import React from 'react'; import { ScrollView, FlatList, Platform, Text, View, Dimensions, TouchableOpacity, Share } from 'react-native'; import { SafeAreaView } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'; import styles from '../styles/Collections'; import drawerStyles from '../styles/DrawerMenu'; import CustomIcons from '../components/CustomIcon'; import CustomAlert from '../components/CustomAlert'; import ActionSheet from '../components/ActionSheet'; import EmptyScreen from '../components/EmptyScreen'; import Chip from '../components/Chip'; import { moderateScale } from '../utils/Scaling'; import EStyleSheet from 'react-native-extended-stylesheet'; import * as colProvider from '../utils/ColProvider'; import * as apiProvider from '../utils/ApiProvider'; import * as varProvider from '../utils/VarProvider'; import * as analyticsProvider from '../utils/AnalyticsProvider'; import * as setProvider from '../utils/SetProvider'; import * as notProvider from '../utils/NotProvider'; import screenNames from '../config/screenNames'; import * as connection from '../utils/Connection'; import config from '../config/config'; import DrawerLayout from 'react-native-drawer-layout'; import { translate } from '../locales/i18n'; import Spinner from 'react-native-spinkit'; import RNFetchBlob from 'rn-fetch-blob'; import * as MD5 from '../utils/MD5'; import humanize from 'tiny-human-time'; import Toast from '@remobile/react-native-toast'; import MVMyloftPDFViewerNativeModuleIos from '../components/MVMyloftPDFViewerNativeModule.ios'; import ArticleLoader from '../components/ArticleLoader'; // import ArticleListView from '../components/ArticleListView'; import ArticleListNewView from '../components/ArticleList/index'; import ArticleCardNewView from '../components/ArticleCard/index'; import LinearGradient from 'react-native-linear-gradient'; import ShareIntentModule from '../components/ShareIntentModule'; import ShareActionSheet from '../components/ShareActionSheet'; import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'; import staticConfig from '../config/staticConfig'; import imageJson from '../config/imageJson'; import guideImageJson from '../config/guideImageJson'; import GuideView from '../components/GuideView'; import TagBottomSheet from '../components/TagBottomSheet'; var asList, articleList, collectionList, filteredColList, tagList, imagePath, title, text, isLink, links; var cloneIt, cardWidth, numberOfCards, modalWidth, modalHeight, cardLeftWidth, closeFlag; var noMoreData, isFirstTime, alreadyLoaded, alreadySubscribed, isInfiniteOn, graphError; var pagingCount = config.articlePagingCount, screenWidth, isEditMode, drawerLockMode, startParentResponderTouch = true, startChildResponderTouch, modalObserver; //need for showing favorite articles in side menu var favoriteArticles = { "id": "favoriteArticles", "title": translate("FAVORITE_ARTICLES"), "description": "", "isDefault": false, "active": false }; export default class Collections extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { isCardView: varProvider.isCardView, modalVisible: false, articleList: [], articleLoading: true, articleLength: 0, footerLoading: false, errorLoading: false, deleteModal: false, asList: [], activeFilters: [], refreshCollection: false, loadHint: false, articleType: "", showGuide: false }; graphError = ""; isEditMode = false; drawerLockMode = "unlocked"; collectionList = []; filteredColList = []; articleList = []; tagList = []; modalHeight = null; alreadyLoaded = true; isInfiniteOn = false; if (varProvider.selectedCollectionName == undefined) { varProvider.selectedCollectionName = ""; } AsyncStorage.getItem("articleTimestamp").then((value) => { if (!value) { isFirstTime = true; } }); //this function is here because it just creates array for action sheet this.initActionSheetList(); this.openMenu = this.openMenu.bind(this); this.closeEditTitleModal = this.closeEditTitleModal.bind(this); this.closeDeleteArticleModal = this.closeDeleteArticleModal.bind(this); this.getEditTitleText = this.getEditTitleText.bind(this); this.onSaveEditTitle = this.onSaveEditTitle.bind(this); this.onDeleteArticle = this.onDeleteArticle.bind(this); this.onOpenWithExternalView = this.onOpenWithExternalView.bind(this); this.closeActionSheetModal = this.closeActionSheetModal.bind(this); this.hideActionSheetModal = this.hideActionSheetModal.bind(this); this.callbackFun = this.callbackFun.bind(this); this.openArticleView = this.openArticleView.bind(this); this.callbackAddTag = this.callbackAddTag.bind(this); this.callbackDeleteArticle = this.callbackDeleteArticle.bind(this); this.callbackRead = this.callbackRead.bind(this); this.buttonCallback = this.buttonCallback.bind(this); this.setDefaultCollection = this.setDefaultCollection.bind(this); this.closeAddCollectionModal = this.closeAddCollectionModal.bind(this); this.onSaveAddCollection = this.onSaveAddCollection.bind(this); this.getAddCollectionText = this.getAddCollectionText.bind(this); this.closeEditTitleCollectionModal = this.closeEditTitleCollectionModal.bind(this); this.getEditTitleCollectionText = this.getEditTitleCollectionText.bind(this); this.onSaveEditTitleCollection = this.onSaveEditTitleCollection.bind(this); this.closeDeleteCollectionModal = this.closeDeleteCollectionModal.bind(this); this.onDeleteCollection = this.onDeleteCollection.bind(this); this.closeEditMode = this.closeEditMode.bind(this); this.selectColAndLoadArticle = this.selectColAndLoadArticle.bind(this); this.startArticleSubscription = this.startArticleSubscription.bind(this); this.startCollectionSubscription = this.startCollectionSubscription.bind(this); this.favoriteArticle = this.favoriteArticle.bind(this); this.openModal = this.openModal.bind(this); this.initMaxHeight = this.initMaxHeight.bind(this); } static navigationOptions = () => { return { headerShown: false } } componentDidMount() { varProvider.currentScreen = screenNames.Collections; this.loadCollectionList(); this.startCollectionSubscription(); this.startArticleSubscription(); this.initMaxHeight(); Dimensions.addEventListener("change", this.initMaxHeight); setProvider.showGuide("isCollectionsGuideShown", screenNames.Collections).then((res) => { if (res) { this.setState({ showGuide: true }); } }) varProvider.connectionObserver.subscribe(() => { asList[1].isGrayedOut = connection.isConnectedFun() ? false : true this.setState({ isConnected: connection.isConnectedFun(), asList: asList, }); }); modalObserver = varProvider.modalClosedObserver.subscribe((data) => { if (varProvider.currentScreen === screenNames.Collections && data.other) { if (this.state.actionSheetModal || this.state.sharedOpened || this.state.editTitleModal || this.state.deleteArticleModal || this.state.addCollectionModal || this.state.deleteCollectionModal || this.state.editTitleCollectionModal || this.state.showGuide) { this.setState({ actionSheetModal: false, sharedOpened: false, editTitleModal: false, deleteArticleModal: false, addCollectionModal: false, deleteCollectionModal: false, editTitleCollectionModal: false, showGuide: false, }); } if (varProvider.modalClosedObserver) { let resJson = { "home": true, "other": false, "screen": screenNames.Collections, }; } } }); this._unsubscribe = this.props.navigation.addListener('focus', () => { this.isFocused(); }); //this is used for showing and hiding collection hint AsyncStorage.getItem("isFirstTime").then((value) => { if (value != "false") this.setState({ loadHint: true }) }) } componentWillUnmount() { this._unsubscribe(); modalObserver.unsubscribe(); } isFocused() { const { params } = this.props.route; if (params) { var isSearchText = false; // [deep link] if collectionId is received from params, then set it as a selected collection to load articles of that collection if (params.collectionId) { varProvider.selectedCollectionId = params.collectionId; } // [deep link] if collectionId is "favoriteArticles", then load favorite articles if (varProvider.selectedCollectionId == "favoriteArticles") { varProvider.selectedCollectionName = favoriteArticles.title; = true; } // [deep link] if searchText is received from params, then set it as a active filter and load article list accordingly if (params.searchText) { isSearchText = true; let originalSearchText = params.searchText; let trimmedSearchText = originalSearchText.trim(); var filterJson = [ { "active": false, "chipTitle": "", "value": "", "originalSearchText": "" }, { "active": false, "chipTitle": "", "value": "", "originalSearchText": "" }, { "active": false, "chipTitle": "", "value": "", "originalSearchText": "" }, { "active": false, "chipTitle": "", "value": "", "originalSearchText": "" }, { "active": false, "chipTitle": "", "value": "", "originalSearchText": "" }, { "active": true, "chipTitle": 'Search text: "' + originalSearchText + '"', "value": trimmedSearchText, "originalSearchText": originalSearchText } ]; this.setState({ isFilter: true, activeFilters: filterJson }); } params.contentType = ""; params.searchText = ""; } varProvider.currentScreen = screenNames.Collections; if (varProvider.isCollectionTabChanged) { varProvider.isCollectionTabChanged = false; if (varProvider.fromBroswerView) { for (var i = 0; i < collectionList.length; i++) { if (varProvider.selectedCollectionId == collectionList[i].id) { collectionList[i].active = true; } else { collectionList[i].active = false; } } varProvider.fromBroswerView = false; this.setState({ refreshCollection: !this.state.refreshCollection }); } //don't call when component will mount called if (!alreadyLoaded) { // [deep link] get collection item based on received collectionId from params let activeCollectionItem; if (varProvider.selectedCollectionId == "favoriteArticles") { activeCollectionItem = favoriteArticles; } else { for (var i = 0; i < collectionList.length; i++) { if (collectionList[i].id == varProvider.selectedCollectionId) { activeCollectionItem = collectionList[i]; break; } } } if (activeCollectionItem) { if (!isSearchText) { // [deep link] if searchText is not received than first disable all active filter var tempFilters = this.state.activeFilters; for (var i = 0; i < tempFilters.length; i++) { tempFilters[i].active = false; } } // [deep link] below method is for loading the article list of specific collection this.menuItemPress(activeCollectionItem); } else { if (!this.state.isFilter) { //no filters is applied, so reload the article list by updated timestamp from sqlite var lastArticleTimestamp; var artLength = articleList.length; if (artLength != 0) { lastArticleTimestamp = articleList[artLength - 1].createdAt; } var tempJson = { "limit": pagingCount, "offset": 0 }; if (artLength > pagingCount) { tempJson["lastTimestamp"] = lastArticleTimestamp; } this.loadSyncedSql(tempJson); //sync article list when switching between tabs if (!varProvider.isSyncInProgress) { colProvider.getSyncArticles(0); } } else { //TO DO: filter is applied } } } let screenViewJson = { "name": screenNames.Collections, "previous": varProvider.lastTabName }; analyticsProvider.logAnalyticsJson("ScreenView", screenViewJson); varProvider.lastTabName = screenNames.Collections; } alreadyLoaded = false; } _handleOpenURL(event) { // console.log("collection handle open url"); // console.log(event.url); //parse and check if url is welcome mail url or shared url //if welcome mail then navigate to screen with option to logout from current account and login to new account //if shared url then navigate to browser } initActionSheetList() { asList = [ { title: translate("FILE_DOWNLOAD_OPEN"), icon: "icon_open_with", isVisible: true, isGrayedOut: false, onPressFun: this.onOpenWithExternalView.bind(this) }, { title: translate("SHARE"), icon: Platform.OS == "ios" ? "icon_share_ios" : "icon_share", isVisible: true, isGrayedOut: false, onPressFun: this.shareArticle.bind(this) }, { title: translate("ADD_TAGS"), icon: "icon_add_tag", isVisible: true, isGrayedOut: false, onPressFun: this.addTags.bind(this) }, { title: translate("EDIT_TITLE"), icon: "icon_edit", isVisible: true, isGrayedOut: false, onPressFun: this.editTitleArticle.bind(this) }, { title: translate("MOVE_TO_COLLECTION"), icon: "icon_move", isVisible: true, isGrayedOut: false, onPressFun: this.moveToCollection.bind(this) }, { title: translate("DELETE"), icon: "icon_delete", isVisible: true, isGrayedOut: false, onPressFun: this.deleteArticle.bind(this) }, { title: translate("MARK_AS") + translate("UNREAD"), icon: "icon_visible", isVisible: true, isGrayedOut: false, onPressFun: this.markAsRead.bind(this) }, ] } //initially load the collection list from sqlite loadCollectionList() { colProvider.getCollectionSql().then((data) => { // console.log(data); this.processCollectionList(data); this.loadArticleList(); }); //whenever sync process will finish it will fetch collections from api //we will get the fetched data in subscribe section varProvider.collectionObservable.subscribe((data) => { // console.log("collection observable get data"); // console.log(data) if (data.isSetColId) { if ( { for (var j = 0; j < collectionList.length; j++) { if (collectionList[j].title === { collectionList[j].id = break } } } } else { this.processCollectionList(; } }); } processCollectionList(data) { collectionList = []; var isActive; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { // [deep link] get collection name of selected collection and set it as active based on params if (varProvider.selectedCollectionId == data[i].id) { varProvider.selectedCollectionName = data[i].title; isActive = true; } isActive = (varProvider.selectedCollectionName == data[i].title); if (data[i].isDefault == 1 && data[i].title == "General Collection") isFirstTime = false; if (data[i].isDefault == 1) { varProvider.defaultCollectionId = data[i].id; varProvider.defaultCollectionName = data[i].title; varProvider.defaultCollectionType = data[i].type; if (!varProvider.selectedCollectionName && !varProvider.selectedCollectionId) { varProvider.selectedCollectionId = data[i].id; varProvider.selectedCollectionName = data[i].title; isActive = true; } AsyncStorage.multiSet([ ["defaultCollectionId", varProvider.defaultCollectionId], ["defaultCollectionName", varProvider.defaultCollectionName], ["defaultCollectionType", varProvider.defaultCollectionType] ]); //collection marked as default should be on top so used unshift instead of push collectionList.unshift({ "id": data[i].id, "title": data[i].title, "description": data[i].description, "isDefault": data[i].isDefault == 1 ? true : false, "type": data[i].type, "createdAt": data[i].createdAt, "updatedAt": data[i].updatedAt, "pressed": false, "active": isActive, }); } else { collectionList.push({ "id": data[i].id, "title": data[i].title, "description": data[i].description, "isDefault": data[i].isDefault == 1 ? true : false, "type": data[i].type, "createdAt": data[i].createdAt, "updatedAt": data[i].updatedAt, "pressed": false, "active": isActive, }); } } // console.log(collectionList); filteredColList = collectionList; this.setState({ refreshCollection: !this.state.refreshCollection }); } loadArticleList() { // console.log("load article list init"); noMoreData = false; colProvider.getArticleList().then((data) => { // console.log(data); articleList = []; if (data.length != 0) { this.processArticleList(data, 0); } else { //no article in local db if (!isFirstTime) { this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh, articleLoading: false, articleLength: articleList.length }); } } // [deep link] if filter is active then again load the article list if (this.state.isFilter) { this.callbackFun(this.state.activeFilters); } }); //subscribe to article observable if not subscribed if (!alreadySubscribed) { alreadySubscribed = true; //whenever article list gets fetched, here we get the response varProvider.articleObserver.subscribe((resJson) => { // console.log("article observable get data"); // console.log(resJson); if (!resJson.error) { if (!resJson.isForHome) { if (resJson.alreadySynced) { if (!this.state.isFilter) { var lastArticleTimestamp; var artLength = articleList.length; if (artLength != 0) { lastArticleTimestamp = articleList[artLength - 1].createdAt; } var tempJson = { "limit": pagingCount, "offset": 0 }; if (artLength > pagingCount) { tempJson["lastTimestamp"] = lastArticleTimestamp; } this.loadSyncedSql(tempJson); } else { //TO DO: filter is applied } } else { var tempJson = { "limit": pagingCount, "offset": 0 }; articleList = []; this.loadSqlArticle(tempJson); } } } else { // console.log("article observable error else"); this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh, articleLoading: false, articleLength: articleList.length }); } }, () => { // console.log("article observable error"); this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh, articleLoading: false, articleLength: articleList.length }); } ); } } processArticleList(data, articleCount) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var tagList = []; if (data[i]["tagList"]) { tagList = data[i]["tagList"].split("*"); } tagList.sort(colProvider.SortByNameArray); var currentTimestamp = new Date(); var articleTimestamp = new Date(data[i].createdAt); var timeAgo = humanize(currentTimestamp, articleTimestamp); var articleType = data[i].type; var phImage = colProvider.getPlaceholderImage(articleType); var phImageBig = articleType == "HTML" && colProvider.getPlaceholderImageBig(articleType); var bgColor = colProvider.getArticleBg(articleType); articleList.push({ "id": data[i].id, "title": data[i].title, "url": data[i].url, "timeAgo": timeAgo.time + translate(staticConfig[timeAgo.timeUnit]), "imageURL": data[i].imageURL, "image": phImage, "cardImage": phImageBig, "collectionName": data[i].collectionName, "collectionId": data[i].collectionId, "collectionType": data[i].collectionType, "type": articleType, "hostname": colProvider.getHostname(data[i].url), "highlightData": [], "tagList": tagList, "isReadable": data[i].isReadable == 1 ? true : false, "viaTemplate": data[i].viaTemplate == 1 ? true : false, "isImageAvailable": data[i].isImageAvailable == 1 ? true : false, "isFavorite": data[i].isFavorite == 1 ? true : false, "readStatus": data[i].readStatus == 1 ? true : false, "isImageFailed": data[i].isImageFailed == 1 ? true : false, "isDataFailed": data[i].isDataFailed == 1 ? true : false, "createdAt": data[i].createdAt, "updatedAt": data[i].updatedAt, "bgColor": bgColor, "contentURL": data[i].contentURL, "isPushed": data[i].isPushed == 1 ? true : false, "pushType": data[i].pushType }); if (articleList[articleCount].isImageAvailable && !articleList[articleCount].isImageFailed) { this.loadArticleImage(articleList[articleCount]); } if (articleList[articleCount].type == "PDF") { this.loadPDFFileStatus(articleList[articleCount]); } articleCount++; } // console.log(articleList); this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh, articleLoading: false, footerLoading: false, articleLength: articleList.length }); } //to fetch the article list from sqlite loadSyncedSql(tempJson) { colProvider.getArticleSql(tempJson).then((data) => { // console.log(data); if (data.length < pagingCount) { noMoreData = true; } if (data.length != 0) { var articleCount = 0; var tp = []; var artLength = articleList.length; var firstArticleTimestamp; var urlMD, shortPath; var loadedPDFId = [], loadedPDFStatus = []; for (var k = 0; k < articleList.length; k++) { if (articleList[k].isPDFAvailable) { loadedPDFId.push(articleList[k].id); loadedPDFStatus.push(articleList[k].isPDFAvailable); } } if (artLength != 0) { firstArticleTimestamp = articleList[0].createdAt; } var currentArticleTimestamp, isImagePath; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var tagList = []; if (data[i]["tagList"]) { tagList = data[i]["tagList"].split("*"); } tagList.sort(colProvider.SortByNameArray); var currentTimestamp = new Date(); var articleTimestamp = new Date(data[i].createdAt); var timeAgo = humanize(currentTimestamp, articleTimestamp); currentArticleTimestamp = data[i].createdAt; isImagePath = false; urlMD = MD5.MD5(data[i].url); shortPath = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs.DocumentDir + "/" + urlMD + ".jpg"; if (currentArticleTimestamp <= firstArticleTimestamp) { isImagePath = true; } var articleType = data[i].type; var isPDFAvailable = null; if (articleType == "PDF") { if (loadedPDFId.length != 0) { var pdfIndex = loadedPDFId.indexOf(data[i].id); if (pdfIndex != -1) { isPDFAvailable = loadedPDFStatus[pdfIndex]; } } } var phImage; if (isImagePath && data[i].isImageAvailable == 1 && data[i].isImageFailed != 1) { phImage = "file://" + shortPath; } else { phImage = (isPDFAvailable == "false") ? colProvider.getPdfNAImage() : colProvider.getPlaceholderImage(articleType); } var phImageBig = articleType == "HTML" && colProvider.getPlaceholderImageBig(articleType); var bgColor = (isPDFAvailable == "false") ? colProvider.getPdfNABg() : colProvider.getArticleBg(articleType); tp.push({ "id": data[i].id, "title": data[i].title, "url": data[i].url, "timeAgo": timeAgo.time + translate(staticConfig[timeAgo.timeUnit]), "imageURL": data[i].imageURL, "image": phImage, "cardImage": phImageBig, "collectionName": data[i].collectionName, "collectionId": data[i].collectionId, "collectionType": data[i].collectionType, "type": articleType, "hostname": colProvider.getHostname(data[i].url), "highlightData": [], "tagList": tagList, "isReadable": data[i].isReadable == 1 ? true : false, "viaTemplate": data[i].viaTemplate == 1 ? true : false, "isImageAvailable": data[i].isImageAvailable == 1 ? true : false, "isFavorite": data[i].isFavorite == 1 ? true : false, "readStatus": data[i].readStatus == 1 ? true : false, "isImageFailed": data[i].isImageFailed == 1 ? true : false, "isDataFailed": data[i].isDataFailed == 1 ? true : false, "isPDFAvailable": isPDFAvailable, "createdAt": data[i].createdAt, "updatedAt": data[i].updatedAt, "bgColor": bgColor, "contentURL": data[i].contentURL, "isPushed": data[i].isPushed == 1 ? true : false, "pushType": data[i].pushType }); if (!isImagePath && tp[articleCount].isImageAvailable && !tp[articleCount].isImageFailed) { this.loadArticleImage(tp[articleCount]); } if (tp[articleCount].type == "PDF" && !isPDFAvailable) { this.loadPDFFileStatus(tp[articleCount]); } articleCount++; } articleList = tp; // console.log(articleList); this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh, articleLoading: false, footerLoading: false, articleLength: articleList.length }); } else { articleList = []; this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh, articleLoading: false, footerLoading: false, articleLength: articleList.length }); } }); } async loadPDFFileStatus(articleItem) { var isExist = await colProvider.checkIfPDFFileAvailable(articleItem); var isExistStr = isExist.toString(); articleItem.isPDFAvailable = isExistStr; if (articleItem.isPDFAvailable == "false") { articleItem.bgColor = colProvider.getPdfNABg(); articleItem.image = colProvider.getPdfNAImage(); } this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } //load the article image from file storage loadArticleImage(articleItem, failureCount) { var urlMD = MD5.MD5(articleItem.url); var path = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs.DocumentDir + "/" + urlMD + ".jpg"; RNFetchBlob.fs.exists(path).then((exist) => { if (exist) { for (var i = 0; i < articleList.length; i++) { if (articleList[i].id == { articleList[i].image = "file://" + path; break; } } this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } else { AsyncStorage.getItem("accountId").then((accountId) => { var path = accountId + "/" + urlMD + "/" + urlMD + ".jpg"; if (articleItem.isPushed) { if (!failureCount) { failureCount = 3; } this.writeArticleImage(articleItem.imageURL, urlMD, articleItem, failureCount); } else { colProvider.getArticleImageGraph(path).then((data) => { if (!failureCount) { failureCount = 3; } this.writeArticleImage(data, urlMD, articleItem, failureCount); }); } }); } }); } //download the article image to file storage writeArticleImage(data, urlMD, articleItem, failureCount) { var path = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs.DocumentDir + "/" + urlMD + ".jpg"; RNFetchBlob .config({ fileCache: true, path: path }) .fetch('GET', data, { }) .then((res) => { if (res["respInfo"] && res["respInfo"]["headers"]) { var types = colProvider.findValueOfProperty(res["respInfo"]["headers"], "content-type"); if (types.length != 0) { var ctype = types[0]; if (res["respInfo"]["status"] == 200) { if (ctype.indexOf("xml") == -1 && ctype.indexOf("html") == -1) { // content type is neither 'xml' nor 'html', so save and set the image var aPath = "file://" + res.path(); for (var i = 0; i < articleList.length; i++) { if (articleList[i].id == { articleList[i].image = aPath; break; } } this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } else { // content type is either 'xml' or 'html', so set imageFailed to true and remove the image file this.updateImageFailedArticle(articleItem, res.path(), failureCount); } } else if (res["respInfo"]["status"] == 404) { // image file not found on server this.updateImageFailedArticle(articleItem, res.path(), failureCount); } else { // some other status code, so remove the image file(it will be retried on next app launch or sync) RNFetchBlob.fs.unlink(res.path()); } } else { //content type is application/xml this.updateImageFailedArticle(articleItem, res.path(), failureCount); } } }) } updateImageFailedArticle(articleItem, filePath, failureCount) { if (failureCount <= 1) { var queryArg = "isImageFailed = 1"; var queryData = []; colProvider.updateSingleArticleSql(queryArg, queryData); RNFetchBlob.fs.unlink(filePath); } else { failureCount--; RNFetchBlob.fs.unlink(filePath); setTimeout(() => { this.loadArticleImage(articleItem, failureCount); }, 3000); } } openSearch() { const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; navigate('Search', { screenName: "Collection" }); } openMenu() { this.drawer.openDrawer(); } //initialize all required values when switched between portrait and landscape initMaxHeight() { var sheight = Dimensions.get('window').height; var swidth = Dimensions.get('window').width; screenWidth = swidth; if (sheight < 480) { this.setState({ isMaxHeight: true }); } else { this.setState({ isMaxHeight: false }); } if (sheight < 480) { modalHeight = 250; } else { modalHeight = null; } if (swidth < 480) { numberOfCards = 1; cardWidth = swidth - 32; modalWidth = "100%"; } else if (swidth < 920) { numberOfCards = 2; cardWidth = (swidth / 2) - 24; modalWidth = "70%"; } else { numberOfCards = 3; cardWidth = (swidth / 3) - 22; modalWidth = "60%"; } var tempCardWidth = cardWidth - moderateScale(94, 0.2); cardLeftWidth = tempCardWidth; this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } //to switch between listview and cardview changeView() { var viewState = !this.state.isCardView; this.setState({ isCardView: viewState }); AsyncStorage.setItem("isCardView", viewState.toString()); // apiProvider.refreshToken(); } //start local subscription of articles for remote subscription startArticleSubscription() { // colProvider.startArticleSubscriptionGraph().subscribe((resJson) => { varProvider.artSubObserver.subscribe((resJson) => { // console.log("article subscription"); // console.log(resJson); if (!resJson.error) { var data =; var subObject = data["data"]["articleSubscribe"]; var articleNode = data["data"]["articleSubscribe"]["node"]; var prevArticleNode = data["data"]["articleSubscribe"]["previousValues"]; /*if (subObject.mutation == "UPDATED") { var updatedFields = subObject["updatedFields"]; if (updatedFields && updatedFields.length != 0) { for (var i = 0; i < articleList.length; i++) { if (articleList[i].id == { for (var