# ---------------------------------------------------- # AutoMessage Configuration File # ---------------------------------------------------- # Message Configuration: # Messages are handled in lists to allow for advanced customization! # Feel free to add color codes by using & in your messages! # To split a message onto multiple lines use the \n delimiter! # Lines starting with / will be run as a command! # To add single apostrophes into a message use ''. # For a complete tutorial go to http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/automessage. # If you are unfamiliar with YAML use the in-game commands: /am help settings: enabled: true min-players: 0 log-to-console: false message-lists: default: enabled: true interval: 145 expiry: -1 random: true messages: - '&c[&eAventis&c] &bWpisz &n/spawn &r&bby przeniesc sie na spawn..' - '&c[&eAventis&c] &cWpisz &n/back &r&bby powrocic w miejce przed zgonem lub teleportacja..' - '&c[&eAventis&c] &aDodaj swoj email: /email add twojEmail powtorzEmail..' - '&c[&eAventis&c] &aZapomniales hasla? /email recovery ..' - '&c[&eAventis&c] &eWpisz /p2 auto by otrzymac dzialke!' - '&c[&eAventis&c] &4Wpisz /p2 home by przeniesc sie na dzialke!' - '&c[&eAventis&c] &5Wpisz /p2 leave by opuscic dzialke!' - '&c[&eAventis&c] &6Wpisz /p2 add by dodac kolege do dzialki!' - '&c[&eAventis&c] &9Bierz udzial w glosowaniach np /gstart /tak lub /nie!' www: enabled: true interval: 345 expiry: -1 random: true messages: - '&c[&eAventis&c] &bSprawdz nasza strone!' - '&c[&eAventis&c] &aSprawdz nasze forum!' - '&c[&eAventis&c] &eSprawdz nasz sklep!' - '&c[&eAventis&c] &cSprawdz mape serwera!' - '&c[&eAventis&c] &dSprawdz nasz kanal na youtube!' - '&c[&eAventis&c] &9Sprawdz nasz funpage na facebooku!'