cd /mnt/isilon/projects/ecosystem_biology/ONT_pilot/external_data # aquifer # rm extracted LR data (archive stays) rm -rf aquifer/lr/2019012*_02um # rm not used SR data (only ERR3654041 is needed) [see issue 62] rm -r aquifer/sr/ERR3654040/ # protect chmod -R a-w aquifer/ # eli # Q: do we need eli ??? # rm all data # rm -r eli/ # I suggest keeping eli for the moment. It's a "human" dataset and could be used should a reviewer have strong opinions # ganes # Q: do we need ganges ??? YES please # rm all data rm -r ganges/ # mock (aka zymo) # rm LR data for "LOG" rm mock/lr/Zymo-GridION-LOG-BB-SN_signal.tar.gz # rm not used SR data (only ERR2984773 is needed) [???] rm -r mock/sr/ERR2935805/ # rename folder mv mock zymo # protect chmod -R a-w zymo/ # nwc # protect chmod -R a-w nwc/ # rumen # protect chmod -R a-w rumen/ # all the other stuff: # -> not needed as there is code to download the data # rm find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 | grep -v "aquifer|mock|nwc|rumen|zymo" | while read f do rm -ri "${f}" done # set the s-bit for all directories cd /mnt/isilon/projects/ecosystem_biology/ONT_pilot/ find external_data/ -type d -exec chmod g+s {} ;