command /grinder: trigger: send "" to player send "&a&lGrinder &f- &a&l£2.50" to player send "" to player send "&6&lCommands:" to player send "&e/nick, /afk, /eat, /enderchest" to player send "" to player send "&6&lPerks:" to player send "&e3 Auction House Slots, Colour Signs and New Tags" to player send "" to player command /rioter: trigger: send "" to player send "&4&lRioter &f- &a&l£5.00" to player send "" to player send "&6&lCommands:" to player send "&e/nick, /afk, /eat, /enderchest, /fly, /heal, /hat" to player send "" to player send "&6&lPerks:" to player send "&e5 Auction House Slots, Colour Signs and New Tags" to player send "" to player command /anarchist: trigger: send "" to player send "&6&lAnarchist &f- &a&l£7.50" to player send "&4&lThis Rank is Limited Time to Holidays and Events" to player send "" to player send "&6&lCommands:" to player send "&e/nick, /afk, /eat, /enderchest, /fly, /heal, /hat, /skull, /pweather, /ptime" to player send "" to player send "&6&lPerks:" to player send "&e8 Auction House Slots, Colour Signs and New Tags" to player send "" to player command /supreme: trigger: send "" to player send "&6&lAnarchist &f- &a&l£7.50" to player send "&4&lThis Rank is the same as &6&lAnarchist &4&l, but this isn't limited time" to player send "" to player send "&6&lCommands:" to player send "&e/nick, /afk, /eat, /enderchest, /fly, /heal, /hat, /skull, /pweather, /ptime" to player send "" to player send "&6&lPerks:" to player send "&e8 Auction House Slots, Colour Signs and New Tags" to player send "" to player