In the almost 60 years since the first Tonka toys were made, over 250 million of them have been sold. To this day, their vehicles are made to withstand just about anything you can throw at them. What began as just two trucks has grown into a whole line of trucks and playsets. Durability and affordability have always been key ingredients at Ford from the beginning and it was no accident that the Ford F-Series pickups became America's favorite truck. From day one Ford Motor company's use of marketing language has proven to be effective. "Built stronger to last longer came out as early as 1948. In 1957 it was simply "Ford trucks cost less". What made Ford different from most others was innovation and wise management that has allowed the company to survive for more than 100 years. In 2008, 99,574 Vauxhall Corsas were sold and it seems there is no sign of this figure decreasing. With the new style Vauxhall Corsa that's been on the market for a couple of years now, drivers have renewed confidence in Vauxhall and the affordable appeal that it has always been known for rings truer than ever. Vauxhall Corsas really are the budget car for a hard-hit economy. top selling suv in usa LEGO Mindstorm NXT. This is probably the most popular toy this Christmas. There are a ton of parents who are buying this gift for their children. And it's for a good reason, too. This toy is fun and it's educational. So, if you want your kids to learn while they're playing, and enjoy it at the same time, you should get them this toy. most unreliable cars How times have changed! Some unsafe classic, vintage and retro toys have been pulled from the market, yet hundreds remain and they are selling. Books, specialized magazines, and dozens, if not hundreds, of Internet websites cater to this pursuit. You may be a collector yourself or know people who collect historic toys. most sold cars and truck brands What brand of model train is the best? That is a tricky question to answer. The most expensive trains are not always the best choices. Some lesser expensive brands provide a lot of quality for the money. Why are they so popular..? Kids love these toys because it often gives them the ability to move around faster then they can by themselves. They also love to copy what adults and older children are doing, so gives them the chance to pretend they are just like their parents driving the family car. Ride on Cars are also generally colourful styled, imagination building and durable, just perfect for babies, preschoolers and even older children. Website: