variables: {Pukty.%player%} = 0 {Lvl.%player%} = 1 command /Lvl trigger: arg 1 is not set: send "&f&l= = = = = = = = = =&a&l (&9Mosura&bLvl&a&l)&f&l = = = = = = = = = =" send " &a» &5[&d{Lvl.%player%}&5]&7 - Twoj LvL w zabijaniu" send " &a» &6[&e{Pukty.%player%}&6]&7 - Punkty, ktore posiadasz send " &a» &7do osiagniecia nastepnego Lvl'a" send "&f&l= = = = = = = = = =&a&l (&9Mosura&bLvl&a&l)&f&l = = = = = = = = = =" on death of player: attacker is a player victim is a player: if {Lvl.%player%} is true: add 5 to {Punkty.%attacker%} send "&a&l(&9Mosura&bLvL&a&l)&a Za zabicie gracza otrzymales troche punktow doswiadczenia!"