Games *ow - Get Overwatch stats *ow get - Get overwatch stats for a user *ow register - Register your battletag with the bot. Manager *addmod - Add a bot moderator or group of moderators. *addrole - Add a new role, with optional color and hoist. *clearwarn - Clear warnings a user *delmod - Remove a bot moderator *delrole - Delete a role *listmods - List moderators *mentionable - Toggle making a role mentionable on/off *modules - List available modules *nick - Change the bot nickname. *prefix - Set prefix for server *purge - Delete a number of messages from a channel. (limit 1000) *purge any - Delete a number of messages from a channel. *purge user - Delete messages for a user in the channel. *purge match - Delete messages containing text. (Limit 100) *purge not - Delete messages not containing text. (Limit 100 *purge startswith - Delete messages that start with text. (Limit 100) *purge endswith - Delete messages that ends with text. (Limit 100) Commands *purge links - Delete a number links posted in the channel. (Limit 100) *purge invites - Delete server invites posted in the channel. (Limit 100) *purge images - Delete a number of images in the channel. (Limit 100) *purge mentions - Delete messages with mentions in the channel. (Limit 100) *role - Add/remove a user to a role or roles. *role user - Add/remove a user to a role or roles. *role add - Add a user to a role or roles. *role remove - Remove a user from a role or roles. *role toggle - Toggle a user from a role or roles. *role all - Add/remove all users to or from a role. (Limit 1 role) *role bots - Add/remove all bots to or from a role. *role humans - Add/remove all humans to or from a role. *role in - Add/remove users to or from a role that are in a role. (Limit 1 role) *rolecolor - Change the color of a role. *setnick - Change the nickname of a user. *command - Enable/disable a command *module - Enable/disable a module Misc *afk - Set an AFK status to display when you are mentioned Commands *afk set - Set an AFK status to display when you're mentioned, and change nickname on server. *afk ignore - Use in a channel to not return from AFK when talking in that channel. *avatar - Get a users' avatar. *flipcoin - Flip a coin. *google - Get search results from google *info - Get bot info. *membercount - Get the server member count. *randomcolor - Generates a random hex color with preview. *remindme - Set a reminder *roll - Roll the dice *rps - Rock Paper Scissors with the bot. *serverinfo - Get server info/stats. *serverinvite - Create an invite to this server. *uptime - Get bot uptime *whois - Get user information. Moderator *ban - Ban a member, optional time limit *clean - Cleanup the bot responses *deafen - Deafen a member *diagnose - Diagnose any command or module in the bot to determine if there are any problems. *kick - Kick a member *modlogs - Get a list of mod logs for a user *mute - Mute a member so they cannot type or speak, time limit in minutes. Commands *softban - Softban a member (ban and immediate unban to delete user messages) *unban - Unban a member *undeafen - Undeafen a member *unmute - Unmute a member *warn - Warn a member *warnings - Get warnings for the server or user Roles *addrank - Add a new rank for members to join, works with existing or new roles. *delrank - Delete a rank *rank - Join/leave a rank. *ranks - Get a list of joinable ranks. *roleinfo - Get information about a role. *roles - Get a list of server roles and member counts. Tags *tag - Get or create a tag *tag get - Get a tag by name. *tag create - Create a new tag. *tag edit - Edit an existing tag. *tag delete - Delete an existing tag. *tags - Get a list of tags, use the tag command to fetch a tag.