on place: if player's tool is creeper head named "&9C4": if {c4loc.%player%} is not set: set {c4loc.%player%} to location of event-block send "&aPostawiles C4! Uzyj detonatora aby je wysadzic!" stop else: cancel event send "&cMozesz ustawic tylko jedno c4!" stop on rightclick: if player's tool is diamond horse armour named "&9Detonator": if {c4loc.%player%} is set: if block at {c4loc.%player%} is not air: if distance between player and {c4loc.%player%} is less than 10: loop 3 times: play raw sound "random.click" at {c4loc.%player%} with pitch 1 volume 5 wait 1 second loop 5 times: play raw sound "random.click" at {c4loc.%player%} with pitch 1 volume 5 wait 0.5 second loop 10 times: play raw sound "random.click" at {c4loc.%player%} with pitch 1 volume 5 wait 0.2 second spawn 5 of particle explode:5 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {c4loc.%player%} set block at {c4loc.%player%} to air create an explosion of force 3 at {c4loc.%player%} delete {c4loc.%player%} stop else: send "&cStoisz za daleko c4!" stop else: send "&cNie ustawiles c4!" delete {c4loc.%player%} stop else: send "&cNie ustawiles c4!" stop on break: if location of event-block is {c4loc.%player%}: delete {c4loc.%player%} send "&aZabrales swoje c4!" stop