import codecs import threading from tkinter import * import serial def GetFromQue(self): #pobieranie z kolejki while self.RxBuf.empty() == False: # emb.log('before GetFromQue',self.BytesInQueue) if self.RxState == self.oenum.LOOKING_FOR_BEG: self.RxFrame = '' self.RxFrame = self.RxFrame + chr(self.RxBuf.get()) self.BytesInQueue = self.BytesInQueue - 1 if (ord(self.RxFrame[0]) != 0x06 and ord(self.RxFrame[0]) != 0x15 and ord(self.RxFrame[0]) != 0x02 and ord( self.RxFrame[0]) != 0x03 and ord(self.RxFrame[0]) != 0x3F): while self.RxBuf.empty() == False: # trochę niep a = self.RxBuf.get() self.BytesInQueue = self.BytesInQueue - 1 emb.log('?', a) if (a == 0x06 or a == 0x15 or a == 0x3F or a == 0x02 or a == 0x03): self.RxFrame = '' self.RxFrame = self.RxFrame + chr(a) break # tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu if (ord(self.RxFrame[0]) == 0x06 or ord(self.RxFrame[0]) == 0x15): self.ReceiveFrame() # return if (ord(self.RxFrame[0]) == 0x02 or ord(self.RxFrame[0]) == 0x03 or ord(self.RxFrame[0]) == 0x3F): self.RxState = self.oenum.LOOKING_FOR_LEN self.startTimer102(10) if self.RxState == self.oenum.LOOKING_FOR_LEN: if self.RxBuf.empty() == False: self.RxFrame = self.RxFrame + chr(self.RxBuf.get()) # LEN or MS cought self.BytesInQueue = self.BytesInQueue - 1 if (ord(self.RxFrame[0]) == 0x3F): self.RxState = self.oenum.LOOKING_FOR_BEG # self.startTimer102(10) self.stopTimer102() self.ReceiveFrame() # return else: # a==0x02 or a==0x03: self.RxState = self.oenum.LOOKING_FOR_CC self.startTimer102(10) if self.RxState == self.oenum.LOOKING_FOR_CC: if self.RxBuf.empty() == False: self.RxFrame = self.RxFrame + chr(self.RxBuf.get()) # CC cought self.BytesInQueue = self.BytesInQueue - 1 if (ord(self.RxFrame[1]) != 0): self.RxState = self.oenum.DATA_COLLECTING self.startTimer102(10) self.Data_Collecting_i = ord(self.RxFrame[1]) else: self.RxState = self.oenum.LOOKING_FOR_CHECK_1BYTE self.startTimer102(10) if self.RxState == self.oenum.DATA_COLLECTING: while self.Data_Collecting_i: if self.RxBuf.empty() == False: self.RxFrame = self.RxFrame + chr(self.RxBuf.get()) # CC cought self.BytesInQueue = self.BytesInQueue - 1 self.Data_Collecting_i = self.Data_Collecting_i - 1 self.startTimer102(10) # for i in range (0, ord(self.RxFrame[1])): # if self.RxBuf.empty()==False: # self.RxFrame=self.RxFrame+chr(self.RxBuf.get())# CC cought if ((len(self.RxFrame) - 3) == ord(self.RxFrame[1])): # po co self.RxState = self.oenum.LOOKING_FOR_CHECK_1BYTE # chyba tylko po to self.startTimer102(10) if self.RxState == self.oenum.LOOKING_FOR_CHECK_1BYTE: if self.RxBuf.empty() == False: self.RxFrame = self.RxFrame + chr(self.RxBuf.get()) # CHECK_1BYTE cought self.BytesInQueue = self.BytesInQueue - 1 self.RxState = self.oenum.LOOKING_FOR_CHECK_2BYTE self.startTimer102(10) if self.RxState == self.oenum.LOOKING_FOR_CHECK_2BYTE: if self.RxBuf.empty() == False: self.RxFrame = self.RxFrame + chr(self.RxBuf.get()) # CHECK_2BYTE cought self.BytesInQueue = self.BytesInQueue - 1 CheckSum = 0x10000 for i in range(1, 3 + ord(self.RxFrame[1])): CheckSum = CheckSum + ord(self.RxFrame[i]) CheckSum = CheckSum - 0x10000 if ((CheckSum % 256 == ord(self.RxFrame[ord(self.RxFrame[1]) + 3])) and ( int(CheckSum / 256) == ord(self.RxFrame[ord(self.RxFrame[1]) + 4]))): self.stopTimer102() # tu też co by zdazyc przetwarzac self.ReceiveFrame() else: emb.log('Fr Err') # ,CheckSum%256,'i',self.RxFrame[ord(self.RxFrame[1])+3]) self.RxState = self.oenum.LOOKING_FOR_BEG self.stopTimer102() global otworz def retrieve_input(): #odczyt i konwersja global ascii_to_hex inputValue = textBox.get("1.0","end-1c") asci=(inputValue) try: #print(bytearray.fromhex(asci).decode()) ascii_to_hex=str((codecs.encode(asci.encode("ascii"), "hex"))) print(ascii_to_hex[1:]) except: print("To nie jest kod hexadecymalny") def serial_ports(): #Wyswietlanie dostepnych portow global port,result ports = ['COM%s' % (i + 1) for i in range(256)] result = [] for port in ports: try: s = serial.Serial(port) s.close() result.append(port) except (OSError, serial.SerialException): pass return result def otworz(): global ser try: ser = serial.Serial(port=result[0], baudrate=57600, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, timeout=2) # otwarcie portu if(ser.isOpen()): ser.setRTS(True) a=ser.inWaiting() print("Port otwarto") else: print("Port jest już otwarty") except: print("Błąd, nie można otworzyć tego portu lub port jest już otwarty") def read_all(port, chunk_size=200): """Read all characters on the serial port and return them.""" if not port.timeout: raise TypeError('Port needs to have a timeout set!') read_buffer = b'' while True: # Read in chunks. Each chunk will wait as long as specified by # timeout. Increase chunk_size to fail quicker byte_chunk = read_buffer += byte_chunk if not len(byte_chunk) == chunk_size: break return read_buffer global zamknij def zamknij(): try: if (ser.isOpen()): ser.close() print("Port zamknięto") except: print("Port nie jest otwarty") def worker(): print("Worker") threads=[] for i in range(5): t=threading.Thread(target=worker) threads.append((t)) t.start() okno = Tk() topFrame = Frame(okno) bottomFrame = Frame(okno) info = Label(okno, text="") open_button = Button(okno, text="Otwórz port", fg="green", command=otworz) close_button = Button(okno, text="Zamknij port", fg="red", command=zamknij) ports = Label(okno, text=serial_ports()) textBox = Text(okno, height=1, width=50) textBox.pack() buttonCommit=Button(okno, height=1, width=10, text="wyslij", command=lambda: retrieve_input()) buttonCommit.pack() open_button.pack() close_button.pack() info.pack() #entry1.pack() variable = StringVar(okno) variable.set("Porty") w = OptionMenu(okno, variable, serial_ports()) #print(worker()) w.pack() okno.mainloop()