Rules of the kingdom k228 1. Every alliance, who wants to live under the peace of the server, guaranteed by the leading alliance, has to accept these rules. 2. Each alliance has its own territory and rules in this territory as they please. 2.1 The actual distribution is like that: ESa: Kings Landing, Storms End, Winterfell, Gulltown, Harrenhal, Castle Black, Moat Caillin, Dreadfort !WD: Highgarden, DoP: Riverrun, Twins gDn: Casterly Rock, Pyke, FHT: Eyrie, Greywater Watch ZIA: Sunspear, Oldtown 2.2 Each alliance can do agreements on their own territory and act there, as the alliance pleases. That includes attacking players, who intrude in that territory. If someone steals their nodes, they can warn (message), scout and finally remove the one occupying the node.