from threading import * from tkinter import * from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename from tkinter.messagebox import showerror import tkinter import tkinter.scrolledtext import threading import os import sys import urllib.request import glob import time import hashlib import socket import subprocess # self-made import quarantaene import SystemFileScanner from tkinter import END os_name = sys.platform verzeichnisse = [] files = [] partitionen = [] terminations = [] #if we are using Windows OS, th file paths will be using backlask, #but if we are using MAC/Unix OS, the file paths will be using forward slash. if "win" in os_name: # gives info on OS if not os.path.exists("AntiVirus\\Quarantine\\"): os.makedirs("AntiVirus\\Quarantine\\") if not os.path.exists("AntiVirus\\sf\\"): os.makedirs("AntiVirus\\sf\\") if not os.path.exists("AntiVirus\\Large_Update_File\\"): os.makedirs("AntiVirus\\Large_Update_File") quarantine_folder = "AntiVirus\\Quarantine\\*" file_to_quarantine = "AntiVirus\\Quarantine\\" partitionen_folder = "AntiVirus\\sf\\sf.txt" links_current = "AntiVirus\\Large_Update_File\\links_current.txt" links_downloaded = "AntiVirus\\Large_Update_File\\links_downloaded.txt" large_signatures = "AntiVirus\\Large_Update_File\\signatures.txt" f = open(partitionen_folder, "a") f.close() f = open(links_current, "a") f.close() f = open(links_downloaded, "a") f.close() f = open(large_signatures, "a") f.close() else: #In case user is using MAC/Unix OS if not os.path.exists("AntiVirus//Quarantine//"): os.makedirs("AntiVirus//Quarantine//") if not os.path.exists("AntiVirus//sf//"): os.makedirs("AntiVirus//sf//") if not os.path.exists("AntiVirus//Large_Update_File//"): os.makedirs("AntiVirus//Large_Update_File//") quarantine_folder = "AntiVirus//Quarantine//*" file_to_quarantine = "AntiVirus//Quarantine//" partitionen_folder = "AntiVirus//sf//sf.txt" links_current = "AntiVirus//Large_Update_File//links_current.txt" links_downloaded = "AntiVirus//Large_Update_File//links_downloaded.txt" large_signatures = "AntiVirus//arge_Update_File//signatures.txt" f = open(partitionen_folder, "a") f.close() f = open(links_current, "a") f.close() f = open(links_downloaded, "a") f.close() f = open(large_signatures, "a") f.close() files_len = counter = 0 main = None update_button = None scan_button = None fullscan_button = None quit_button = None b_delete = None b_delete_all = None b_restore = None b_restore_all = None b_add_file = None text_box = None e = None li = None rb1 = None rb2 = None method = None bgc = None fgc = None special = None special_text = None t_time = None # def clock_thread(): # global e # months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "Juli", "August", # "September", "October", "November", "December"] # while True: # string_time = "%H:%M:%S o'clock, on %d.{0}.%Y" # month_name = time.strftime("%B", time.localtime()) # for i in range(len(months)): # if (months.index(month_name)) < 10: # month_name = "0" + month_name # break # string_time = string_time.format(month_name) # current_time = time.strftime(string_time, time.localtime()) # e.delete(0, len(e.get())) # e.update() # e.insert(0, current_time) # e.update() # time.sleep(1) def ScanSystemFiles(): global files global text_box global files_len text_box.insert(END, "[ * ] Scanning system for files...\n") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() time.sleep(3) text_box.see(END) text_box.update() # SystemFileScanner.partitions(partitionen_folder) f = open(partitionen_folder, "r") content = f.close() content = content.splitlines() files = content files_len = len(files) text_box.insert(END, "[ + ] System successfully prepared\n", 'positive') text_box.tag_config("positive", foreground="green") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() def full_scan(part): global verzeichnisse global files global text_box global e global full_scan global files_len global lock global t_time global counter start = time.time() if part == 1: # Thread-1 i = int(len(files)*0.125) tmp = 0 if part == 2: # Thread-2 i = int(len(files)*0.25) tmp = int(len(files)*0.125) if part == 3: # Thread-3 i = int(len(files)*0.375) tmp = int(len(files)*0.25) if part == 4: # Thread-4 i = int(len(files)*0.5) tmp = int(len(files)*0.375) if part == 5: # Thread-5 i = int(len(files)*0.625) tmp = int(len(files)*0.5) if part == 6: # Thread-6 i = int(len(files)*0.75) tmp = int(len(files)*0.625) if part == 7: # Thread-7 i = int(len(files)*0.875) tmp = int(len(files)*0.75) if part == 8: # Thread-8 i = int(len(files)) tmp = int(len(files)*0.875) if len(files) == 0: return ScanSystemFiles() text_box.tag_config('positive', foreground="green") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() counter = 0 st = 0 while i >= tmp: try: f = open(files[i], "rb") file_content = f.close() except: continue ret = scan_auto(files[i]) if ret == True: text_box.insert(END, "[ ! ] Program: " + files[i] + " might be dangerous\n", "important") text_box.tag_config("important", foreground="red") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() quarantaene.encode_base64(files[i]) files_len -= 1 i -= 1 runtime = int(time.time() - start) text_box.insert(END, "[ + ] Scan ended after\n " + str(runtime/60) + " minutes.\n", "positive") text_box.tag_config("positive", foreground="green") if files_len == 0: full_scan["state"] = "normal" if len(terminations) == 0: text_box.insert(END, "[ +++ ] Your PC is safe" + "\n", 'important') else: text_box.insert( END, "[ !!! ] Found {0} Threats on your PC\n".format(len(terminations))) text_box.tag_config("important", background="red") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() def quarantine(): global text_box global terminations global li global b_delete global b_delete_all global b_restore global b_restore_all global b_add_file k = 0 while True: tmp = len(li.get(k)) if tmp == 0: break else: li.delete(0, tmp) k += 1 li.update() terminations = glob.glob(quarantine_folder) if terminations == []: text_box.insert(END, "[ + ] No files in quarantine\n", "positive") text_box.tag_config('positive', foreground="green") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() else: text_box.insert(END, "[ + ] Files in quarantine:\n", "positive") text_box.tag_config('positive', foreground="green") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() for i in terminations: text_box.insert(END, "[ * ] " + i + "\n", "info") text_box.tag_config("info", background="red") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() li.insert(END, i) li.update() b_delete_all["command"] = lambda: button_action_handler("delete_all") b_delete["command"] = lambda: button_action_handler("delete") b_restore["command"] = lambda: button_action_handler("restore") b_restore_all["command"] = lambda: button_action_handler("restore_all") b_add_file["command"] = lambda: button_action_handler("add_file") def delete(file, ALL): # ALL = 1 => deletes all objects in quarantine global li global text_box global terminations if len(terminations) != 0: if ALL == 1: for i in range(len(terminations)): os.remove(terminations[i]) text_box.insert(END, "[ + ] Deletion successful: \n" + terminations[i] + "\n", "positive") text_box.tag_config("positive", foreground="green") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() li.delete(0, len(terminations[i])) li.update() elif ALL == 0: os.remove(file) li.delete(ACTIVE, len(file)) li.update() text_box.insert(END, "[ + ] Deletion successful:\n" + file + "\n", "positive") text_box.tag_config("positive", foreground="green") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() terminations = glob.glob(quarantine_folder) for i in terminations: li.insert(END, i) li.update() else: text_box.insert(END, "[ - ] Unable to locate any files\n", "negative") text_box.tag_config("negative", foreground="red") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() def restore(file, ALL): global li global text_box global terminations if len(terminations) != 0: if ALL == 1: for i in range(len(terminations)): quarantaene.decode_base64(terminations[i]) text_box.insert(END, "[ + ] Successfully