With today’s technology, it is so easy to get in touch with a variety of invaluable resources. Make an effort to stay in touch and be a part of a larger community. Make it fun and enjoy learning with your children! Be flexible and combine being a mother and homeschooler and make this an opportunity of a lifetime- working together and having fun as a family, all while learning at the same time. We are a classical christian homeschooling coop working together to provide writing, literature, history, and science education. A complete homeschool curriculum package is an open-and-go option that makes it simple to homeschool (a great option for working parents to consider). With a few simple homeschool organization tips, you can guarantee that you’ll never have to search for colored pencils again. The goals have been great for Kaleb, giving him incentives to work toward and maintain (he is a goal-driven kid). Or lay out all the goodies from your curriculum and let your child choose what to work on. Some things to keep up high include your microscope, holiday-themed books and curriculum you aren’t currently using. Place seasonal and less-used items up high, ensuring that you aren’t getting a step-ladder out everyday. When it comes to resources, there is one out there that is often shadowed by the prevalence of the internet. During the homeschooling year, limit your commitments and outside activities keep your life simple and you’ll be more content; and with happiness comes success. Keep your teaching and homeschooling simple. Whether you’re trying to cram all of your books into a too-small bookshelf or trying to decide where to keep your pencils so they’re easily found, it’s frustrating. 2 Ticonderoga pencils both regular and the red grading erasable kind! Stuffed bookshelves can add a cluttered feeling to your home but there are plenty of other places to keep your books. The children may learn from different places in the house, but all equipment is organized in a specific area. Without reading skills your children will never reach their full potential. See, as a homeschool mom I have had the task of attending to my children from sunup to sundown, and while I made that decision intentionally and wholeheartedly, I won’t lie and say that every day is full of rainbows and unicorns. Your house is full of them, starting with your student's little sister. This helps to reduce the amount of constant little interruptions on a daily basis. For the past six years we’ve used an HP Officejet All-in-One printer, but with our move two years ago we had a little issue. Try to organize outside activities all into a day or two instead of spreading them out across your week. No schedule is perfect all the time, and no two schedules and organizational skills are the same. You are knee-deep in overwhelm, right? Try to maintain Kursus Komputer Bandung of learning in the space where your kids are studying and completing assignments. We often forget about vertical space, but in reality, there is a ton of unused space on the top half of your walls. Online there are Facebook support groups you can join. There will times when there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. It’s okay if you discover that all of the above doesn’t not come together for you over night. Organizing your supplies can be a pain, but that doesn’t make it impossible. Keep the amount of supplies to a minimum by only buying what you need. Build in Transition Time - Even though you are most likely not moving to a new classroom or building when you change subject areas, it’s common - especially for new homeschooling parents - to misjudge the amount of time it takes to switch gears, mindsets and materials throughout the day. Libraries are a tremendous resource for videos, audio tapes, learning materials for all subject matter (and of course books). The resource? Your local library. If you could only pick one resource, and one resource only, choose a library. Offline, you can look for support at your church or library. This is why it is very important to stay focused and plan as best you can. Go through your supplies regularly and get rid of anything you don’t plan on using in the near future. The less curriculum and supplies you have, the less you need to store. Store them inside a buffet, in a basket under your coffee table, in a tote under the bed, on shelves in the garage or anywhere else you can think of. Keep your favorite books on shelves but store chapter books in an easy-to-get-to spot. We recently converted our coat closet into a school closet by moving everyone’s coats to their own bedrooms and installing simple shelves to hold our learning materials. Website: https://www.aksi.sch.id/