to {_value} stop if arg-1 is "accept": if arg-2 is set: send "&7You have accepted &a%arg-2%&7's &e&lCONTRACT&7!" send "&7Your contract has been &e&lACCEPTED&7!" to arg-2 remove {_value} from {tokens.%player%} add {_value} to {tokens.%arg-2%} reset {_value} stop if arg-1 is "deny": if arg-2 is set: send player title "&7You have denied &a%arg-2%&7's" with subtitle "&e&lCONTRACT&7!" for 3 seconds send arg-2 title "&7Your contract has been" with subtitle "&e&lDENIED&7!" for 3 seconds reset {_value} stop command /tokenpay [] []: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&7Correct format: &c/tokenpay " if arg-1 is set: if {tokens.%player%} is less than arg-2: send player title "&7You don't have enough" with subtitle "&e&lTOKENS&7!" for 3 seconds broadcast "&c%player% &7tried to pay someone &e&l%arg-2% TOKENS&7!" if {tokens.%player%} is more than arg-2: send player title "&7You have paid &a%arg-1%" with subtitle "&e&l%arg-2% TOKENS&7!" for 3 seconds play sound "" with volume 10 at player play sound "" with volume 10 at arg-1 send arg-1 title "&a%player% &7paid you" with subtitle "&e&l%arg-2% TOKENS&7!" for 3 seconds add arg-2 to {tokens.%arg-1%} remove arg-2 from {tokens.%player%} command /clear: trigger: clear player's inventory send "&7You have removed your items? Why?" broadcast "&c%player% &7has cleared his &cinventory&7 :(" every second in "world": loop all players: wipe loop-player's sidebar set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&eTokens: &8| &e%{tokens.%loop-player%}%" set score "&c&m---------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 14 set score "&7" in sidebar of loop-player to 13 set score " &ePlayer: &8» &e%loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 12 set score " &eKills: &8» &e%{kills.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 11 set score " &eDeaths &8» &e%{deaths.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 10 set score " &ePlaytime &8» &e%{playtime.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 9 set score "&f" in sidebar of loop-player to 8 set score "&7&" in sidebar of loop-player to 7 set score "&c&m---------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 6 command /sell: trigger: open chest with 5 row named "&cTokenSell" to player set {Inventory.%player%.Open} to true format slot 1 of player with diamond named "&aSell: Diamond" with lore "&7Value: &a$500" to close then run [make player execute command "/selldiamond12"] format slot 2 of player with emerald named "&aSell: Emerald" with lore "&7Value: &a$250" to close then run [make player execute command "/sellemerald12"] format slot 3 of player with iron ingot named "&aSell: Iron Ingot" with lore "&7Value: &a$100" to close then run [make player execute command "/selliron12"] format slot 4 of player with gold ingot named "&aSell: Gold Ingot" with lore "&7Value: &a$50" to close then run [make player execute command "/sellgold12"] format slot 5 of player with coal named "&aSell: Coal" with lore "&7Value: &a$25" to close then run [make player execute command "/sellcoal12"] format slot 6 of player with stone named "&aSell: Stone" with lore "&7Value: &a$5" to close then run [make player execute command "/sellstone12"] format slot 12 of player with diamond block named "&aMade by: %player%" with lore "&7" to be unstealable command /sellstone12: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player: if loop-item is stone: open chest with 1 row named "&cHow many items?" to player format slot 1 of player with lever named "&aItems: 1" with lore "&7Click to choose!" to close then run [make player execute command "/1itemstone"] format slot 2 of player with grass named "&aItems: 10" with lore "&7Click to choose!" to close then run [make player execute command "/10itemstone"] command /1itemstone: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player: if loop-item is stone: remove 1 stone from player's inventory add 5 to {tokens.%player%} send player title "&7You sold &aStone &7for" with subtitle "&a$5 Dollars!" for 3 seconds command /10itemstone: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player: if loop-item is stone: remove 10 stone from player's inventory add 50 to {tokens.%player%} send player title "&7You sold &aStone &7for" with subtitle "&a$50 Dollars!" for 3 seconds command /sellcoal12: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player: if loop-item is coal: open chest with 1 row named "&cHow many items?" to player format slot 1 of player with lever named "&aItems: 1" with lore "&7Click to choose!" to close then run [make player execute command "/1itemcoal"] format slot 2 of player with grass named "&aItems: 10" with lore "&7Click to choose!" to close then run [make player execute command "/10itemcoal"] command /1itemcoal: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player:: if loop-item is coal: remove 1 coal from player's inventory add 25 to {tokens.