restored\n" + terminations[i] + "\n", 'positive') text_box.tag_config('positive', foreground="green") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() li.delete(0, len(terminations[i])) li.update() elif ALL == 0: quarantaene.decode_base64(file) li.delete(ACTIVE, len(file)) text_box.insert( END, "[ + ] Successfully restored\n" + file + "\n", "positive") text_box.tag_config("positive", foreground="green") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() terminations = glob.glob(quarantine_folder) for i in terminations: li.insert(END, i) li.update() else: text_box.insert(END, "[ - ] Unable to locate any files\n", "negative") text_box.tag_config("negative", foreground="red") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() def add_file_to_quarantine(): global li global terminations file = askopenfilename() file = file.replace("/", "\\") quarantaene.encode_base64(file, file_to_quarantine) text_box.insert(END, "[ + ] Moved to quarantine:\n" + file + "\n", "positive") text_box.tag_config("positive", foreground="green") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() li.update() k = 0 while True: tmp = len(li.get(k)) if tmp == 0: break else: li.delete(0, tmp) k += 1 li.update() terminations = glob.glob(quarantine_folder) for i in terminations: li.insert(END, i) li.update() def scan_auto(file): time.sleep(3) try: f = open(file, "rb") content = f.close() content = create_md5(content) except MemoryError: f.close() return False except: f.close() return False signatures = open(large_signatures, "rb") try: if content in # fastest solution signatures.close() return True else: signatures.close() return False except MemoryError: try: signatures.close() signatures = open(large_signatures, "rb") if content in signatures.readlines(): # again fast, but around 4 times slower than the fastest signatures.close() return True else: signatures.close() return False except MemoryError: signatures.close() signatures = open(large_signatures, "rb") while True: # slowest solution, but can read files sized over 2 GB tmp = signatures.readline() if tmp == b"": signatures.close() break if tmp == content: signatures.close() return True return False except: return False def scan(): global text_box match = False file = askopenfilename() start = time.time() text_box.insert(END, "[ * ] Scanning " + file + "\n") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() try: f = open(file, "rb") content = f.close() content = create_md5(content) text_box.insert(END, "MD5-Hash: " + content.decode("utf-8") + "\n") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() except MemoryError: text_box.insert(END, "[ - ] Unable to create MD5-Hash:\n----->MemoryError!\n", 'negative') text_box.insert(END, "[ ! ] Only select files under 1 GB\n", "negative") text_box.tag_config('negative', foreground="red") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() return None except Exception as e: text_box.insert(END, "[!] Unable to handle problem\n[!] Try again/file might be corrupted\n", "negative") text_box.tag_config('negative', foreground="red") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() return None signatures = open(large_signatures, "rb") # runtime of a scan varies from system to system(time on the systems tested: 1s <= t <= 20s) try: if content in # fastest solution signatures.close() match = True else: match = False signatures.close() except MemoryError: try: signatures.close() signatures = open(large_signatures, "rb") if content in signatures.readlines(): # again fast, but around 4 times slower than the fastest f.close() match = True else: signatures.close() match = False except MemoryError: signatures.close() signatures = open(large_signatures, "rb") while True: # slowest solution, but can read files sized over 2 GB tmp = signatures.readline() if tmp == b"": signatures.close() break if tmp == content: match = True signatures.close() except: text_box.insert(END, "[ - ] Something bad happened while performing the task\n", "negative") text_box.tag_config("negative", foreground="red") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() return