checkInterval: 60 # In ticks (20 ticks = 1 second) movementDistance: 3 # Amount of blocks a player needs to move to be counted as not afk checksBeforeAfk: 100 # Amount of checks a person needs to not have moved enough to be AFK enableAfkCommand: true # Reloading the plugin WILL NOT disable this command, you need to reload the whole server for this to disable! messages: prefix: '&6&lAdvanced-Kind >>&r&7 ' insufficientPermissions: '%openafk_prefix%Insufficient Permissions.' invalidUsage: '%openafk_prefix%Invalid Usage.' reloading: '%openafk_prefix%Reloading...' reloaded: '%openafk_prefix%Reloaded.' mustBeAPlayer: '%openafk_prefix%You must be a player to use this command.' afkAreaSet: '%openafk_prefix%AFK Area set successfully.' playerIsInvincible: '%openafk_prefix%%player_name% is currently AFK and therefore invincible.' isAfk: unknown: "%openafk_prefix%Unknown Username or UUID. (Players must be online)." notEnoughArgs: "%openafk_prefix%Not enough arguments provided. Usage /isafk " afk: "%openafk_prefix%%player_name% is currently AFK." notAfk: "%openafk_prefix%%player_name% is currently active." afkList: listPrefix: "%openafk_prefix%The following players are currently AFK: " inventoryTitle: "&7Currently AFK Players." # If the user has the permission openafk.groups.donator then they will inherit the settings from the donator rank. # Ranks at the top of the list have the highest priority groups: donator: checkAmount: 200 detection: gamemodes: survival: true adventure: true creative: false # This will disable players from going afk if they are in this gamemode spectator: false # If an event is enabled then the checks for the player are reset. # These events firing WILL NOT cause a script to run. events: blockBreakEvent: true blockPlaceEvent: true chatEvent: true fishing: enabled: true violationsNeeded: 5 operatorsExempt: true # Players who have the permission openafk.exempt but aren't OP will still be exempt scripts: onAfk: - action: "afkarea" - action: "message" content: "&cNow AFK" repeat: 2 - action: "title" title: "&6&lAFK" subtitle: "&6&lSee you soon!" fadeIn: 10 fadeOut: 10 stay: "permanent" - action: "actionbar" content: "&c&lAFK." to: "player" permanent: true onReturn: - action: "afkarea" - action: "message" content: "&6No longer AFK" - action: "title" title: "&6&lWelcome Back!" fadeIn: 10 fadeOut: 10 stay: 20 - action: "actionbar" reset: true - action: "actionbar" content: "&6&lWelcome Back." onFishingAFK: - action: "look" pitch: 100 - action: "message" content: "AFK Fishing isn't allowed."