j = 0; j < updatedFields.length; j++) { articleList[i][updatedFields[j]] = articleNode[updatedFields[j]]; } } } } else { //collection and tags case var tagLength = articleNode["tags"].length; var inCollection = false; for (var i = 0; i < articleList.length; i++) { if (articleList[i].id == { inCollection = true; //delete article if moved from collection if (articleList[i].collectionId != articleNode["collection"][0]["id"]) { articleList.splice(i, 1); break; } //update taglist of article var tagList = []; if (tagLength != 0) { var arrTag = articleNode["tags"]; for (var m = 0; m < arrTag.length; m++) { tagList.push(arrTag[m].name); } articleList[i]["tagList"] = tagList; } else { articleList[i]["tagList"] = []; } } } //article not in current collection so insert article if (!inCollection) { //check if articles collection id has changed and updated to current collectionid var tempJson = { "id": }; colProvider.getSingleArticleSql(tempJson).then((articleItem) => { // console.log(articleItem); if (articleItem[0].collectionId != articleNode["collection"][0]["id"]) { if (articleNode["collection"][0]["id"] == varProvider.selectedCollectionId) { var tagList = []; if (articleItem[0]["tagList"]) { tagList = articleItem[0]["tagList"].split("*"); } var currentTimestamp = new Date(); var articleTimestamp = new Date(articleItem[0].createdAt); var timeAgo = humanize(currentTimestamp, articleTimestamp); articleList.unshift({ "id": articleItem[0].id, "title": articleItem[0].title, "url": articleItem[0].url, "timeAgo": timeAgo, "imageURL": articleItem[0].imageURL, "collectionName": articleItem[0].collectionName, "collectionId": articleItem[0].collectionId, "type": articleItem[0].type, "hostname": colProvider.getHostname(articleItem[0].url), "highlightData": [], "tagList": tagList, "isReadable": articleItem[0].isReadable == 1 ? true : false, "isImageAvailable": articleItem[0].isImageAvailable == 1 ? true : false, "isFavorite": articleItem[0].isFavorite == 1 ? true : false, "readStatus": articleItem[0].readStatus == 1 ? true : false, "createdAt": articleItem[0].createdAt, "updatedAt": articleItem[0].updatedAt }); if (articleList[0].isImageAvailable) { this.loadArticleImage(articleList[0]); } } } }); } } }*/ if (subObject.mutation == "CREATED") { var alreadyAdded = false; for (var i = 0; i < articleList.length; i++) { if (articleList[i].url == articleNode.url) { alreadyAdded = true; break; } } // console.log("subscription already added: " + alreadyAdded); if (!alreadyAdded) { var tagList = []; if (articleNode["tags"].length != 0) { var arrTag = articleNode["tags"]; for (var m = 0; m < arrTag.length; m++) { tagList.push(arrTag[m].name); } } tagList.sort(colProvider.SortByNameArray); var collectionName = "", collectionId = "", collectionType = ""; if (articleNode["collection"].length != 0) { collectionId = articleNode["collection"][0]["id"]; collectionName = articleNode["collection"][0]["title"]; collectionType = articleNode["collection"][0]["type"]; } if (varProvider.selectedCollectionId == collectionId) { var currentTimestamp = new Date(); var articleTimestamp = new Date(articleNode.createdAt); var timeAgo = humanize(currentTimestamp, articleTimestamp); var articleType = articleNode.isPushed ? articleNode.refArticle.type : articleNode.type; var phImage = colProvider.getPlaceholderImage(articleType); var phImageBig = articleType == "HTML" && colProvider.getPlaceholderImageBig(articleType); var bgColor = colProvider.getArticleBg(articleType); articleList.unshift({ "id":, "title": articleNode.isPushed ? articleNode.refArticle.title : articleNode.title, "url": articleNode.isPushed ? articleNode.refArticle.url : articleNode.url, "timeAgo": timeAgo.time + translate(staticConfig[timeAgo.timeUnit]), "imageURL": articleNode.isPushed ? articleNode.refArticle.imageURL : articleNode.imageURL, "image": phImage, "cardImage": phImageBig, "collectionName": collectionName, "collectionId": collectionId, "collectionType": collectionType, "type": articleType, "hostname": colProvider.getHostname(articleNode.url), "highlightData": [], "tagList": tagList, "isReadable": articleNode.isPushed ? articleNode.refArticle.isScraped : articleNode.isReadable, "viaTemplate": articleNode.viaTemplate, "isImageAvailable": articleNode.isPushed ? articleNode.refArticle.isImageAvailable : articleNode.isImageAvailable, "isFavorite": articleNode.isFavorite, "readStatus": articleNode.readStatus, "isImageFailed": false, "isDataFailed": false, "createdAt": new Date(articleNode.createdAt).getTime(), "updatedAt": new Date(articleNode.updatedAt).getTime(), "bgColor": bgColor, "contentURL": articleNode.isPushed ? articleNode.refArticle.contentURL : articleNode.contentURL, "isPushed": articleNode.isPushed, "pushType": articleNode.isPushed ? articleNode.refArticle.pushType : "" }); if (articleList[0].isImageAvailable) { this.loadArticleImage(articleList[0]); } if (articleList[0].type == "PDF") { this.loadPDFFileStatus(articleList[0]); } } } } else if (subObject.mutation == "DELETED") { for (var i = 0; i < articleList.length; i++) { if (articleList[i].id == { articleList.splice(i, 1); if (articleList.length < pagingCount && !noMoreData) { setTimeout(() => { this.handleLoadMore({ distanceFromEnd: "NeedToFetch" }); }, 1000); } break; } } } this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } }); } //start local subscription of collections for remote subscription startCollectionSubscription() { // colProvider.startCollectionSubscriptionGraph().subscribe((resJson) => { varProvider.colSubObserver.subscribe((resJson) => { // console.log("collection subscription"); // console.log(resJson); if (!resJson.error) { var data =; var subObject = data["data"]["collectionsSubscribe"]; var collectionNode = data["data"]["collectionsSubscribe"]["node"]; var prevCollectionNode = data["data"]["collectionsSubscribe"]["previousValues"]; /*if (subObject.mutation == "UPDATED") { var updatedFields = subObject["updatedFields"]; if (updatedFields && updatedFields.length != 0) { for (var i = 0; i < collectionList.length; i++) { if (collectionList[i].id == { for (var j = 0; j < updatedFields.length; j++) { //update collection item according to updated field collectionList[i][updatedFields[j]] = collectionNode[updatedFields[j]]; //if collection title has changed, update in article list //if same collection is selected, update that title also if (updatedFields[j] == "title") { if (varProvider.selectedCollectionName == prevCollectionNode["title"]) { varProvider.selectedCollectionName = collectionNode["title"]; for (var m = 0; m < articleList.length; m++) { if (articleList[m].collectionName == prevCollectionNode["title"]) { articleList[m].collectionName = collectionNode["title"]; } } } } //if collection's isDefault has changed, update default collection id and default collection //title in asyncstorage and global variable //set all other collection's isDefault to false else if (updatedFields[j] == "isDefault") { varProvider.defaultCollectionId =; varProvider.defaultCollectionName = collectionNode.title; AsyncStorage.setItem("defaultCollectionId", varProvider.defaultCollectionId); AsyncStorage.setItem("defaultCollectionName", varProvider.defaultCollectionName); for (var t = 0; t < collectionList.length; t++) { if (collectionList[t].id != { collectionList[t].isDefault = false; } } } } } } } }*/ if (subObject.mutation == "CREATED") { var alreadyAdded = false; for (var i = 0; i < collectionList.length; i++) { if (collectionList[i].title == collectionNode.title) { alreadyAdded = true; break; } } if (!alreadyAdded) { var tempColList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(collectionList)); tempColList.splice(0, 1); var toInsertIndex = colProvider.getSortedIndex(tempColList, collectionNode.title, "title"); collectionList.splice(toInsertIndex + 1, 0, { "id":, "title": collectionNode.title, "description": collectionNode.description, "isDefault": collectionNode.isDefault, "createdAt": collectionNode.createdAt, "updatedAt": collectionNode.updatedAt, "pressed": false, "active": false }); } } else if (subObject.mutation == "DELETED") { var index, colIdToDelete; for (var i = 0; i < collectionList.length; i++) { if (collectionList[i].id == { colIdToDelete = collectionList[i].id; collectionList.splice(i, 1); index = i; break; } } if (varProvider.selectedCollectionId == colIdToDelete) { if (index) { if (index == 0) { //select collection and load its article this.selectColAndLoadArticle(index); } else { //select collection i-1 and load its articles this.selectColAndLoadArticle(index - 1); } } } } this.setState({ refreshCollection: !this.state.refreshCollection, refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } }); } buttonCallback() { this.callbackFun(this.state.activeFilters); } //if filter is applied callbackFun(activeFilters) { // console.log(activeFilters); graphError = ""; this.setState({ activeFilters: activeFilters, articleLoading: true, errorLoading: false, articleLength: 0 }); var isFilter = false; var appliedFilter = []; for (var i = 0; i < activeFilters.length; i++) { if (activeFilters[i].active) { isFilter = true; var topKey, bottomKey, dataKey, dataValue, sqlKey, sqlValue; //filter by days if (i == 0) { let minimumDate = activeFilters[0].value[0]; let