Talking about a two-year old game that only got success years later is truly a peculiar situation. Even though it is peculiar, there is one older game that is very popular right now and has been the talk of the town for months. It is said that when creating games, there is a certain recipe that developers follow in order to ensure success. Because of during the first release, something was definitely missing in the ‘recipe’ of the game back then. There are some interesting current conditions that have set the game up for success which was otherwise non-existent two years ago. The combination of these things, without a doubt, impacted Among Us’ victory. • Familiarity – The game play of Among Us is not wholly unique to the title. The concept of identifying impostors within a group has actually been done before, both in video game format and in an physical setting. The first social deducation game which Among Us is probably heavily inspired on is Mafia. Mafia was created some time in the 80s and the concept of the game is truthfully quite impressive. Since the concept of Among Us is familiar, it became a game that was easy to get into by any player of any age. Also, because of its easy game play, Among Us draws in casual gamers and novices. • Ease of Play and Access – Among Us is a cross platform game which is also one of the reasons for its popularity. Co-players who are playing Among Us in different platforms would still be able to play the game with each other. Not only that, the system requirements of the game are incredibly low. All these things combined plus the fact that each Among Us game lasts only an average of 10 minutes makes for a well-made accessible game. • Current Conditions – COVID-19 has badly affected everything and everyone in the world. Today, subject matters that are the talk of the town are understandably adversities and mental health issues. The video game industry, in contrast, blossomed amidst the difficulty because people are home more often. Following this fact, Among Us is obviously one of the games that thrived due the pandemic. Apart from the fact that people are at home more often, Among Us also provides relaxation and easy entertainment. As a game, Among Us is easy, stress-free, and endlessly amusing in all aspects. • The Memes – Lastly, Among Us would not be where it is today without the enthusiastic and technically free advertisement from Twitch and Youtube streamers and the constant memes created and uploaded on social media. The posts talking about game jargons like ‘emergency meetings’, ‘sus’, and ‘imposter’ makes anyone want to be a part of the game; to laugh along with the actual players and be able to understand the memes. for Among Us’ popularity is definitely because of its online visibility.