Variables: {punkty.%player%} = 0 {lvl.%player%} = 1 command /resetpkt []: permissions: punkty.reset trigger: if arg 1 is set: set {punkty.%player%} to 0 set {lvl.%player%} to 1 command /punkty: trigger: send "" send "Posiadasz %{punkty.%player%}% " send "Posiadasz %{lvl.%player%}% lvl " on death of player: attacker is a player victim is a player: if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 0: set {lvl.%player%} to 1 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 20: set {lvl.%player%} to 2 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 40: set {lvl.%player%} to 3 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 60: set {lvl.%player%} to 4 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 80: set {lvl.%player%} to 5 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 100: set {lvl.%player%} to 6 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 120: set {lvl.%player%} to 7 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 140: set {lvl.%player%} to 8 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 160: set {lvl.%player%} to 9 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 180: set {lvl.%player%} to 10 broadcast "&a&l(&9Mosura&bLvl&a&l)&6 Gracz &d%player% &6Zdobył &c10 Lvl &6w zabijaniu! Gratulujemy!" if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 200: set {lvl.%player%} to 11 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 220: set {lvl.%player%} to 12 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 240: set {lvl.%player%} to 13 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 260: set {lvl.%player%} to 13 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 280: set {lvl.%player%} to 14 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 300: set {lvl.%player%} to 15 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 320: set {lvl.%player%} to 16 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 340: set {lvl.%player%} to 17 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 360: set {lvl.%player%} to 18 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 380: set {lvl.%player%} to 19 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 400: set {lvl.%player%} to 20 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 420: set {lvl.%player%} to 21 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 440: set {lvl.%player%} to 22 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 460: set {lvl.%player%} to 23 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 480: set {lvl.%player%} to 24 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 1700: set {lvl.%player%} to 25 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 1800: set {lvl.%player%} to 26 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 1900: set {lvl.%player%} to 27 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 2000: set {lvl.%player%} to 28 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 2100: set {lvl.%player%} to 29 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 2200: set {lvl.%player%} to 30 broadcast "&a&l(&9Mosura&bLvl&a&l)&6 Gracz &d%player% &6Zdobył &c30 Lvl &6w zabijaniu! Gratulujemy!" if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 2300: set {lvl.%player%} to 31 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 2400: set {lvl.%player%} to 32 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 2500: set {lvl.%player%} to 33 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 2600: set {lvl.%player%} to 34 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 2700: set {lvl.%player%} to 35 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 2800: set {lvl.%player%} to 36 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 2900: set {lvl.%player%} to 37 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 3000: set {lvl.%player%} to 38 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 3100: set {lvl.%player%} to 39 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 3200: set {lvl.%player%} to 40 broadcast "&a&l(&9Mosura&bLvl&a&l)&6 Gracz &d%player% &6Zdobył &c40 Lvl &6w zabijaniu! Gratulujemy!" if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 3300: set {lvl.%player%} to 41 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 3400: set {lvl.%player%} to 42 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 3500: set {lvl.%player%} to 43 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 3600: set {lvl.%player%} to 44 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 3700: set {lvl.%player%} to 45 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 3800: set {lvl.%player%} to 46 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 3900: set {lvl.%player%} to 47 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 4000: set {lvl.%player%} to 48 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 4100: set {lvl.%player%} to 49 if {punkty.%player%} is greater than 4500: set {lvl.%player%} to 50 on chat: if {lvl.%player%} is true: broadcast "&9[&b%{lvl.%player%}%&9]&r %name of player%&d&o >>&f %message%" cancel event