import viz import vizconnect import vizfx import vizact viz.setMultiSample(8) #Need to create and save vizconnect file in your main folder Tools- Vizconnect vizconnect.go('') headlight= viz.MainView.getHeadLight() headlight.disable() #change name to the name of your model that is saved in your main folder env = vizfx.addChild('warehouse.osgb') #change name to the name of your avatar that is saved in your main folder female = vizfx.addAvatar('female.osgb') female.state(1) #morph example morph = vizact.morphTo(23,1,time=2) def closeEyes(): female.addAction(morph) vizact.onkeydown('1',closeEyes) #Get a handle to the Neck bone neck = female.getBone('NeckTwist01') neck.lock() #Disable automatic animation so that we can manually animate it #Lock the head bone so that manual movement of the neck bone also moves the child head bone female.getBone('NeckTwist02').lock() #Lock the head bone so that manual movement of the neck bone also moves the child head bone head = female.getBone('Head').lock() def faceView(): #Make head look at viewpoint viewPOS = viz.MainView.getPosition() neck.lookAt( viewPOS, mode=viz.AVATAR_WORLD ) neck.setEuler([180,-135,0],viz.REL_LOCAL) #call function that updates Avatar orientation every frame vizact.ontimer(0, faceView)