%player%} send player title "&7You sold &aCoal &7for" with subtitle "&a$25 Dollars!" for 3 seconds command /10itemcoal: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player: if loop-item is coal: remove 10 coal from player's inventory add 250 to {tokens.%player%} send player title "&7You sold &aCoal &7for" with subtitle "&a$250 Dollars!" for 3 seconds command /selliron12: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player: if loop-item is iron ingot: open chest with 1 row named "&cHow many items?" to player format slot 1 of player with lever named "&aItems: 1" with lore "&7Click to choose!" to close then run [make player execute command "/1itemiron"] format slot 2 of player with grass named "&aItems: 10" with lore "&7Click to choose!" to close then run [make player execute command "/10itemiron"] command /10itemiron: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player: if loop-item is iron ingot: remove 10 iron ingot from player's inventory add 1000 to {tokens.%player%} send player title "&7You sold &aIron &7for" with subtitle "&a$1000 Dollars!" for 3 seconds command /1itemiron: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player: if loop-item is iron ingot: remove 1 iron ingot from player's inventory add 100 to {tokens.%player%} send player title "&7You sold &aIron &7for" with subtitle "&a$100 Dollars!" for 3 seconds command /sellgold12: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player: if loop-item is gold ingot: open chest with 1 row named "&cHow many items?" to player format slot 1 of player with lever named "&aItems: 1" with lore "&7Click to choose!" to close then run [make player execute command "/1itemgold"] format slot 2 of player with grass named "&aItems: 10" with lore "&7Click to choose!" to close then run [make player execute command "/10itemgold"] command /1itemgold: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player: if loop-item is gold ingot: remove 1 gold ingot from player's inventory add 50 to {tokens.%player%} send player title "&7You sold &aGold &7for" with subtitle "&a$50 Dollars!" for 3 seconds command /10itemgold: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player: if loop-item is gold ingot: remove 10 gold ingot from player's inventory add 500 to {tokens.%player%} send player title "&7You sold &aGold &7for" with subtitle "&a$500 Dollars!" for 3 seconds command /selldiamond12: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player: if loop-item is diamond: open chest with 1 row named "&cHow many items?" to player format slot 1 of player with lever named "&aItems: 1" with lore "&7Click to choose!" to close then run [make player execute command "/1itemdiamond"] format slot 2 of player with grass named "&aItems: 10" with lore "&7Click to choose!" to close then run [make player execute command "/10itemdiamond"] command /10itemdiamond: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player: if loop-item is diamond: remove 10 diamond from player's inventory add 5000 to {tokens.%player%} send player title "&7You sold &aDiamond &7for" with subtitle "&a$5000 Dollars!" for 3 seconds command /1itemdiamond: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player: if loop-item is diamond: remove 1 diamond from player's inventory add 500 to {tokens.%player%} send player title "&7You sold &aDiamond &7for" with subtitle "&a$500 Dollars!" for 3 seconds command /sellemerald12: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player: if loop-item is emerald: open chest with 1 row named "&cHow many items?" to player format slot 1 of player with lever named "&aItems: 1" with lore "&7Click to choose!" to close then run [make player execute command "/1itememerald"] format slot 2 of player with grass named "&aItems: 10" with lore "&7Click to choose!" to close then run [make player execute command "/10itememerald"] command /10itememerald: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player: if loop-item is emerald: remove 10 emerald from player's inventory add 2500 to {tokens.%player%} send player title "&7You sold &aEmerald &7for" with subtitle "&a$2500 Dollars!" for 3 seconds command /getitem []: trigger: give player arg-1 send player title "&7You got gifted" with subtitle "&c%arg-1%&7!" for 3 seconds command /1itemdiamond: trigger: loop all items in the inventory of player: if loop-item is emerald: remove 1 emerald from player's inventory add 250 to {tokens.%player%} send player title "&7You sold &aEmerald &7for" with subtitle "&a$250 Dollars!" for 3 seconds