----------------------------- -----Skript by Atlantis------ ----------------------------- on damage: if name of attacker's tool is "&e&oExcalibur": remove strength from the attacker apply strength 6 to attacker for 3.9 seconds command /excalibur: permission: essentials.item trigger: if {killedbyexcalibur.%player%} is not set: set {killedbyexcalibur.%player%} to 0 add 1 to {licence} set player's tool to Diamond Sword set name of player's tool to "&e&oExcalibur" set lore of tool of player to "&fDiamond Sword||&6&oDescription: &fWlasnosc %player%" else: add 1 to {licence} set player's tool to Diamond Sword set name of player's tool to "&e&oExcalibur" set lore of tool of player to "&fDiamond Sword||&6&oDescription: &fWlasnosc %player%"