# # This is a simple makefile to assist with quickly building the Exercises of MP2. # # To build and execute a particular exercise: # - For a single exercise, type 'make runA' to run exercise A. # - For all exercises, 'make'. # # HADOOP_CLASSPATH := ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar export HADOOP_CLASSPATH HDFS=user/lada38/lab3 OBJDIR=build JAR := MapReducePSO.jar TARGETS := $(addprefix run, 1 2) .PHONY: final $(TARGETS) clean final: $(TARGETS) run1: $(OBJDIR)/WHV1.class jar -cvf $(JAR) -C $(OBJDIR)/ ./ hdfs dfs -rm -r -skipTrash -f /$(HDFS)/Aout/ hadoop jar $(JAR) WHV1 -D percentage=.2 /user/adampap/WHVsmall /$(HDFS)/Aout @echo "Run the following command to read the output file:" @echo "hdfs dfs -cat /$(HDFS)/Aout/part*" run2: $(OBJDIR)/WHV2.class jar -cvf $(JAR) -C $(OBJDIR)/ ./ hdfs dfs -rm -r -skipTrash -f /$(HDFS)/Bout/ hadoop jar $(JAR) WHV2 -D N=10 /user/adampap/WHVsmall /$(HDFS)/Bout @echo "Run the following command to read the output file:" @echo "hdfs dfs -cat /$(HDFS)/Bout/part*" $(OBJDIR)/%.class: %.java | $(OBJDIR) hadoop com.sun.tools.javac.Main $< -d $(OBJDIR) $(OBJDIR): mkdir $@ .PHONY: clean clean: rm -f $(OBJDIR)/* $(JAR) hdfs dfs -rm -r -skipTrash -f /$(HDFS)/*-output/