#!/bin/bash setup(){ warning "Before we start, make sure to be in the root user." warning "Press CTRL-C if you're not in the root user." warning "Otherwise, press enter to continiue." read key output "Making temp folder..." mkdir /var/www/pterodactyl/temp output "Done!" output "Going into the temp folder..." cd /var/www/pterodactyl/temp output "Done!" output "Please type a direct download link to the zipped theme." read themelink output "Awesome, let's download the file." wget $themelink output "Super! please tell me zip file name (include the .zip)" read zipfile output "Fabulous! Let's unzip the file." unzip $zipfile warning "Piece of cake." output "Now, let's delete the unextracted zip file." sudo rm -rf $zipfile warning "Okay, now it's your turn again. type ls again, and tell me the folder's name. (CASE SENSITIVE)" read folderfile output "Thank you! lets go into that folder!" cd $folderfile cd resources output "Now, you see the name below you? Please tell me it." ls read $theme output "Thanks! Let's continiue." cd .. output "Press enter to continiue." read temp4 output "This shouldn't be that hard. Let me try to install the theme." ls mv resources/ /var/www/pterodactyl/ mv public/ /var/www/pterodactyl/ output "Everything should be right now. Let's get rid of the trash." cd .. sudo rm -rf $folderfile output "That should do it. Now, this part is partially manual. I hope you have the nano editor." output "Now, if you don't know how to use the nano editor heres a small lesson neccesary for you to know in this scenario." warning "NANO LESSON" output "To save files, press CTRL-S." output "To exit out of the nano edior, press CTRL-X." output "If you understand, press enter to continiue." read temp warning "Now, this should be it, let me install the themes.php file." warning "Press any key to continiue. read temp2 sudo rm -rf /var/www/pterodactyl/config/themes.php output "All right! I'm going to install the file and you have to follow the instructions in that file. Okay?" output "Just remember this:" warning "Theme name: $theme" warning "Press enter to continiue, and follow the script." read temp5 wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/32aagbfz26466ea/themes.php mv themes.php /var/www/pterodactyl/config/themes.php cd .. output "Cleaning up..." sudo rm -rf temp nano /var/www/pterodactyl/config/themes.php