Theory: "progressives" are being led straight into the Lion's mouth. They're being played. Trump is playing the waiting game. - External actors have been adding fuel to the fire, to entice protestors to use violence. And it's working. - It's getting increasingly difficult to justify the protest as legitimate. - Political leadership is losing the police force. Possible scenarios: - Democrat leadership calls National Guard and takes strong action, they become "black killers". [DEMOCRATS LOSE] - Democrat leadership tear each other apart in impotence, cornered between being seen as racist and being seen as lawless. Trump waits for nonstop destruction to reach boling point, thus forming the "Silent Majority" for military to enter stage. Trump takes over and drops the hammer at little or no cost because he is already seen as racist by progressives. [DEMOCRATS LOSE] Right now Trump is just posturing. Walking around holding a bible, visiting the church, giving a little speech, tweeting about the radical left, Antifa, and targeting democrat leaders like Governor Cuomo and Mayor De Blasio, while cities burn. But Trump can't drop the hammer at this stage, it's too early. It has to reach boiling point, for it to become evident that democrat leadership failed, and for the payoff to manifest. So not only progressives won't fix the police brutality issue, they're simultaneously committing political suicide. What a way to get Trump re-elected. Congratulations.