Get more information. that you can learn about the different lawyers then the more likely you are to make the best choice for your situation. Use the Internet and check with the local legal associations. Talk to people that you trust to get all of the information you can about each attorney that you are considering. You will probably receive a notice of levy when the government has exhausted all means to contact you and collect the money you owe from them. Upon receiving this notice, you only have 21 days to stop the levy from taking all the funds in your account. A bank levy, according to IRS tax lawyers, freezes your accounts and takes the funds in them. If the amount debited from your account does not suffice as payment for what you owe, the government will keep on collecting money from that account until such time you have paid the debt in full. You have the name of a defense lawyer who sounds like someone you would like to learn more about. Armed with the name of an attorney, the next step for you to take is to interview the person. The majority of criminal defense attorneys that you contact should be willing to speak with you briefly. Okay. So you're wondering what this has to do with your law firm website, or with Internet marketing in general. Well, it has everything to do with the success of your law firm's website. Typos, unclear messages, broken hyperlinks, confusing navigation, lack of lead generators ... when combined, these small problems can become a big issue. And they can prevent you from achieving the true marketing potential of your law firm website. Law firms are known for their boring, bland advertising campaigns. The internet makes it possible to produce very high quality and striking ads. should be taken advantage of. Why did you join Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn? Because other attorneys were doing it, and you read that in order to stay technologically relevant today, you needed to join the social media networking party. One characteristic of successful entrepreneurs is their obsession with lists. Sure there are successful people who do not use lists as a tool, but they are few and far between. Lists serve two purposes: they allow us to write down our thoughts as they are formulated, and they organize our thoughts into priorities. I use multiple lists, one for my "lawyer" work, another for my "business" tasks, and still another for my personal life. Each evening before I call it a day, I make up a to do list for the next day. Then, , I refine my list and prioritize each item.