[IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 1: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 2: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 3: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 4: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... YES [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity has all required hashes: [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AppleLogo" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryCharging0" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryCharging1" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryFull" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryLow0" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryLow1" Failed to connect to api.m1sta.xyz, retrying with localhost! Failed to connect to localhost:8888, retrying with ipsw.me! Failed to connect to ipsw.me! BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryPlugin" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "DeviceTree" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "KernelCache" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "LLB" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "OS" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RecoveryMode" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreDeviceTree" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreKernelCache" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreLogo" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreRamDisk" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreSEP" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreTrustCache" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "SEP" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "StaticTrustCache" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ftap" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ftsp" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBEC" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBSS" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBoot" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "rfta" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "rfts" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) failed verification with error: [exception]: what=verification failed! code=84279308 line=1286 file=img4tool.cpp commit count=197 commit sha =aca6cf005c94caf135023263cbb5c61a0081804f [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 5: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 6: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 7: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO [WARNING] NOT VALIDATING SHSH BLOBS IM4M! [Error] BuildIdentity selected for restore does not match APTicket BuildIdentity selected for restore: BuildNumber : 17H35 BuildTrain : YukonH DeviceClass : j81ap FDRSupport : YES MobileDeviceMinVersion : 1170 RestoreBehavior : Erase Variant : Customer Erase Install (IPSW) BuildIdentity is valid for the APTicket: IM4M is not valid for any restore within the Buildmanifest This APTicket can't be used for restoring this firmware [WARNING] NOT VALIDATING SHSH BLOBS! Variant: Customer Erase Install (IPSW) This restore will erase all device data. Device found in DFU Mode. Getting firmware keys for: j81ap Cleaning up... [exception]: what=getting keys failed with error: 15204367 (failed to get FirmwareJson from api.m1sta.xyz, localhost, and ipsw.me servers!). Are keys publicly available? code=41680950 line=636 file=/tmp/Builder/repos/futurerestore/src/futurerestore.cpp commit count=309 commit sha =36879969be71d56af062aa99be5f28ee482a12bc Done: restoring failed! if futurerestore failed you can try execute the command below if futurerestore didn't finish succesfully please try to run (with sudo or without) this command: /home/user/downr1n/binaries/Linux/futurerestore -t blobs/iPad5,3-13.7.shsh2 --use-pwndfu --skip-blob --rdsk work/rdsk.im4p --rkrn work/krnl.im4p --latest-sep --no-baseband ipsw/iPad5,3-13.7.ipsw if futurerestore restore sucess, you can boot using --boot