In the last issues of the Joker Seven series, written by Greg Pak, a lot of the character's past is revealed. We learn he was in the army, but that he quit because he couldn't face the problems in his head. We also see how he uses his powers for personal gain and how he ends up in the role of mentor to an underachieving young girl. He wants to make her a star and she ends up falling in love with him. In recent issues we see more of Joker's associates. Two members of the Joker Club appear. The first is obsessed with death (he has a stake through his heart) and the second is obsessed with money. Neither is necessarily evil, just different components of a good person going bad. They come into conflict when they learn that Joker Seven has murdered another of the group members. The dynamic between these two is superb. It makes you feel for both of them and it brings the characters into a real believable level. As a fan, I wanted to know what happened to them and what would happen to Joker Seven. I truly wanted to feel for Joker Seven and what he was going through. This is when the author made the biggest step towards developing the character. Instead of just throw some names out and have Joker go from bad guy to good guy, the authors created more to support these concepts. Instead of having Joker killing his enemies, he starts doing good things. He ends up saving the girl he was in love with and he ends up teaching her a thing or two. These activities lead to him winning the girl over, which leads to the ultimate merit that he has, being the most powerful mentalist in the Marvel Universe. Eventually he wins over Two-Face, who was also obsessed with death and had become a psychiatrist dedicated to eliminating supervillains. The supporting characters also get somewhat more depth than in previous stories. In this comic the new girl, Rilla, is given motivation and background. Although she was once a part of the Bat family, her connections with The Joker played a crucial role in her decision to join him. Another terrific merit this comic offers is that there is more romance between Two-Face and Rilla. This adds another layer to their connection and makes their relationship more interesting. We also finally learn who Poison Ivy actually is. We didn't really know much about her in previous stories and now we do. Overall, it's a fantastic story that the entire family can enjoy. It is not a story that's suited for younger kids but that does not mean it isn't a good read for teens or adults. If you like Batman: The Dark Knight, or even enjoyed The Dark Knight, then you should read this. The artwork looks amazing and it will make you want to see more. I'm not certain why there hasn't been more success with this comic as a whole. There were some issues but overall the story was lots of fun and worth your time. I suggest giving it a read. If you're an avid Batman fan, then I highly suggest giving it a read. I know I will. This is an exciting start to the new year. I look forward to seeing what other storylines this year holds. With so many successful storylines already established, I feel the need to highlight a few of the newest additions to the DC Universe. This is just another reason why I love watching these shows. Fans of this comic will also be happy to know that we're now becoming an animated version of this story also. Hopefully we'll get more of the same quality from both of these versions. For now, I will attempt to review this one. If you enjoyed The Joker Seven comic book, then I invite you to read the latest one, No Holds Barred. It's a fantastic book and the art is remarkable. You can not go wrong reading it.