None text_box.insert( END, "[ * ] Scan duration: {0}\n".format(round(time.time()-start, 2))) text_box.see(END) text_box.update() if match: quarantaene.encode_base64(file, file_to_quarantine) text_box.insert(END, "[ ! ] Threat found: {0}\n[ ! ] File was moved into quarantine", "important") text_box.tag_config("important", foreground="red") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() if not match: text_box.insert(END, "[ + ] No threat was found\n", "positive") text_box.tag_config("positive", foreground="green") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() def create_md5(content): md = hashlib.md5() md.update(content) return bytes(md.hexdigest(), "utf-8") def link_collector(): # gets Links to refresh update-site;short spider global text_box u_list = [] text_box.insert(END, "[ * ] Searching for update...\n") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() u = urllib.request.urlopen( "").read().decode("utf-8").splitlines() f = open(links_current, "w") for i in u: if "href='" in i: first = i.find("href='") + len("href='") i = i[first:] last = i.find("'") i = i[:last] if 'href="' in i: first = i.find('href="') + len('href="') i = i[first:] last = i.find('"') i = i[:last] if "VirusShare" in i: f.write("" + i + "\n") f.close() return update() def update(): global text_box zaehler = 0 f = open(links_current, "r") f2 = open(links_downloaded, "r") files_downloaded = f2.close() f2 = open(links_downloaded, "r") for i in f2 = open(links_downloaded, "r") con = f2.close() f2 = open(links_downloaded, "a") if i not in con: zaehler += 1 f2.write(i + "\n") f2.close() text_box.insert(END, "[ * ] Download of:\n"+i) text_box.see(END) text_box.update() signatures = open(large_signatures, "a") url = i tmp = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode("utf-8").splitlines() for j in tmp: if j[0] != '#': signatures.write(j + "\n") signatures.close() if zaehler == 0: text_box.insert(END, "[ * ] No new updates were found\n") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() else: text_box.insert( END, "[ + ] {0} new updates were made\n".formate(zaehler), "positive") text_box.tag_config("positive", foreground="green") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() def closing(): main.destroy() sys.exit() def button_action_handler(s): global files_len global text_box global t_time global fullscan_button global b_delete global b_delete_all global b_restore global b_restore_all global b_add_file global li global rb1 global rb2 global method if s == "rb1": method = 1 rb1.place_forget() rb2.place_forget() if s == "rb2": method = 2 rb2.place_forget() rb1.place_forget() if s == "delete": tb = Thread(target=delete, args=(li.get(ACTIVE), 0)) tb.start() if s == "delete_all": tb = Thread(target=delete, args=(0, 1)) tb.start() if s == "restore": tb = Thread(target=restore, args=(li.get(ACTIVE), 0)) tb.start() if s == "restore_all": tb = Thread(target=restore, args=(0, 1)) tb.start() if s == "add_file": tb = Thread(target=add_file_to_quarantine) tb.start() if s == "update_button": tb = Thread(target=link_collector) tb.start() if s == "scan_button": tb = Thread(target=scan) tb.start() if s == "fullscan_button": if files_len == 0: text_box.insert(END, "[ ! ] Preparing program\n", "important") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() elif files_len < len(files): text_box.insert(END, "[ ! ] One scan is already in action\n", "important") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() else: fullscan_button["state"] = "disabled" t_time = time.time() text_box.insert(END, "[ ! ] Got {0} files to scan\n".format( files_len), 'important') text_box.tag_config("important", foreground="red") text_box.update() text_box.insert(END, "[ * ] Scan might last for hours...