maximumDate = activeFilters[0].value[1]; topKey = "$createdAt_gte: DateTime, $createdAt_lte: DateTime"; bottomKey = "createdAt_gte: $createdAt_gte, createdAt_lte: $createdAt_lte"; dataKey = "dateRange"; dataValue = [minimumDate, maximumDate]; sqlKey = "al.createdAt >= ? AND al.createdAt <= ?"; sqlValue = [new Date(minimumDate).getTime(), new Date(maximumDate).getTime()]; } //filter favorite if (i == 3) { topKey = "$isFavorite: Boolean"; bottomKey = "isFavorite: $isFavorite"; dataKey = "isFavorite"; dataValue = true; sqlKey = "al.isFavorite = ?"; sqlValue = 1; } //filter by tag if (i == 4) { topKey = "$tagName: [String!]"; bottomKey = "tags_some: { name_in: $tagName }"; dataKey = "tagName"; dataValue = activeFilters[4].value; sqlKey = "tl.title = ?"; sqlValue = activeFilters[4].value; } //filter by search text if (i == 5) { topKey = "$searchText: String"; bottomKey = "title_contains: $searchText "; dataKey = "searchText"; dataValue = activeFilters[5].value; sqlKey = "al.title LIKE ?"; sqlValue = "%" + activeFilters[5].value + "%"; } if (i == 1 || i == 2) { } else { appliedFilter.push({ "topKey": topKey, "bottomKey": bottomKey, "dataKey": dataKey, "dataValue": dataValue, "sqlKey": sqlKey, "sqlValue": sqlValue }); } } } var typeFilter; if (activeFilters[1].active) { typeFilter = "HTML"; } if (activeFilters[2].active) { typeFilter = "PDF"; } if (activeFilters[1].active && activeFilters[2].active) { typeFilter = ""; } if (!activeFilters[1].active && !activeFilters[2].active) { typeFilter = ""; } if (typeFilter) { appliedFilter.push({ "topKey": "$type: ArticleType", "bottomKey": "type: $type", "dataKey": "type", "dataValue": typeFilter, "sqlKey": "al.type = ?", "sqlValue": typeFilter }); } if (appliedFilter.length == 0) { this.setState({ "isFilter": false, appliedFilter: appliedFilter }); } else { this.setState({ "isFilter": true, appliedFilter: appliedFilter }); } //load favorite articles if favorite articles is selected //and add search filter if already applied if (varProvider.selectedCollectionId == "favoriteArticles") { var filLength = appliedFilter.length; var searchText = (filLength == 0) ? "" : appliedFilter[0].sqlValue; var tempJson = { "isFilter": (filLength != 0), "offset": 0, "searchText": searchText }; articleList = []; noMoreData = false; //sql query to filter favorite article list this.loadFavoriteArticles(tempJson); } else { //if internet is connected load article list from api //else load article list from sqlite if (connection.isConnectedFun()) { if (appliedFilter.length != 0) { var tempJson = { "isFilter": isFilter, "appliedFilter": appliedFilter, "first": pagingCount, "skip": 0 }; articleList = []; noMoreData = false; //graphql query to filter article list this.loadGraphArticle(tempJson); } else { isFirstTime = false; this.loadArticleList(); } } else { if (appliedFilter.length != 0) { var tempJson = { "isFilter": isFilter, "appliedFilter": appliedFilter, "limit": pagingCount, "offset": 0 }; articleList = []; noMoreData = false; //sql query to filter article list this.loadSqlArticle(tempJson); } else { isFirstTime = false; this.loadArticleList(); } } } } //load article list from api loadGraphArticle(tempJson) { colProvider.getArticleListGraph(tempJson).then((data) => { // console.log("load graph article data"); // console.log(data); if (data.length < pagingCount) { noMoreData = true; } if (data.length != 0) { var articleCount = articleList.length; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var tagList = []; if (data[i]["tags"].length != 0) { var arrTag = data[i]["tags"]; for (var m = 0; m < arrTag.length; m++) { tagList.push(arrTag[m].name); } } tagList.sort(colProvider.SortByNameArray); var collectionName = "", collectionId = "", collectionType = ""; if (data[i]["collection"].length != 0) { collectionId = data[i]["collection"][0]["id"]; collectionName = data[i]["collection"][0]["title"]; collectionType = data[i]["collection"][0]["type"]; } var currentTimestamp = new Date(); var articleTimestamp = new Date(data[i].createdAt); var timeAgo = humanize(currentTimestamp, articleTimestamp); var articleType = data[i].isPushed ? data[i].refArticle.type : data[i].type; var phImage = colProvider.getPlaceholderImage(articleType); var phImageBig = articleType == "HTML" && colProvider.getPlaceholderImageBig(articleType); var bgColor = colProvider.getArticleBg(articleType); articleList.push({ "id": data[i].id, "title": data[i].isPushed ? data[i].refArticle.title : data[i].title, "url": data[i].isPushed ? data[i].refArticle.url : data[i].url, "timeAgo": timeAgo.time + translate(staticConfig[timeAgo.timeUnit]), "imageURL": data[i].isPushed ? data[i].refArticle.imageURL : data[i].imageURL, "image": phImage, "cardImage": phImageBig, "collectionName": collectionName, "collectionId": collectionId, "collectionType": collectionType, "type": articleType, "hostname": colProvider.getHostname(data[i].url), "highlightData": [], "tagList": tagList, "isReadable": data[i].isPushed ? data[i].refArticle.isScraped : data[i].isReadable, "viaTemplate": data[i].viaTemplate, "isImageAvailable": data[i].isPushed ? data[i].refArticle.isImageAvailable : data[i].isImageAvailable, "isFavorite": data[i].isFavorite, "readStatus": data[i].readStatus, "isImageFailed": false, "isDataFailed": false, "createdAt": new Date(data[i].createdAt).getTime(), "updatedAt": new Date(data[i].updatedAt).getTime(), "bgColor": bgColor, "contentURL": data[i].isPushed ? data[i].refArticle.contentURL : data[i].contentURL, "isPushed": data[i].isPushed, "pushType": data[i].isPushed ? data[i].refArticle.pushType : "" }); if (articleList[articleCount].isImageAvailable && !articleList[articleCount].isImageFailed) { this.loadArticleImage(articleList[articleCount]); } if (articleList[articleCount].type == "PDF") { this.loadPDFFileStatus(articleList[articleCount]); } articleCount++; } this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh, articleLoading: false, footerLoading: false, articleLength: articleList.length }); } else { this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh, articleLoading: false, footerLoading: false, articleLength: articleList.length }); } setTimeout(() => { isInfiniteOn = false; }, 400); }).catch((error) => { // console.log(error); connection.getGraphError(error.error).then((data) => { graphError = data; this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh, articleLoading: false, footerLoading: false, errorLoading: true, articleLength: articleList.length }); }) isInfiniteOn = false; }); } //load article list from sqlite loadSqlArticle(tempJson) { colProvider.getArticleSql(tempJson).then((data) => { // console.log(data); if (data.length < pagingCount) { noMoreData = true; } if (data.length != 0) { var articleCount = articleList.length; this.processArticleList(data, articleCount); } else { this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh, articleLoading: false, footerLoading: false, articleLength: articleList.length }); } isInfiniteOn = false; }); } openFilters() { const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; navigate('ColFilters', { "callbackFun": this.callbackFun, "activeFilters": this.state.activeFilters }); } // to handle scroll pagination to load more articles handleLoadMore = (calledFrom) => { if (articleList.length > pagingCount - 1 || calledFrom.distanceFromEnd == "NeedToFetch") { var tempOffset = articleList.length; if (!noMoreData) { if (!isInfiniteOn) { this.setState({ footerLoading: true }); isInfiniteOn = true; //load favorite articles if favorite articles is selected //and add search filter if already applied if (varProvider.selectedCollectionId == "favoriteArticles") { if (this.state.isFilter) { var filLength = this.state.appliedFilter.length; var searchText = (filLength == 0) ? "" : this.state.appliedFilter[0].sqlValue; var tempJson = { "isFilter": (filLength != 0), "offset": tempOffset, "searchText": searchText }; } else { var tempJson = { "offset": tempOffset }; } this.loadFavoriteArticles(tempJson); } else { if (this.state.isFilter && connection.isConnectedFun()) { //filter is applied var tempSkip = articleList.length; var tempJson = { "isFilter": this.state.isFilter, "appliedFilter": this.state.appliedFilter, "first": pagingCount, "skip": tempSkip }; this.loadGraphArticle(tempJson); } else { //no filter var tempOffset = articleList.length; var tempJson = { "isFilter": this.state.isFilter, "appliedFilter": this.state.appliedFilter, "limit": pagingCount, "offset": tempOffset }; this.loadSqlArticle(tempJson); } } } } else { // console.log("no more data else"); } } else { noMoreData = true; } }; renderFooter = () => { if (!this.state.footerLoading) return null; return ( ); }; gotIt = () => { AsyncStorage.setItem("isFirstTime", "false"); this.setState({ loadHint: false }) } renderEmpty = () => { if (imagePath == undefined) { imagePath = imageJson.collection_empty; title = translate("ARTICLES_EMPTY1") text = "" links = [{ name: translate("ERESOURCES"), onPressFun: this.openEResources.bind(this) }, { name: translate("WEB"), onPressFun: this.openWeb.bind(this) }]; isLink = true; } return ( {this.state.errorLoading ? : this.state.isFilter ? : } ); } renderHeader = () => { return ( {this.state.loadHint && varProvider.selectedCollectionName == varProvider.defaultCollectionName && {translate("COLLECTON_TIP")} {"\n"}{translate("GOT_IT")} } ) } renderCollectionEmpty = () => { return ( ); } // open/export pdf function view onOpenWithExternalView() { closeFlag = "externalPdfOpen"; this.closeActionSheetModal(); } openArticleView(item) { cloneIt = item; const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; if (item.type == "PDF") { var urlMD = MD5.MD5(item.url); var path = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs.DocumentDir + "/" + urlMD + ".pdf"; RNFetchBlob.fs.exists(path).then((exist) => { if (exist) { if (Platform.OS == "android") { navigate("PdfView", { "article": item, "path": path, "isModal": true, "callbackAddTag": this.callbackAddTag, "callbackDeleteArticle": this.callbackDeleteArticle, "refScreen": screenNames.Collections }); } else { // let aPDFpath = urlMD + ".pdf" var pdfObject = MVMyloftPDFViewerNativeModuleIos.openViewer(item.url,; this.iosPdfEvent(pdfObject); } varProvider.currentScreen = screenNames.PDFView; this.logPdfScreenViewEvent(false); this.updateReadStatus(item); this.logArticleReadEvent(item); } else { Toast.showShortCenter(translate("PDF_NA")); } }); } else { if (item.isReadable) { navigate('ArticleView', { "article": item, "callbackAddTag": this.callbackAddTag, "callbackDeleteArticle": this.callbackDeleteArticle, "callbackRead": this.callbackRead, "isModal": true, "refScreen": screenNames.Collections }); } else { if (connection.isConnectedFun()) { navigate("BrowserView", { url: item.url, "refScreen": screenNames.Collections }); this.updateReadStatus(item); } else { Toast.showShortCenter(translate("PLEASE_CONNECT")); } } } } logPdfScreenViewEvent(isNavigatingBack) { let screenViewJson = { "name": isNavigatingBack ? screenNames.Collections : screenNames.PDFView, "previous": isNavigatingBack ? screenNames.PDFView : screenNames.Collections }; analyticsProvider.logAnalyticsJson("ScreenView", screenViewJson); } logArticleReadEvent(item) { let articleReadJson = { "name": item.title, "url": item.url, "type": item.type, "source": "Collections" }; analyticsProvider.logAnalyticsJson("ArticleRead", articleReadJson); } iosPdfEvent(pdfObject) { const getAllTagSubscription = pdfObject.addListener( 'GetAllTags', () => { colProvider.getTagList().subscribe((data) => { MVMyloftPDFViewerNativeModuleIos.refreshAllTagList(data); }); } ); const getTagSubscription = pdfObject.addListener( 'GetTags', () => { MVMyloftPDFViewerNativeModuleIos.refreshTagList(cloneIt.tagList); } ); const getHighlightSubscription = pdfObject.addListener( 'GetHighlights', () => { var tempList = {}; tempList["articleId"] =; colProvider.getArticleHighlightList(tempList).subscribe((data) => { var aNewData = []; for (var key in data) { let aData = data[key]; aData.text = aData.highlightText; aData.rangyid = aData.rangyId; aData.createdAt = new Date(aData.createdAt).toISOString(); aNewData.push(aData); } MVMyloftPDFViewerNativeModuleIos.refreshHighlightList(aNewData); }); } ); const addTagSubscription = pdfObject.addListener( 'AddTags', (addTagObject) => { this.addTagToPdf(addTagObject); } ); const highlightAddSubscription = pdfObject.addListener( 'HighlightAdded', (highlightObject) => { this.addHighlightToPdf(highlightObject); this.logArticleHighlightEvent(); } ); const highlightDelSubscription = pdfObject.addListener( 'HighlightDeleted', (highlightObject) => { this.deleteHighlightFromPdf(highlightObject); } ); const viewerDismissedSubscription = pdfObject.addListener( 'ViewerWillDismiss', () => { // console.log("ViewerWillDismiss Collection screen"); // console.log(highlightObject); varProvider.isPDFOpen = false; getAllTagSubscription.remove(); getTagSubscription.remove(); getHighlightSubscription.remove(); addTagSubscription.remove(); highlightAddSubscription.remove(); highlightDelSubscription.remove(); viewerDismissedSubscription.remove(); deletePDFSubscription.remove(); this.logPdfScreenViewEvent(true); varProvider.currentScreen = screenNames.Collections; } ); const deletePDFSubscription = pdfObject.addListener( 'DeletePDFArticle', () => { MVMyloftPDFViewerNativeModuleIos.closeViewer(); setTimeout(() => { this.onDeleteArticle(); }, 100) } ); } logArticleHighlightEvent() { let articleHighlightJson = { "type": "PDF" }; analyticsProvider.logAnalyticsJson("ArticleHighlight", articleHighlightJson) } addTagToPdf(addTagObject) { if (addTagObject && addTagObject["AddTags"]) { var tagNames = addTagObject["AddTags"]["tagNames"]; var tagIds = addTagObject["AddTags"]["tags"]; var articleTagNames = addTagObject["AddTags"]["articleTags"]; var analyticsTags = []; if (cloneIt && cloneIt.tagList && cloneIt.tagList.length != 0) { var existingTags = cloneIt.tagList; for (var k = 0; k < articleTagNames.length; k++) { if (existingTags.indexOf(articleTagNames[k]) == -1) { analyticsTags.push(articleTagNames[k]); } } } else { analyticsTags = articleTagNames; } this.callbackAddTag(articleTagNames); if (tagNames.length != 0 || tagIds.length != 0) { var randomId = []; for (var i = 0; i < tagNames.length; i++) { randomId.push(""); } var tempList = {}; tempList["articleId"] =; tempList["tagName"] = tagNames; tempList["tagId"] = tagIds; tempList["randomId"] = randomId; // console.log(tempList); colProvider.addArticleTags(tempList).subscribe(() => { }); this.logTagSaveEvent(analyticsTags, "AddTags"); } var deleteIds = addTagObject["AddTags"]["deletedTags"]; if (deleteIds.length != 0) { var tempList1 = {}; tempList1["articleId"] =; tempList1["tagId"] = deleteIds; // console.log(tempList1); colProvider.deleteArticleTags(tempList1).subscribe(() => { }); } } } logTagSaveEvent(name, source) { let tagSaveJson = { "name": name.toString(), "source": source } analyticsProvider.logAnalyticsJson("TagSave", tagSaveJson); } addHighlightToPdf(highlightObject) { if (highlightObject && highlightObject["HighlightAdded"]) { var hjson = highlightObject["HighlightAdded"]; var jsonData = []; jsonData.push({ "start": 0, "end": 0, "root": hjson["root"], "text": hjson["text"], "class": "myloft_highlight", "rangyid": hjson["rangyid"] }); var highId = apiProvider.generateUUID(); var randomId = []; randomId.push(highId); var tempList = {}; tempList["articleId"] =; tempList["highlightData"] = jsonData; tempList["randomId"] = randomId; colProvider.addArticleHighlight(tempList).subscribe((data) => { MVMyloftPDFViewerNativeModuleIos.refreshHighlightList(data); }); } } deleteHighlightFromPdf(highlightObject) { if (highlightObject && highlightObject["HighlightDeleted"]) { var hjson = highlightObject["HighlightDeleted"]; var tempList = {}; var hid = []; hid.push(; tempList["articleId"] =; tempList["highlightId"] = hid; colProvider.deleteArticleHighlight(tempList).subscribe(() => { }); } } updateReadStatus(articleItem) { if (!articleItem.readStatus) { articleItem.readStatus = true; colProvider.readArticle(articleItem).subscribe(() => { }); this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } } closeGuide = () => { this.setState({ showGuide: false }) setProvider.closeGuide("isCollectionsGuideShown"); } _renderListView = ({ item }) => ( ); _renderCardView = ({ item, index }) => ( ); openTagModal = (item) => { tagList = []; if (item.tagList?.length > 0) tagList = item.tagList; this.setState({ openTagModal: true }) } childResponser = () => { startParentResponderTouch = false; startChildResponderTouch = true; } parentResponser = () => { if (startParentResponderTouch) { if (startChildResponderTouch) startChildResponderTouch = false; else this.closeEditMode(); } else { startParentResponderTouch = true; } } render() { var renderFavArticleFooter = this.menuItemPress(favoriteArticles)} > {favoriteArticles.title} ; var menu = {translate("COLLECTIONS")} this.addCollection()}> {this.state.noData ? {translate("SEARCH_EMPTY")} : { this.menuItemLongPress(item) }} onPress={() => this.menuItemPress(item)} > {item.title} {item.isDefault && } {item.pressed && { this.childResponser() }}> {this.state.cloneItem.type != staticConfig.collectionType && this.editTitle()}> } {!this.state.cloneItem.isDefault && this.state.cloneItem.type != staticConfig.collectionType && this.deleteCollection()}> } {!this.state.cloneItem.isDefault && this.setDefaultCollection()}> } { this.closeEditMode(); drawerLockMode = "unlocked" }}> } } /> {renderFavArticleFooter} } {this.state.addCollectionModal && } {this.state.editTitleCollectionModal && } {this.state.deleteCollectionModal && } {this.state.openTagModal && tagList?.length > 0 ? : null} ; var headerBar = this.openMenu()}> {varProvider.selectedCollectionName} this.changeView()}> this.openFilters()}> return ( { this.parentResponser() }}> { this.drawer = _drawer; varProvider.colDrawer = _drawer; }} onDrawerClose={() => { this.onDrawerClose() }} drawerPosition={DrawerLayout.positions.Left} drawerLockMode={drawerLockMode} renderNavigationView={() => menu}> {headerBar} {, key) => ( {item.chipTitle == "tagName" ? { => ( this.removeFilter(subItem, true)} /> )) } : { && this.removeFilter(item)} /> } } )) } {this.state.articleLoading && } {!this.state.isCardView && !this.state.articleLoading && } {this.state.isCardView && !this.state.articleLoading && 1 && { marginHorizontal: 8 }} extraData={this.state.refresh} numColumns={numberOfCards} key={numberOfCards} ListFooterComponent={this.renderFooter} ListEmptyComponent={this.renderEmpty} ListHeaderComponent={this.renderHeader} onEndReached={this.handleLoadMore} onEndReachedThreshold={0.5} renderItem={this._renderCardView} /> } { this.setState({ sharedOpened: false }) }} onBackdropPress={() => { this.setState({ sharedOpened: false }) }} modalHeight={modalHeight} modalWidth={modalWidth} sendTo={this.sendTo.bind(this)} shareNativeArticle={this.shareNativeArticle.bind(this)} isConnected={connection.isConnectedFun()} /> {this.state.editTitleModal && } {this.state.deleteArticleModal && } ); } removeFilter(item, isTag) { var tempFilters = this.state.activeFilters; if (isTag) { var tagList = tempFilters[4].value; for (var i = 0; i < tagList.length; i++) { if (item == tagList[i]) { tempFilters[4].value.splice(i, 1); if (tempFilters[4].value.length == 0) { tempFilters[4].active = false; } break; } } } else { for (var i = 0; i < tempFilters.length; i++) { if (item.chipTitle == tempFilters[i].chipTitle) { tempFilters[i].active = false; break; } } } this.callbackFun(tempFilters); } closeActionSheetModal() { this.setState({ actionSheetModal: false }); } // here we get callback that action sheet/share action sheet is closed, now we can perform action according to value of closeFlag hideActionSheetModal() { if (closeFlag == "editArticle") { this.setState({ editTitleModal: true }); } else if (closeFlag == "deleteArticle") { this.setState({ deleteArticleModal: true }); } else if (closeFlag == "actionSheet") { this.setState({ sharedOpened: true }); } else if (closeFlag == "externalPdfOpen") { colProvider.onOpenWithExternalView(this.props.navigation, cloneIt) } else if (closeFlag == "shareVia") { setTimeout(() => { if (Platform.OS == "ios") { Share.share({ message: cloneIt.url, url: cloneIt.url, title: cloneIt.title }, { // Android only: dialogTitle: cloneIt.title, }).then(() => { // console.log(data); }).catch(() => { // console.log(err); }); } else { ShareIntentModule.openShareIntent(cloneIt.title, cloneIt.url, () => { }); } }, 400) this.logShareEvent(cloneIt.url, "Other"); } closeFlag = ""; } shareArticle() { if (connection.isConnectedFun()) { this.closeActionSheetModal(); closeFlag = "actionSheet" } else { Toast.showShortCenter(translate("PLEASE_CONNECT")); } } sendTo() { const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; if (connection.isConnectedFun()) { this.setState({ sharedOpened: false }); navigate('ShareArticle', { "article": cloneIt, "isModal": true, "refScreen": screenNames.Collections }); } else { Toast.showShortCenter(translate("PLEASE_CONNECT")); } } shareNativeArticle() { if (connection.isConnectedFun()) { closeFlag = "shareVia" this.setState({ sharedOpened: false }); } else { Toast.showShortCenter(translate("PLEASE_CONNECT")); } } logShareEvent(url, medium) { let shareJson = { "medium": medium, "url": url }; analyticsProvider.logAnalyticsJson("Share", shareJson); } getEditTitleText(e) { this.setState({ editTitleText: e }); } onSaveEditTitle() { if (!this.state.editTitleText) { this.setState({ editTitleValid: true, editTitleValidationText: translate("ARTICLE_RENAME_VALIDATION") }); } else { var trimmedTitle = this.state.editTitleText.trim(); if (trimmedTitle) { cloneIt.title = trimmedTitle; colProvider.editArticle(cloneIt).subscribe(() => { }); this.setState({ editTitleValid: false, refresh: !this.state.refresh }); this.closeEditTitleModal(); } else { this.setState({ editTitleValid: true, editTitleValidationText: translate("ARTICLE_RENAME_VALIDATION") }); } } } closeEditTitleModal() { this.setState({ editTitleModal: false }) } closeDeleteArticleModal() { this.setState({ deleteArticleModal: false }) } onDeleteArticle() { this.closeDeleteArticleModal(); //added timeout to remove lag in UI setTimeout(() => { for (var i = 0; i < articleList.length; i++) { if (articleList[i].id == { articleList.splice(i, 1); if (articleList.length < pagingCount && !noMoreData) { setTimeout(() => { this.handleLoadMore({ distanceFromEnd: "NeedToFetch" }); }, 1000); } break; } } Toast.showShortCenter(translate("ARTICLE_DELETED")); var tempList = []; tempList.push(cloneIt); colProvider.deleteArticle(tempList).subscribe(() => { }); this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); }, 500); } favoriteArticle(item) { if (item.isFavorite) { item.isFavorite = false; } else { item.isFavorite = true; } //if favorite articles is selected then remove the unfavorited article from list if (varProvider.selectedCollectionId == "favoriteArticles") this.removeFromFavorite(item); colProvider.favoriteArticle(item).subscribe(() => { }); this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } openModal(item) { if (item?.isPDFAvailable == 'false') { asList[0].isGrayedOut = true; } else { asList[0].isGrayedOut = false; } if (item.readStatus) { asList[6].title = translate("MARK_AS") + translate("UNREAD") } else { asList[6].title = translate("MARK_AS") + translate("READ"); } if (item.type == "PDF") { asList[1].isVisible = false; asList[0].isVisible = true; //check type is pdf then we will show open with option } else { asList[1].isVisible = true; asList[0].isVisible = false; } this.setState({ asList: asList, actionSheetModal: true }); cloneIt = item; } callbackAddTag(tagList) { tagList.sort(colProvider.SortByNameArray); cloneIt.tagList = tagList; this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } callbackDeleteArticle() { this.onDeleteArticle(); } callbackRead() { cloneIt.readStatus = true; this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } callbackCollection() { if (varProvider.selectedCollectionName != translate("FAVORITE_ARTICLES")) { for (var i = 0; i < articleList.length; i++) { if (articleList[i].title == cloneIt.title) { articleList.splice(i, 1); if (articleList.length < pagingCount && !noMoreData) { setTimeout(() => { this.handleLoadMore({ distanceFromEnd: "NeedToFetch" }); }, 1000); } } } this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } } addTags() { this.closeActionSheetModal(); const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; navigate('AddTags', { article: cloneIt, "callbackAddTag": this.callbackAddTag, "isModal": true, "refScreen": screenNames.Collections }); } editTitleArticle() { this.closeActionSheetModal(); if (Platform.OS == "ios") { this.setState({ initialValue: cloneIt.title, editTitleText: cloneIt.title, editTitleValid: false }); } else { this.setState({ editTitleModal: true, initialValue: cloneIt.title, editTitleText: cloneIt.title, editTitleValid: false }); } closeFlag = "editArticle"; } moveToCollection() { this.closeActionSheetModal(); const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; navigate('MoveToCollection', { "isModal": true, collectionList: collectionList, article: cloneIt, "callbackCollection": this.callbackCollection.bind(this), "refScreen": screenNames.Collections }); } deleteArticle() { this.closeActionSheetModal(); if (Platform.OS == "ios") { } else { this.setState({ deleteArticleModal: true }); } closeFlag = "deleteArticle"; } markAsRead() { this.closeActionSheetModal(); var alertMsg; if (cloneIt.readStatus) { cloneIt.readStatus = false; alertMsg = translate("UNREAD"); } else { cloneIt.readStatus = true; alertMsg = translate("READ"); } colProvider.readArticle(cloneIt).subscribe(() => { }); this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } //collection side menu functions closeEditMode() { if (cloneIt) { cloneIt.pressed = false; } setTimeout(() => { isEditMode = false; drawerLockMode = "unlocked" }, 200) this.setState({ editMode: false, refreshCollection: !this.state.refreshCollection }); } setDefaultCollection() { for (var i = 0; i < collectionList.length; i++) { if (collectionList[i].isDefault) { collectionList[i].isDefault = false; } } cloneIt.isDefault = true; cloneIt.pressed = false; collectionList.sort(colProvider.SortByName); //add collection marked as default to front for (var j = 0; j < collectionList.length; j++) { if (collectionList[j].id == { collectionList.splice(j, 1); collectionList.unshift(cloneIt); break; } } varProvider.defaultCollectionId =; varProvider.defaultCollectionName = cloneIt.title; varProvider.defaultCollectionType = cloneIt.type; AsyncStorage.multiSet([ ["defaultCollectionId", varProvider.defaultCollectionId], ["defaultCollectionName", varProvider.defaultCollectionName], ["defaultCollectionType", varProvider.defaultCollectionType] ]); colProvider.setDefaultCollection(cloneIt).subscribe(() => { }); this.logCollectionUpdateEvent(cloneIt.title); isEditMode = false; drawerLockMode = "unlocked" this.setState({ editMode: false, refreshCollection: !this.state.refreshCollection }); } logCollectionUpdateEvent(name) { let collectionUpdateJson = { "name": name }; analyticsProvider.logAnalyticsJson("CollectionUpdate", collectionUpdateJson) } addCollection() { if (isEditMode) { this.closeEditMode(); } else { this.setState({ addCollectionModal: true, addCollectionText: "", addCollectionValid: false }); } } getAddCollectionText(e) { this.setState({ addCollectionText: e }); } closeAddCollectionModal() { this.setState({ addCollectionModal: false }); } onSaveAddCollection() { if (!this.state.addCollectionText) { this.setState({ addCollectionValid: true, addCollectionValidationText: translate("NC_EMPTY") }); } else { var trimmedTitle = this.state.addCollectionText.trim(); if (trimmedTitle) { if (config.collectionRegex.test(trimmedTitle)) { var flagCollection = false; for (var i = 0; i < collectionList.length; i++) { if (collectionList[i].title.toLowerCase() == trimmedTitle.toLowerCase()) { flagCollection = true; } } if (trimmedTitle.toLowerCase() == translate("FAVORITE_ARTICLES").toLowerCase()) { flagCollection = true; } if (flagCollection) { this.setState({ addCollectionValid: true, addCollectionValidationText: translate("NC_EXIST") }); } else { var uuid = apiProvider.generateUUID(); var title = trimmedTitle; var updatedAt = new Date().getTime(); var tempColList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(collectionList)); tempColList.splice(0, 1); var toInsertIndex = colProvider.getSortedIndex(tempColList, title, "title"); collectionList.splice(toInsertIndex + 1, 0, { "id": uuid, "title": title, "description": "", "isDefault": false, "createdAt": updatedAt, "updatedAt": updatedAt, "pressed": false, "active": false }); colProvider.addCollection(uuid, title, updatedAt).subscribe((data) => { varProvider.newAddedCollection["oldId"] = data.oldId; varProvider.newAddedCollection["newId"] =; var colLen = collectionList.length; for (var i = 0; i < colLen; i++) { if (collectionList[i].id == data["oldId"]) { collectionList[i]["id"] =; collectionList[i]["updatedAt"] = data.updatedAt; break; } } }); this.logCollectionSaveEvent(title); this.setState({ addCollectionValid: false, refreshCollection: !this.state.refreshCollection }); this.closeAddCollectionModal(); } } else { this.setState({ addCollectionValid: true, addCollectionValidationText: translate("NC_VALIDATION") }); } } else { this.setState({ addCollectionValid: true, addCollectionValidationText: translate("NC_EMPTY") }); } } } logCollectionSaveEvent(name) { let collectionSaveJson = { "name": name, "source": "Collection" } analyticsProvider.logAnalyticsJson("CollectionSave", collectionSaveJson); } editTitle() { this.setState({ editTitleCollectionModal: true, initialValue: cloneIt.title, editTitleCollectionText: cloneIt.title, editTitleCollectionValid: false }); } getEditTitleCollectionText(e) { this.setState({ editTitleCollectionText: e }); } closeEditTitleCollectionModal() { this.setState({ editTitleCollectionModal: false }); } onSaveEditTitleCollection() { if (!this.state.editTitleCollectionText) { this.setState({ editTitleCollectionValid: true, editTitleCollectionValidationText: translate("NC_EMPTY") }); } else { var trimmedTitle = this.state.editTitleCollectionText.trim(); if (trimmedTitle) { if (config.collectionRegex.test(trimmedTitle)) { var flagCollection = false; for (var i = 0; i < collectionList.length; i++) { if (collectionList[i].title.toLowerCase() == trimmedTitle.toLowerCase()) { if (collectionList[i].title == cloneIt.title) { if (trimmedTitle == cloneIt.title) { flagCollection = true; } } else { flagCollection = true; } } } if (trimmedTitle.toLowerCase() == translate("FAVORITE_ARTICLES").toLowerCase()) { flagCollection = true; } if (flagCollection) { this.setState({ editTitleCollectionValid: true, editTitleCollectionValidationText: translate("NC_EXIST") }); } else { cloneIt.title = trimmedTitle; cloneIt.pressed = false; //update the title of collection for (var j = 0; j < collectionList.length; j++) { if (collectionList[j].id == { collectionList[j].title = cloneIt.title; if (collectionList[j].active === true) { varProvider.selectedCollectionName = cloneIt.title; } collectionList[j].pressed = false; break; } } //sort the collection list collectionList.sort(colProvider.SortByName); //move collection marked as default to front for (var j = 0; j < collectionList.length; j++) { if (collectionList[j].isDefault) { let tempobj = collectionList[j]; collectionList.splice(j, 1); collectionList.unshift(tempobj); break; } } colProvider.editCollection(cloneIt).subscribe(() => { }); isEditMode = false; drawerLockMode = "unlocked"; this.setState({ editTitleCollectionValid: false, editMode: false, refreshCollection: !this.state.refreshCollection }); this.closeEditTitleCollectionModal(); } } else { this.setState({ editTitleCollectionValid: true, editTitleCollectionValidationText: translate("NC_VALIDATION") }); } } else { this.setState({ editTitleCollectionValid: true, editTitleCollectionValidationText: translate("NC_EMPTY") }); } } } deleteCollection() { this.setState({ deleteCollectionModal: true }); } closeDeleteCollectionModal() { this.setState({ deleteCollectionModal: false }); } onDeleteCollection() { var index, colIdToDelete; for (var i = 0; i < collectionList.length; i++) { if (collectionList[i].title == cloneIt.title) { colIdToDelete = collectionList[i].id; collectionList.splice(i, 1); index = i; break; } } colProvider.deleteCollection(cloneIt).subscribe(() => { if (varProvider.selectedCollectionId != colIdToDelete || varProvider.selectedCollectionId == varProvider.defaultCollectionId) { if (!varProvider.isSyncInProgress) { colProvider.getSyncArticles(0); } } }); isEditMode = false; drawerLockMode = "unlocked", this.setState({ editMode: false }); this.closeDeleteCollectionModal(); if (varProvider.selectedCollectionId == colIdToDelete) { if (index == 0) { //select collection and load its article this.selectColAndLoadArticle(index); } else { //select collection i-1 and load its articles this.selectColAndLoadArticle(index - 1); } } } closeTagBottomSheet = () => { this.setState({ openTagModal: false }); } menuItemLongPress(item) { if (item.isDefault && item.type != staticConfig.collectionType || !item.isDefault) { for (var i = 0; i < collectionList.length; i++) { if (collectionList[i].pressed) { collectionList[i].pressed = false; } } item.pressed = true; isEditMode = true; drawerLockMode = "locked-open", this.setState({ editMode: true, cloneItem: item, refreshCollection: !this.state.refreshCollection }); cloneIt = item; } } menuItemPress(item) { // console.log(item) if (isEditMode) { this.closeEditMode(); } else { this.drawer.closeDrawer(); for (var i = 0; i < collectionList.length; i++) { if (collectionList[i].active) { collectionList[i].active = false; } } = true; if ( != "favoriteArticles") { = false; imagePath = imageJson.collection_empty; title = translate("ARTICLES_EMPTY1") text = "" links = [{ name: translate("ERESOURCES"), onPressFun: this.openEResources.bind(this) }, { name: translate("WEB"), onPressFun: this.openWeb.bind(this) }]; isLink = true; } else { imagePath = imageJson.fav_article_empty; title = translate("ARTICLES_FAV_EMPTY") text = translate("ARTICLES_FAV_EMPTY_DATA1") isLink = false; } noMoreData = false; articleList = []; varProvider.selectedCollectionName = item.title; varProvider.selectedCollectionId =; graphError = "" this.setState({ refreshCollection: !this.state.refreshCollection, articleLoading: true, errorLoading: false, articleLength: 0 }); setTimeout(() => { if ( == "favoriteArticles") { if (this.state.isFilter) { this.callbackFun(this.state.activeFilters); } else { var tempJson = { "offset": 0 }; this.loadFavoriteArticles(tempJson); } } else { if (this.state.isFilter) { this.callbackFun(this.state.activeFilters); } else { isFirstTime = false; this.loadArticleList(); } } }, 450); } } openEResources() { varProvider.activeTabIndex = 1; const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; navigate('Content'); } openWeb() { if (connection.isConnectedFun()) { varProvider.openSearch = true; varProvider.activeTabIndex = 0; const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; navigate('Home'); } else { Toast.showShortCenter(translate("PLEASE_CONNECT")); } } loadFavoriteArticles(tempJson) { if (tempJson.offset == 0) articleList = []; colProvider.getFavoriteArticleSql(tempJson).then((data) => { if (data.length < pagingCount) { noMoreData = true; } if (data.length != 0) { var articleCount = articleList.length; this.processArticleList(data, articleCount); } else { this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh, articleLoading: false, footerLoading: false, articleLength: articleList.length }); } isInfiniteOn = false; }) } removeFromFavorite(item) { for (var i = 0; i < articleList.length; i++) { if (articleList[i].id == { articleList.splice(i, 1); break; } } this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } selectColAndLoadArticle(index) { for (var i = 0; i < collectionList.length; i++) { if (collectionList[i].active) { collectionList[i].active = false; } } collectionList[index].active = true; graphError = "" this.setState({ refreshCollection: !this.state.refreshCollection, articleLoading: true, errorLoading: false, articleLength: 0 }); noMoreData = false; articleList = []; varProvider.selectedCollectionName = collectionList[index].title; varProvider.selectedCollectionId = collectionList[index].id; if (this.state.isFilter) { this.callbackFun(this.state.activeFilters); } else { isFirstTime = false; this.loadArticleList(); } cloneIt = collectionList[index]; } onDrawerClose() { if (cloneIt) { cloneIt.pressed = false; } if (this.refs["searchInput"]) { this.refs["searchInput"].blur(); } isEditMode = false; drawerLockMode = "unlocked"; this.setState({ editMode: false, refreshCollection: !this.state.refreshCollection }); } }