[Red Corvette]: Now we welcome Alina, from Poland, to our website, They are widespread in Europe, but also operate in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Lots of Asian countries. [Alina]: Thank you Red! So, while this isn't the one And only experience I have ever had with MLMs, it is definitely the closest. Avon and Oriflame are incredibly common in Poland and searching through catalogs left by one or another of my mother's acquaintances was a pretty major part of my childhood and adolescent years. She still semi-regularly gets a purse of Oriflame makeup which didn't sell from one of them. If something was fine, I'd grab something or two for myself too. I've moved on to high end stuff since then, but I've never had a terrible experience with these two (besides classmates asking if I would like to be a consultant -- a polite"No, thank you" was sufficient to steer them off, thank gods). This might be explained by Me well, more or less a hermit. I'm an introvert with social stress difficulties, so no, I am not one to have an extensive social network. One of my (few) close Friends, let's call her Rachel, got involved with a man from our college, Ross. She was head over heels, he was funny, smart, charming, romantic... and he started showing her FM Group catalogs. She, in turn, showed them to me. I laughed it off. I told Rachel to not get into it and be wary of Ross' intentions... Only for her to please stay safe. She agreed with me our class had lately seen a documentary on Amway and pyramid schemes, which rang all too similar to FM -- and she promised to be careful. They finished up together Anyway, and, needless to say, we drifted apart a bit, me being single and Rachel joyful in her new relationship. Fast ahead of 2013. We had been finished with high school and had full four weeks of vacations. I happily burrowed in my area, like a correct hermit I still am, and pretty much disappeared off the grid because of my high school friends. Two months into my joyful loneliness, I got a message from Rachel. She stated she knew someone I meanit was Rachel, one of my best friends at the moment, she understood mepersonally, the quiet introvert who talked to maybe five people on a good day. She was a little cryptic and asked me to meet for a coffee, but hey, she'd know a fantastic chance for me, right? Right...?! Ha. Haha. Ha. Oh you sweet, naïve me. She met me out of a Cafe and after a brief showcasing session and"long time no sees" she rushed me indoors. Not just was Ross there, but also somebody I did not understand, looking very professional with piles of papers strewn throughout the table. You see, I'd completely Forgotten about the entire FM Group event. Rachel promised me to steer clear of this, she knew my own firm position on the subject, she wouldn't do so... I realized what was going I denied a coffee, I felt very uncomfortable.Gotta give it to the Recruiter: he had been pretty good at what he had been doing, some sort of a born salesman. https://sklep.fmworld.group/ did he act like it was a legit job interview, but he fast talked, weaving a perfect success story. I needed to cut in to inquire about the company model. Not-a-pyramid-scheme, of course. He appeared genuinely Disappointed that I didn't want to market makeup to my buddies (I had no friends), didn't wish to go around the neighborhood selling cleaning products (I lived in a village, everybody around was poor elderly ladies, I have a hub ), did not wish to make cars with the company (...I have no driver's license). I needed to be very firm I wanted nothing to do with this sort of thing, because he simply would not stop insisting. He kept showing graphs from that heap of paper, you know the drill -- just recruit five people, they will recruit five individuals each... blah blah... First of all, I didn't have five people who I could recruit. I had to pretty much run Away, feeling stressed and smothered, because no amount of polite declining worked. I ended up having to replicate "No, I'm not interested" while getting up and leaving. Well, I had been genuinely disappointed. With my friend, who fully forgot my values and opinions and tried to lure me in with a promise of a job I would enjoy. To be perfectly clear: I Didn't write this to brag about how good I am for not falling prey to a MLM. I just wanted to demonstrate how incredibly insidious this kind of something is and how hard it's to say no -- I had a very firm stance against it and they. Still. Kept. On. Trying. If I had not decided to run off, I could have agreed to it, just to make them cease insisting. Incidentally, Rachel and Ross Are still together, are engaged and actually ended up opening a company from Floor up (they do spiritual layouts... It is not my place to judge, but I guess Some individuals must be devout about something, make it a faith or a MLM). I Don't know how they got out from the scheme -- but good for them! I want the FM Group episode hadn't ruined our friendship, however.