ESX = nil local Categories = {} local Vehicles = {} TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end) TriggerEvent('esx_phone:registerNumber', 'cardealer', _U('dealer_customers'), false, false) TriggerEvent('esx_society:registerSociety', 'cardealer', _U('car_dealer'), 'society_cardealer', 'society_cardealer', 'society_cardealer', {type = 'private'}) Citizen.CreateThread(function() local char = Config.PlateLetters char = char + Config.PlateNumbers if Config.PlateUseSpace then char = char + 1 end if char > 8 then print(('esx_vehicleshop: ^1WARNING^7 plate character count reached, %s/8 characters.'):format(char)) end end) function RemoveOwnedVehicle(plate) MySQL.Async.execute('DELETE FROM owned_vehicles WHERE plate = @plate', { ['@plate'] = plate }) end MySQL.ready(function() Categories = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM vehicle_categories') local vehicles = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM vehicles') for i=1, #vehicles, 1 do local vehicle = vehicles[i] for j=1, #Categories, 1 do if Categories[j].name == vehicle.category then vehicle.categoryLabel = Categories[j].label break end end table.insert(Vehicles, vehicle) end -- send information after db has loaded, making sure everyone gets vehicle information TriggerClientEvent('esx_vehicleshop:sendCategories', -1, Categories) TriggerClientEvent('esx_vehicleshop:sendVehicles', -1, Vehicles) end) RegisterServerEvent('esx_vehicleshop:setVehicleOwned') AddEventHandler('esx_vehicleshop:setVehicleOwned', function (vehicleProps,vehicleData) local _source = source local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source) MySQL.Async.execute( 'INSERT INTO owned_vehicles (vehicle, owner, plate, modelname) VALUES (@vehicle, @owner, @plate, @modelname)', { ['@vehicle'] = json.encode(vehicleProps), ['@owner'] = xPlayer.identifier, ['@plate'] = vehicleProps.plate, ['@modelname'] = vehicleData.model }, function (rowsChanged) TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('vehicle_belongs', vehicleProps.plate)) end) end) RegisterServerEvent('esx_vehicleshop:setVehicleOwnedPlayerId') AddEventHandler('esx_vehicleshop:setVehicleOwnedPlayerId', function (playerId, vehicleProps,vehicleData) local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(playerId) MySQL.Async.execute( 'INSERT INTO owned_vehicles (vehicle, owner, plate, modelname) VALUES (@vehicle, @owner, @plate, @modelname)', { ['@vehicle'] = json.encode(vehicleProps), ['@owner'] = xPlayer.identifier, ['@plate'] = vehicleProps.plate, ['@modelname'] = vehicleDatal.model }, function (rowsChanged) TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', playerId, _U('vehicle_belongs', vehicleProps.plate)) end) end) RegisterServerEvent('esx_vehicleshop:setVehicleOwnedSociety') AddEventHandler('esx_vehicleshop:setVehicleOwnedSociety', function (society, vehicleProps) local _source = source local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source) MySQL.Async.execute('INSERT INTO owned_vehicles (owner, plate, vehicle) VALUES (@owner, @plate, @vehicle)', { ['@owner'] = 'society:' .. society, ['@plate'] = vehicleProps.plate, ['@vehicle'] = json.encode(vehicleProps), }, function (rowsChanged) end) end) RegisterServerEvent('esx_vehicleshop:sellVehicle') AddEventHandler('esx_vehicleshop:sellVehicle', function (vehicle) MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM cardealer_vehicles WHERE vehicle = @vehicle LIMIT 1', { ['@vehicle'] = vehicle }, function (result) local id = result[1].id MySQL.Async.execute('DELETE FROM cardealer_vehicles WHERE id = @id', { ['@id'] = id }) end) end) RegisterServerEvent('esx_vehicleshop:addToList') AddEventHandler('esx_vehicleshop:addToList', function(target, model, plate) local xPlayer, xTarget = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source), ESX.GetPlayerFromId(target) local dateNow ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') if ~= 'cardealer' then print(('esx_vehicleshop: %s attempted to add a sold vehicle to list!'):format(xPlayer.identifier)) return end MySQL.Async.execute('INSERT INTO vehicle_sold (client, model, plate, soldby, date) VALUES (@client, @model, @plate, @soldby, @date)', { ['@client'] = xTarget.getName(), ['@model'] = model, ['@plate'] = plate, ['@soldby'] = xPlayer.getName(), ['@date'] = dateNow }) end) ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_vehicleshop:getSoldVehicles', function (source, cb) MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM vehicle_sold', {}, function(result) cb(result) end) end) RegisterServerEvent('esx_vehicleshop:rentVehicle') AddEventHandler('esx_vehicleshop:rentVehicle', function (vehicle, plate, playerName, basePrice, rentPrice, target) local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(target) MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM cardealer_vehicles WHERE vehicle = @vehicle LIMIT 1', { ['@vehicle'] = vehicle }, function (result) local id = result[1].id local price = result[1].price local owner = xPlayer.identifier MySQL.Async.execute('DELETE FROM cardealer_vehicles WHERE id = @id', { ['@id'] = id }) MySQL.Async.execute('INSERT INTO rented_vehicles (vehicle, plate, player_name, base_price, rent_price, owner) VALUES (@vehicle, @plate, @player_name, @base_price, @rent_price, @owner)', { ['@vehicle'] = vehicle, ['@plate'] = plate, ['@player_name'] = playerName, ['@base_price'] = basePrice, ['@rent_price'] = rentPrice, ['@owner'] = owner }) end) end) RegisterServerEvent('esx_vehicleshop:getStockItem') AddEventHandler('esx_vehicleshop:getStockItem', function (itemName, count) local _source = source local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source) local sourceItem = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(itemName) TriggerEvent('esx_addoninventory:getSharedInventory', 'society_cardealer', function (inventory) local item = inventory.getItem(itemName) -- is there enough in the society? if count > 0 and item.count >= count then -- can the player carry the said amount of x item? if sourceItem.limit ~= -1 and (sourceItem.count + count) > sourceItem.limit then TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('player_cannot_hold')) else inventory.removeItem(itemName, count) xPlayer.addInventoryItem(itemName, count) TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('have_withdrawn', count, item.label)) end else TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('not_enough_in_society')) end end) end) RegisterServerEvent('esx_vehicleshop:putStockItems') AddEventHandler('esx_vehicleshop:putStockItems', function (itemName, count) local _source = source local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source) TriggerEvent('esx_addoninventory:getSharedInventory', 'society_cardealer', function (inventory) local item = inventory.getItem(itemName) if item.count >= 0 then xPlayer.removeInventoryItem(itemName, count) inventory.addItem(itemName, count) TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('have_deposited', count, item.label)) else TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('invalid_amount')) end end) end) ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_vehicleshop:getCategories', function (source, cb) cb(Categories) end) ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_vehicleshop:getVehicles', function (source, cb) cb(Vehicles) end) ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_vehicleshop:buyVehicle', function (source, cb, vehicleModel) local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source) local vehicleData = nil for i=1, #Vehicles, 1 do if Vehicles[i].model == vehicleModel then vehicleData = Vehicles[i] break end end if xPlayer.getMoney() >= vehicleData.price then xPlayer.removeMoney(vehicleData.price) cb(true) else cb(false) end end) ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_vehicleshop:buyVehicleSociety', function (source, cb, society, vehicleModel) local vehicleData = nil for i=1, #Vehicles, 1 do if Vehicles[i].model == vehicleModel then vehicleData = Vehicles[i] break end end TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount', 'society_' .. society, function (account) if >= vehicleData.price then account.removeMoney(vehicleData.price) MySQL.Async.execute('INSERT INTO cardealer_vehicles (vehicle, price) VALUES (@vehicle, @price)', { ['@vehicle'] = vehicleData.model, ['@price'] = vehicleData.price }, function(rowsChanged) cb(true) end) else cb(false) end end) end) ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_vehicleshop:getCommercialVehicles', function (source, cb) MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM cardealer_vehicles ORDER BY vehicle ASC', {}, function (result) local vehicles = {} for i=1, #result, 1 do table.insert(vehicles, { name = result[i].vehicle, price = result[i].price }) end cb(vehicles) end) end) RegisterServerEvent('esx_vehicleshop:returnProvider') AddEventHandler('esx_vehicleshop:returnProvider', function(vehicleModel) local _source = source MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM cardealer_vehicles WHERE vehicle = @vehicle LIMIT 1', { ['@vehicle'] = vehicleModel }, function (result) if result[1] then local id = result[1].id local price = ESX.Math.Round(result[1].price * 0.75) TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount', 'society_cardealer', function(account) account.addMoney(price) end) MySQL.Async.execute('DELETE FROM cardealer_vehicles WHERE id = @id', { ['@id'] = id }) TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('vehicle_sold_for', vehicleModel, ESX.Math.GroupDigits(price))) else print(('esx_vehicleshop: %s attempted selling an invalid vehicle!'):format(GetPlayerIdentifiers(_source)[1])) end end) end) ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_vehicleshop:getRentedVehicles', function (source, cb) MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM rented_vehicles ORDER BY player_name ASC', {}, function (result) local vehicles = {} for i=1, #result, 1 do table.insert(vehicles, { name = result[i].vehicle, plate = result[i].plate, playerName = result[i].player_name }) end cb(vehicles) end) end) ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_vehicleshop:giveBackVehicle', function (source, cb, plate) MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM rented_vehicles WHERE plate = @plate', { ['@plate'] = plate }, function (result) if