\n") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() tb1 = Thread(target=full_scan, args=(1,)) tb1.start() time.sleep(1) tb2 = Thread(target=full_scan, args=(2,)) tb2.start() time.sleep(1) tb3 = Thread(target=full_scan, args=(3,)) tb3.start() time.sleep(1) tb4 = Thread(target=full_scan, args=(4,)) tb4.start() time.sleep(1) tb5 = Thread(target=full_scan, args=(5,)) tb5.start() time.sleep(1) tb6 = Thread(target=full_scan, args=(6,)) tb6.start() time.sleep(1) tb7 = Thread(target=full_scan, args=(7,)) tb7.start() time.sleep(1) tb8 = Thread(target=full_scan, args=(8,)) tb8.start() if s == "quarantine_button": if li.winfo_viewable() == 0:, y=70), y=95), y=120), y=145), y=170), y=18.5) tb = Thread(target=quarantine) tb.start() if li.winfo_viewable() == 1: b_delete.place_forget() b_delete_all.place_forget() b_restore.place_forget() b_restore_all.place_forget() b_add_file.place_forget() li.place_forget() if s == "quit_button": tb = Thread(target=closing) tb.start() def gui_thread(): global main global update_button global scan_button global fullscan_button global quit_button global text_box global e global files_len global files global li global b_delete global b_delete_all global b_restore global b_restore_all global b_add_file global rb1 global rb2 global method global bgc global fgc global special_text main = tkinter.Tk() main.title("AntiVirus") main.wm_iconbitmap("") main.configure(bg=bgc) main.geometry("750x205") # width x height main.resizable(False, False) # main.overrideredirect(1) hoehe = 2 breite = 20 # Buttons update_button = tkinter.Button(main, bg=bgc, fg=fgc, text="Update", command=lambda: button_action_handler("update_button"), height=hoehe, width=breite) update_button.grid(row=0, column=0) scan_button = tkinter.Button(main, bg=bgc, fg=fgc, text="Scan", command=lambda: button_action_handler("scan_button"), height=hoehe, width=breite) scan_button.grid(row=1, column=0) fullscan_button = tkinter.Button(main, bg=bgc, fg=fgc, text="Full scan", command=lambda: button_action_handler("fullscan_button"), height=hoehe, width=breite) fullscan_button.grid(row=2, column=0) quarantine_button = tkinter.Button(main, bg=bgc, fg=fgc, text="Quarantine", command=lambda: button_action_handler("quarantine_button"), height=hoehe, width=breite) quarantine_button.grid(row=3, column=0) quit_button = tkinter.Button(main, bg=bgc, fg=fgc, text="Close", command=lambda: button_action_handler("quit_button"), height=hoehe, width=breite) quit_button.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky="w") b_delete = tkinter.Button( main, bg=bgc, fg=fgc, text="Remove current", height=0, width=25, justify=CENTER) b_delete_all = tkinter.Button( main, bg=bgc, fg=fgc, text="Remove all", height=0, width=25, justify=CENTER) b_restore = tkinter.Button( main, bg=bgc, fg=fgc, text="Restore current", height=0, width=25, justify=CENTER) b_restore_all = tkinter.Button( main, bg=bgc, fg=fgc, text="Restore all", height=0, width=25, justify=CENTER) b_add_file = tkinter.Button(main, bg=bgc, fg=fgc, text="Add file", height=0, width=25, justify=CENTER), y=70), y=95), y=120), y=145), y=170) b_delete.place_forget() b_delete_all.place_forget() b_restore.place_forget() b_restore_all.place_forget() b_add_file.place_forget() # Text text_box = tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(main) text_box.configure(bg=bgc) text_box.configure(fg=fgc), width=419, x=150, y=0) # Listbox li = tkinter.Listbox(main, height=3, width=29), y=18.5) li.place_forget() # Entries e = tkinter.Entry(main, width=30), y=0) e["justify"] = CENTER e.insert(0, "") e["bg"] = bgc e["fg"] = fgc # Intro text_box.insert(END, "VIP") text_box.tag_config("VIP", background=special) text_box.insert(END, "[ + ] Preparing the program\n", 'positive') text_box.tag_config('positive', foreground='green') text_box.see(END) text_box.update() text_box.insert( END, "[ ! ] You might have to wait for a bit\n", 'important') text_box.tag_config('important', foreground="red") text_box.see(END) text_box.update() # row_counter += 3 main.mainloop() # Executing Threads t_main = Thread(target=gui_thread) # Main Thread t_files = Thread(target=ScanSystemFiles) # t_clock = Thread(target=clock_thread) t_main.start() time.sleep(1) # t_clock.start() # time.sleep(5) # print(t_main.isAlive()) t_files.start()