queue: joined: '&eYou have joined the &a$queue queue &ewith an ELO of &c$playerElo' joined-unranked: '&eYou have joined the &e$queue queue.' ranges: '&eSearching in ranges &b$ranges' matched: '&eYou have been matched against &c$rival &7(&e$rivalElo&7)' removed: '&cYou have been removed from the queue.' error-nomatch: '&cThe matchmaking system could not find you an opponent in your ELO range.' error-noparty: '&cYou cannot join this queue if you have a party' error-unexpected: '&cAn unexpected error occured. Removing you from the queue.' match: starting-in: '&eThe match will start in &d$time &eseconds...' starting: '&eStarting match against &c$rival' started: '&aThe match is starting!' ended: '&c$winner &ewon the match against &c$loser &eafter &c$time &eseconds' ended-inventories: '&6Inventories:' ended-spectator: '&cThe match is now over and you are being returned to spawn' cancel: '&7The match has been canceled by &c$canceler &7for &c$reason' cancel-player: one or more player have left the game cancel-misconfiguration: misconfiguration error cancel-unexpected: a player left and we could not determine how to handle it. elo-changes: '&6Elo Changes: &a$winner &7(&a+$winnerChange) &c$loser &7(&c-$loserChange)' misc: player-slain: '&7[&c$player&7] &ewas slain by &7[&c$killer&7]' player-suicide: '&7[&c$player&7] &ehas fallen' arrow-notifier: '&6$player &3is now at &6$health &4$heartEmoji' player: busy: '&cYou cannot do that while you are busy (spectating, party, match, queue).' busy-other: '&cThat player is currently busy.' party: invited-player: '&7You have invited &e$player &7to join your party.' invited-self: '&7You have been invited to join &e$leader''s &7party.' joined-party: '&e$player &7has joined your party.' joined-self: '&7You have joined &e$leader''s &7party.' leave-party: '&e$player &7has left your party.' leave-self: '&7You have the left &e$leader''s &7party.' kicked-player: '&7You have kicked &e$player.' kicked-party: '&e$player &7has been kicked from the party by &e$leader.' kicked-self: '&7You have been kicked from the party.' disbanded-player: '&7The party has been disbanded by &e$leader.' disbanded-self: '&7You have disbanded the party.' click-to-join: Click here to accept their party invite. error-kick-self: '&cYou cannot kick yourself.' error-kick-permission: '&cYou must be the leader to kick a member.' error-already-invited: '&cThat player has already been invited.' error-already-member: '&cThat player is already a member of your party.' error-invite-self: '&cYou cannot invite yourself.'