Game 1 In-Game UsedToBeHighElo: u are UsedToBeHighElo: legit UsedToBeHighElo: killing me UsedToBeHighElo: inside UsedToBeHighElo: not even kidding UsedToBeHighElo: ur the only UsedToBeHighElo: lane UsedToBeHighElo: i can gank UsedToBeHighElo: this game UsedToBeHighElo: and ur inting UsedToBeHighElo: yes UsedToBeHighElo: what u did UsedToBeHighElo: is UsedToBeHighElo: literally UsedToBeHighElo: intign UsedToBeHighElo: walking into taliyah UsedToBeHighElo: not dodging her w UsedToBeHighElo: not even flashing it UsedToBeHighElo: ur a gold elo player UsedToBeHighElo: u wont ever understand UsedToBeHighElo: the concept of the game UsedToBeHighElo: so dont even bother playing it anyomre UsedToBeHighElo: ty UsedToBeHighElo: ;D UsedToBeHighElo: u expect her UsedToBeHighElo: to go toplane UsedToBeHighElo: against UsedToBeHighElo: eve / sion UsedToBeHighElo: and get dived UsedToBeHighElo: ?;D UsedToBeHighElo: ;D UsedToBeHighElo: ;D! UsedToBeHighElo: XD UsedToBeHighElo: stay in plat/gold UsedToBeHighElo: u belong here UsedToBeHighElo: yeh thats how terrible u all are UsedToBeHighElo: even towers understand the gmae more than you do UsedToBeHighElo: and they actually kill UsedToBeHighElo: and die once a game UsedToBeHighElo: i suggest u dont support tristana anymore UsedToBeHighElo: ive been to masters UsedToBeHighElo: fyi UsedToBeHighElo: yeh just with 30 accs at the same time UsedToBeHighElo: ? UsedToBeHighElo: u walked into them UsedToBeHighElo: cause they're dumb UsedToBeHighElo: and i have to follow them UsedToBeHighElo: what u want me to do UsedToBeHighElo: go toplane as twitch UsedToBeHighElo: by myself UsedToBeHighElo: or what UsedToBeHighElo: i literally UsedToBeHighElo: hjave to play UsedToBeHighElo: around u UsedToBeHighElo: thats why the game is still going on UsedToBeHighElo: and u want to fight UsedToBeHighElo: against a fucking sion/malph UsedToBeHighElo: stop walking UsedToBeHighElo: into them in the first place UsedToBeHighElo: and start supporting me if u actually want to win UsedToBeHighElo: cause i cant do shit against their team UsedToBeHighElo: without as upp UsedToBeHighElo: they odnt have dmg UsedToBeHighElo: for that UsedToBeHighElo: holy shit UsedToBeHighElo: just interrupt them UsedToBeHighElo: ex UsedToBeHighElo: d UsedToBeHighElo: e UsedToBeHighElo: e UsedToBeHighElo: had janna at me with e/r UsedToBeHighElo: and ur still a gold elo player so who the fuck cares about your mejais UsedToBeHighElo: got p2 on flex am obivously getting matched