# ____ _ _ _____ _ _ ____ #| _ \ | | | | / ____| | (_) |___ \ #| |_) | ___| |_| |_ ___ _ _| (___ | | ___ ___ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ ____) | #| _ < / _ \ __| __/ _ \ '__\___ \| |/ _ \/ _ \ '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | \ \ / /__ < #| |_) | __/ |_| || __/ | ____) | | __/ __/ |_) | | | | | (_| | \ V /___) | #|____/ \___|\__|\__\___|_| |_____/|_|\___|\___| .__/|_|_| |_|\__, | \_/|____/ # | | __/ | # |_| |___/ # Default lang files: https://github.com/Nuytemans-Dieter/BetterSleeping/tree/v3.0.0/src/main/resources/lang # CONFIGURATION GUIDE: # The symbol '&' is used for color codes # Any message can be disabled by setting the text to "ignored" or "", an example can be found below # some_setting: "ignored" # another_setting: "" # SINGULAR / PLURAL # BetterSleeping supports singular and plural nouns # This requires 3 contents: a (supported!) placeholder that will be replaced by a number - the singular form - the plural form # Example: [.player.players] -> must be supported by the message and will be replaced by the corresponding amount # When is equal to 1: everything between the [] will be replaced by player # When is NOT equal to 1: everything between the [] will be replaced by players # Hint: You CAN use other placeholders (see below) in these singular/plural messages # PLACEHOLDERS # # Replaced by: The player who receives the message # Can be used in: All messages support this # Example: When user Freddy_Krueger receives any message, is replaced by Freddy_Krueger # # # Replaced by: The player who did an action # Can be used in: bed_enter_broadcast # Example: When user Freddy_Krueger goes to bed, is replaced by Freddy_Krueger # # # Replaced by: The amount of sleeping players # Can be used in: bed_enter_message, bed_enter_broadcast, enough_sleeping, skipping_canceled # Example: When user Freddy_Krueger receives any message, is replaced by Freddy_Krueger # # # Replaced by: The amount of sleeping players that have to sleep in order to skip the night # Can be used in: bed_enter_message, bed_enter_broadcast, enough_sleeping, skipping_canceled # Example: When 4 players need to sleep, is replaced by 4 # # # Replaced by: The amount of extra sleeping players that are needed # Can be used in: bed_enter_message, bed_enter_broadcast, enough_sleeping, skipping_canceled # Example: When 4 players are sleeping but 6 are needed, is replaced by 2 # #