Gurdian: uncertain returns, take chances without a degree, to drop out of university, financial crisis, merit, to point out, take their chances, tuition fees, financial cost, entry-level salary, competetive advantage, to show effort, mandatory to continue, drop-out rate, disadvantage backgrounds, shrinking, risky investment, tarnished, sharper drop, affluent, rises in Text z podrecznika: cuts in, to spark unrest,rough cost, to put the prospect of paying off, a mountain to climb, robbing the poor to pay the rich, rise in, to cap universities' spiralling costs, to subsidize, massive hikes, to offer top-class conditions, extracurricular activities, extinction event długi tekst: range of fields, scholarship, Bachelor’s degree, Master degree, to demand a degree, degree inflation, valuable skills, to show off, backslash, to expand its ranks, extra experience, tend to end up, trawl through, good investment, to build skills,