4.SESSION_USER 5.CREATE TRIGGER trgAfterInsert ON[DR].[dbo].[Sales] FOR INSERT AS insert into [Main].[dbo].[Sales_Audit] (Customer, OrderNumber, OrderQty,Product) SELECT Customer,OrderNumber, OrderQty,Product FROM inserted; 6.You need to use Data Query Language (DQL). 7.The other Views that reference that name will use the table. 8.CEILING 9.WITH cteTotalSales (SalesPersonID, SalesTotal) AS ( SELECT SalesPersonID, SUM(SubTotal) as SalesTotal FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader WHERE SalesPersonID IS NOT NULL GROUP BY SalesPersonID ) 10.When you are working with hierarchical data 11.You will receive an error: The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP, OFFSET or FOR XML is also specified. 12.ELECT EmployeeName, Department FROM Employee FULL OUTER JOIN Department ON Employee.DepartmentID=Department.DepartmentID ORDER BY EmployeeName 13.AVG(DISTINCT UnitPrice) 14.BEGIN TRANSACTION ... statements here ... COMMIT TRANSACTION 15.SAVEPOINT 16.Select Customerid, Sum(SalesTotal) from Customers Group by CustomerId Having Sum(SalesTotal) > 5000 17.COALESCE(@DepartmentName,'') 18.SELECT SUBSTRING(CityPrice, (POSITION('_' IN CityPrice ) +1) ,5) 19.Use Dense_Rank in place of Rank 20.They do not store data and are searchable. 21.Select Name, CreateDate, AccountId From Account1 Where State = 'IN' Union Select Name, CreateDate From Account2 Where State = 'IN'