Section 5 – “Shadows Below the Water” Fuzzy Hey hey, you guys still hanging in there? Well, are you? Fuzzy Looks like you managed to retrieve the third element without too much trouble. That’s only half of what you need though. But it’s still half! Fuzzy I wonder if you’ll be able to get the last three just as easily~. Hazama Very good. If we’re lucky, finding the rest should be a breeze. Kazuma I would have liked to avoid any fighting but... I don’t think we’ve been given much of a choice. Hazama Regardless of what’s in front of us, we’re stuck following Fuzzy-san’s lead if we want to get anywhere. Hazama I’ll keep playing along. So where are we headed next? Fuzzy Hehehe... O-kay! Come on, this way. Fuzzy I’ll even be extra nice to you this time and bring you straight there. Ciel Why is he suddenly taking us there directly? This feels out of character for him. Raabe Hmm. While I certainly agree, this could also just be another result of Fuzzy’s fickle personality. Raabe But just like Hazama said, our only option right now is to proceed. Raabe Whether or not he’s on our side, the fact remains that only Fuzzy knows how we can escape. Raabe Nevertheless, it doesn’t hurt to remain vigilante. Raabe Let’s stay behind the others for a while. Ciel Yes... roger that. Rei-san, if you would watch my back, just to be safe. Ciel Please don’t worry. I’ll be here to protect you, Rei-san. >Thank you, Ciel. Ciel Of course. There’s no need to thank me. Ciel ...That doesn’t feel like the right thing to say, but I’m not sure what would be more appropriate... >Don’t forget you can rely on me too. Ciel Yes, of course. I’ll always be able to count on you. Ciel If it weren’t for you, we would never be able to liberate the Phantom Fields. Fuzzy You guys done talking yet? Huh, are you? Fuzzy Come on then, let’s go find that next element! Let’s go, everyone! Kazuma ...Um. Kazuma We’ve been walking for quite a while... is the next element much further? Fuzzy Hmm, I wonder. Fuzzy I know where we’re supposed to be going, but I don’t know the layout of this city at all. Fuzzy I wouldn’t know if there’s actually an element there or not honestly. Kazuma You’ve got to be kidding me... Kazuma You don’t know anything about this place. You’ve only just met us. You don’t even know who set up all these elements in the first place. Kazuma Why are you even in charge of guiding us? Fuzzy Really, this question again? Fuzzy I told you before, didn’t I? This is the role I was given in this world. Fuzzy I hate people who can’t remember things~. Fuzzy Everyone in this world is given a role. It’s always been that way, ever since the beginning of time. Fuzzy And this time I was given the role as your guide. Nothing more, nothing less. Hehehe. Kazuma ...But we’ll learn something if we head to the innermost part of this world, right? Isn’t that what we were told? Fuzzy Well, who knows~? I’m sure you’ll figure it out~. Fuzzy You’ll find out if you go there, right? Ahaha. Kazuma ...... Hazama You don’t have to look so on edge, Kazuma-san. Fuzzy-san hasn’t led us astray yet. Hazama If you aren’t sure, then you should just keeping going forward and find out for yourself. Kazuma That’s... I suppose you’re right. Hazama Forgive me if I’m being presumptuous, Kazuma-san. But I think the fastest way to learning whatever the “truth” is is by carving out your own path. Hazama If you really want to know something, if you want something to be within reach, then you need to reach out and grab it. Hazama I’m dying to know more myself, but we won’t learn much by just standing around and waiting for the answers to be given to us. Kazuma Hazama-san... Kazuma I see... yeah, that’s it. I think so too. Kazuma My knowledge on things is limited. All I know is what I studied back on the island of Ishana. Kazuma ...But this isn’t Ishana. I can discover things here that I could never have discovered back home. Hazama There you go. If you believe hard enough, I’m sure you’ll be able to find what you’re looking for in no time. Kazuma ...When you say it like that, I can’t bring myself to agree with you completely for some reason. Hazama Hey now. You don’t have to look at me like I’m gonna mug you when you aren’t looking. Hazama ...Then again, we do barely know each other. It would be asking a bit much to have you trust me so soon. Hazama Still, you should believe in yourself a little more. Kazuma Believe in myself, huh... Hazama Of course. I think it’d make you much happier in the long run. Hazama ...No matter what you decide to believe in though, you’re going to need those keys to reach the bottom of it. Hazama The elements are quite literally the key. [enter Jin] Jin Hazama... You speak as gracefully as ever, I see. Raabe Hmm. Looks like we’ve found our next element. Jin You there. It would be in your best interests not to trust that man too much. Jin Don’t let his words and appearance deceive you. Jin That man is a “snake.” If you choose to place your trust in him, he’ll eat you alive. Hazama Oh goodness, do you know me as well? I can’t say I remember anything about you either, I’m afraid. Hazama Even so, what you’ve said sounds horrible. Exactly what sort of person was I? Jin Don’t play me for a fool... Jin Your very existence disrupts the world’s peace and order. I can’t let that go unpunished. Jin Give it up, Hazama. Your life ends here. Hazama H-Hold on! Even if you say that, I still don’t have any idea what’s going on. Rei-san! Help me out here! >Wha, me!? Hazama Please, Rei-san! We’ve fought together until now as comrades after all! >Wh-What should I do... Hazama Don’t be so heartless, Rei-san. We’ve fought together until now as comrades after all! Hazama We won’t get the element if we don’t defeat this guy anyway, right? So we should work together to bring him down! Hazama Our opponent is a water type. That’s a good match-up for me. Hazama Let’s hurry up and get those keys so we can get out of here. Raabe Good grief... I’ve still got a bad feeling about all this, but he has a point. Raabe For now we need to continue gathering the elements so we can move on and learn more about where we are. Ciel Roger. Rei-san, you take the back. Keep an eye on the target. Then we will commence combat. [a sphere with the water symbol appears] Fuzzy Well done! Looks like you got your hands on the water element~. Fuzzy Watching you guys fight, I wanted to jump in and play a bit myself. Hehehe... Hazama The way you say that... I knew it. You’re watching us whenever you disappear, aren’t you? Fuzzy Ahaha, I may have said too much~. Hazama If that’s true, then I’d like to know exactly how long you’ve been keeping tabs on us. Hazama Ever since I got here, everyone seems to know who I am but I haven’t been able to recognize anyone... It keeps happening, over and over. Hazama Rei-san, Kazuma-san, and the others all have memories from before they came here. But I can’t remember a thing. Hazama If we were both brought here by the same means, then what’s with the glaring discrepancy? Hazama ...Although, even if I were to ask, you wouldn’t have a reason to tell us why. Please consider this as me simply talking to myself. Fuzzy Hehehe, seems like you’re finally starting to catch on. Fuzzy You’re right, though. You won’t get anywhere by asking me. You’re gonna have to see the answer with your own eyes. Hazama In any case we should get a move on to that next element. I wonder where we’ll go next? Fuzzy Alrighty then! Next up is~...