import json from pprint import pprint import re import requests _ = "dupa" pattern = re.compile("(.)?([A-Z]*[a-z]+)( [A-Z]*[a-z]+){0,2}") patterns = ["Bitcoin", "Meta", "Dog", "Doge", "Ape", "Elon", "Cat", "NFT", "Shiba", "Inu", "Baby", "Moon", "Safe", "Social", "Game", "Dollar", "USD", "Stable", "Fan", "Wallet", "League", "Land", "World", "Swap", "Pay", "Club", "Fun", "Sport", "Space", "Cube", "Tether"] # current = open("all").read().strip().split() x = json.load(open("allgekoncoins.txt")) print(len(x)) # x = [i for i in x if i["id"] in current] x = [i for i in x if pattern.match(i["name"]) and len(pattern.match(i["name"])[0]) == len(i["name"])] x = [i for i in x if sum([1 for p in patterns if sum([1 for j in i["name"].split(" ") if j.lower().startswith(p.lower()) or j.lower().endswith(p.lower())]) != 0]) == 0] ids = ",".join([i["id"] for i in x]) r = "" while 1: ids = ids.split(",") print(len(ids)) if len(ids) <= 678: ids2 = None ids = ",".join(ids) else: ids2 = ",".join(ids[678:]) ids = ",".join(ids[:678]) data = requests.get(f"{ids}").text data = json.loads(data) data = [i for i in data if i["circulating_supply"] and i["ath"] and i["ath_change_percentage"] and i["circulating_supply"]*i["ath"] < 200000 and i["ath_change_percentage"] > -90 and i["market_cap"] and 4000 < i["market_cap"] < 50000 and i["market_cap_rank"] and i["id"] and i["name"] and i["current_price"] and \ i["price_change_percentage_24h"] and i["high_24h"] and i["low_24h"] and \ i["market_cap"] and i["total_volume"] and 1000000 < i["circulating_supply"] < 1000000000000] r += "," r += ",".join([i["id"] for i in data]) if ids2 is None: break ids = ids2 r = r[1:] print(r) print(len(r.split(",")))