summon BP_PocketKnife_C (Pocket knife) summon BP_FirstAid_C (health spray) summon Shotgun_C (shotgun) summon Axe_C (axe) summon HunterCBRadio_C (tommy jarvis radio) startcar (starts the car) summon PamelasSweater_Small_c (sweater) summon counselormachete_c (machete) ---------------------------------------- EnableCheats 1 summon KillerTrap_C Slomo Viewplayer ChangeSize (1-Infinite however I advise not to do over 90) Travel Lobby (???) DestroyTarget (Do toggledebugcamera first, then look at the object you want to destroy and do this command) Suicide (Die) RevivePlayer (Incase you die, revive yourself) refillknives (Refill range knives) enterkillstance (???) activaterage (Activate Rage Early) Fly (Doesn't work) Ghost (Doesn't work) Walk (Doesn't work) Fov 1-120+ setraining ToggleDebugCamera changesize 0 ChangeSize 0.1 +5000 FullRestore RepairAllItems DamageTarget pause timespeed ResearchAllItems UnlockAllRecipes Counselor Spawns NO AI These counselors do not react when killed either ----------------- summon athlete_counselor_C (Vanessa) summon base_counselor_C (Invisible Counselor, killable) summon biker_counselor_C (Fox) summon bookworm_counselor_C (Debbie) summon catty_counselor_C (Victoria) summon flirt_counselor_C (Tiffany) summon head_counselor_C (Kenny) summon hero_counselor_C (Jenny) summon hunter_counselor_C (Tommy) summon jock_counselor_C (Brandon) summon nerd_counselor_C (Lachappa) summon prep_counselor_C (Chad) summon rocker_counselor_C (AJ) summon shelly_counselor_C (Shelly) summon stoner_counselor_C (Mitch) summon tough_counselor_C (Adam) Teleport ----------------- summon Packanack_MainBuilding_C summon BP_Shack_Packanack_02_C summon Chevette_BP_SP_C9_C Items ----------------------- summon BP_BoatRipCord_C summon CarKeys_c summon Pitchfork_c summon Machete_C summon Axe_C summon Spear_C summon Pickaxe_C summon Spray_C summon Shotgun_C summon gas_C summon counselormachete_c summon paranoiaoutfit_c summon PamelasSweaterSmall_c summon motorboat_C summon cargascan_c summon bpbattery_c summon BoatPropeller_C summon PigSplitter_C summon SpaceMachete_C summon BP_Firecracker_C summon BP_FirstAid_C Jasons Do not interact with them at all, they will crash your game ----------- summon jason_base_C (Invisible jason) summon jason_utility_C (PRT 6) summon jason_bigneck_C (PRT 3) summon jason_sackhead_C (PRT 2) summon jason_zombie_C (PRT 7) summon jason_uber_C (PRT X) summon jason_J4_C (PRT 4) summon jason_paranoia_c (PRT 5) summon jason_swollenhead_c (PRT 9) summon jason_manhattan_c (PRT 8) summon jason_TS1_C (Savini) summon KillerTrap_C (Trap, jason can get stuck in it) Masks ------------ summon MaskPickup_C (Invisible jason) summon J6_MaskPickup_C (PRT 6) summon J3_MaskPickup_C (PRT 3) summon J2_MaskPickup_C (PRT 2) summon J7_MaskPickup_C (PRT 7) summon J8_MaskPickup_C (PRT X) (Placeholder mask left down) summon J4_MaskPickup_C (PRT 4) summon J5_MaskPickup_C (PRT 5) summon J9_MaskPickup_C (PRT 9) summon J8_MaskPickup_C (PRT 8) summon JTS_MaskPickup_C (Savini) Props (will get updated a lot) ----------- summon BP_CabinDoor_Exterior_01_C (Door with lock) summon Single_Bed_1_C (Bed) summon BP_Cabinet_Bookshelf_Green_02_C summon Higgins_Window_Non_BP_C summon BP_Radio_C (Music Radio) summon HunterCBRadio_C (Tommy Radio) summon PhoneJunctionBox_BP_C (Phone box) summon PowerGridFuseBox_C (Energy box) summon S_Camp_CBRadio_Tower_01_C summon Lightpost_A_C summon Tent_C (Tent) summon BarnCloset_Left_c summon Jason_Shack_c (Jason shack also appears on the map and spawns with another sweater) Summon Police_C Killer weapons (does nothing but both sides can equip and hold the item that is under their legs, you can't attack) ------------- summon Pitchfork_c (Savini Pitchfork) summon Machete_C (Machete) summon Axe_C (Axe) summon Spear_C (Spear) summon Pickaxe_C (Pickaxe) summon ThrowingKnife_c (Throwing Knife) summon PigSplitter_C (Slit kill) summon SpaceMachete_C (JX Machete) Counselor Melees ---------------- summon counselormachete_c (Counselor Machete) summon Poker_C (Fire Poker) summon MeleeShotgun_c (Unused weapon, invisible but works) summon CounselorTwoHandedAxe_c (Axe) summon Wrench_c (Wrench) summon Pipe_c (Pipe) summon FryingPan_c (Pan) summon CookingPot_c (Pot) summon Branch_c (Branch) summon BaseballBat_c (Bat) summon 2x4_c (Wood) Counselor Ranged ---------------- summon FlareGun_C (Flaregun) summon ShotGun_C (Shotgun) Vehicles ---------------- summon motorboat_C summon Chevette_Bp_C summon Chevette_2Seat_Bp_C Survival Essentials ------------------- summon BP_PocketKnife_C (Pocket knife) summon BP_Firecracker_C summon BP_FirstAid_C Essentials for Escaping ---------------------------- summon PhoneBoxFuse_c (Fuse) summon cargascan_c (Gas) summon bp_carbattery_c (Battery) summon BoatPropeller_C (Propeller) summon CarKeys_c (Keys) summon Beartrap_C (Beartrap) SPECIAL ------------- Summon PamelasSweater_Small_C Summon WalkieTalkie_C Summon Map_C Summon TommyTape_c Summon PamelaTape_c GRENDEL ----------- summon Grendel_AndroidActivationDevice_C (KM Call Machine) summon gruntrifle_c (Grunt rifle, MUST HAVE MOD INSTALLED) summon KM14_counselor_C (KM14, Must have mod installed) Paranoia ----------- summon paranoiaoutfit_c (Paranoia roy outfit with mask, does nothing unless you have paranoia mode on) Graphic Commands (0 - 4) -------------------------- sg.AntiAliasingQuality 1-4 sg.EffectsQuality 1-4 sg.FoliageQuality 1-4 sg.PostProcessQuality 1-4 sg.ShadowQuality 1-4 sg.TextureQuality 1-4 sg.ViewDistanceQuality 1-4 Travel Lobby DestroyTarget Suicide RevivePlayer