result[1] ~= nil then local vehicle = result[1].vehicle local basePrice = result[1].base_price MySQL.Async.execute('INSERT INTO cardealer_vehicles (vehicle, price) VALUES (@vehicle, @price)', { ['@vehicle'] = vehicle, ['@price'] = basePrice }) MySQL.Async.execute('DELETE FROM rented_vehicles WHERE plate = @plate', { ['@plate'] = plate }) RemoveOwnedVehicle(plate) cb(true) else cb(false) end end) end) ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_vehicleshop:resellVehicle', function (source, cb, plate, model) local resellPrice = 0 -- calculate the resell price for i=1, #Vehicles, 1 do if GetHashKey(Vehicles[i].model) == model then resellPrice = ESX.Math.Round(Vehicles[i].price / 100 * Config.ResellPercentage) break end end if resellPrice == 0 then print(('esx_vehicleshop: %s attempted to sell an unknown vehicle!'):format(GetPlayerIdentifiers(source)[1])) cb(false) else MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM rented_vehicles WHERE plate = @plate', { ['@plate'] = plate }, function (result) if result[1] then -- is it a rented vehicle? cb(false) -- it is, don't let the player sell it since he doesn't own it else local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source) MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM owned_vehicles WHERE owner = @owner AND @plate = plate', { ['@owner'] = xPlayer.identifier, ['@plate'] = plate }, function (result) if result[1] then -- does the owner match? local vehicle = json.decode(result[1].vehicle) if vehicle.model == model then if vehicle.plate == plate then xPlayer.addMoney(resellPrice) RemoveOwnedVehicle(plate) cb(true) else print(('esx_vehicleshop: %s attempted to sell an vehicle with plate mismatch!'):format(xPlayer.identifier)) cb(false) end else print(('esx_vehicleshop: %s attempted to sell an vehicle with model mismatch!'):format(xPlayer.identifier)) cb(false) end else if xPlayer.job.grade_name == 'boss' then MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM owned_vehicles WHERE owner = @owner AND @plate = plate', { ['@owner'] = 'society:' .., ['@plate'] = plate }, function (result) if result[1] then local vehicle = json.decode(result[1].vehicle) if vehicle.model == model then if vehicle.plate == plate then xPlayer.addMoney(resellPrice) RemoveOwnedVehicle(plate) cb(true) else print(('esx_vehicleshop: %s attempted to sell an vehicle with plate mismatch!'):format(xPlayer.identifier)) cb(false) end else print(('esx_vehicleshop: %s attempted to sell an vehicle with model mismatch!'):format(xPlayer.identifier)) cb(false) end else cb(false) end end) else cb(false) end end end) end end) end end) ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_vehicleshop:getStockItems', function (source, cb) TriggerEvent('esx_addoninventory:getSharedInventory', 'society_cardealer', function(inventory) cb(inventory.items) end) end) ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_vehicleshop:getPlayerInventory', function (source, cb) local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source) local items = xPlayer.inventory cb({items = items}) end) ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_vehicleshop:isPlateTaken', function (source, cb, plate) MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT 1 FROM owned_vehicles WHERE plate = @plate', { ['@plate'] = plate }, function (result) cb(result[1] ~= nil) end) end) ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_vehicleshop:retrieveJobVehicles', function (source, cb, type) local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source) MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM owned_vehicles WHERE owner = @owner AND type = @type AND job = @job', { ['@owner'] = xPlayer.identifier, ['@type'] = type, ['@job'] = }, function (result) cb(result) end) end) RegisterServerEvent('esx_vehicleshop:setJobVehicleState') AddEventHandler('esx_vehicleshop:setJobVehicleState', function(plate, state) local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source) MySQL.Async.execute('UPDATE owned_vehicles SET `stored` = @stored WHERE plate = @plate AND job = @job', { ['@stored'] = state, ['@plate'] = plate, ['@job'] = }, function(rowsChanged) if rowsChanged == 0 then print(('esx_vehicleshop: %s exploited the garage!'):format(xPlayer.identifier)) end end) end) function PayRent(d, h, m) MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM rented_vehicles', {}, function (result) for i=1, #result, 1 do local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier(result[i].owner) -- message player if connected if xPlayer ~= nil then xPlayer.removeAccountMoney('bank', result[i].rent_price) TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', xPlayer.source, _U('paid_rental', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(result[i].rent_price))) else -- pay rent either way MySQL.Sync.execute('UPDATE users SET bank = bank - @bank WHERE identifier = @identifier', { ['@bank'] = result[i].rent_price, ['@identifier'] = result[i].owner }) end TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount', 'society_cardealer', function(account) account.addMoney(result[i].rent_price) end) end end) end TriggerEvent('cron:runAt', 22, 00, PayRent)