# File: plugins/CraftBay/lang/en_US.yml # # WARNING: Do not edit this file directly! It will be rewritten # on every restart. Create a copy with an individual name instead. # Example: "plugins/CraftBay/lang/myserver.yml" # # Formatting # default: # header:
# highlight: # shadow: # shortcut: # admin: # adminhighlight: # error: # warn: # warn: Tag: 'Auction:' # Command help, accessed via "/auc help" help: Header: 'Auction Help' Help: '/auc ? Auction help' Info: '/auc info Display auction information' Bid: '/auc bid [amount] Place a bid' BidShort: '/bid [amount] Place a bid' Start: '/auc start [price] Start an auction' Hand: '/auc hand [price] Auction the item in your hand' Fee: 'Starting an auction costs {fee}.' Tax: 'Starting bids above {minbid} will cause {tax}% tax.' End: '/auc end [minutes:seconds] End current auction' Listen: '/auc listen|ignore Listen to or ignore auctions' History: '/auc history [id] View past or queued auctions' Cancel: '/auc cancel [id] Cancel an auction' # Admin command help, accessed via "/auc help" for admins adminhelp: Bank: '/auc bank \<item\> [amount] [price] [time] Auction spawned items' BankBid: '/auc bankbid \<amount\> Place a bid on behalf of the bank' Reload: '/auc reload Reload configuration file' Log: '/auc log [id] View auction log' Fake: '/auc fake \<title\> [amount] [price] Auction off a fake item' # Error messages during command line parsing # Environment: # player - the name of the player issuing the command # cmd - the issued subcommand # arg - the erroneous argument (if applicable) command: NoEntry: 'No such command: "{cmd}"!' NoPerm: "You don't have permission!" BadWorld: 'You cannot do that in this world!' NotAPlayer: 'Only players can do that!' NoCurrentAuction: 'No auction running!' NoSuchAuction: 'Unknown such auction: {arg}!' ArgsTooSmall: 'Not enough arguments!' ArgsTooBig: 'Too many arguments!' NotANumber: 'Number expected: {arg}!' BadTimeFormat: 'Bad time format: {arg}!' NoSuchItem: 'Invalid item: {arg}!' IllegalItem: 'Invalid item: {arg}!' UnclosedQuote: 'No closing quote!' # Error messages from commands # Environment: # player - the name of the player issuing the command # auction variables where applicable, see auction.* # arg - the erroneous argument, if applicable commands: listen: AlreadyListen: You are already listening to auctions! AlreadyIgnore : You are already ignoring auctions! ListenError: An error occured trying to perform this command! IgnoreError: An error occured trying to perform this command! ListenSuccess: Listening to auctions IgnoreSuccess: Ignoring auctions history: NoEntry: 'No such id: {id}' start: HandEmpty: 'There is nothing in your hand!' AmountTooSmall: 'Positive amount expected!' CreativeDenial: 'You cannot start auctions in creative mode!' Success: 'Your auction for {amount}x{itemdesc} will start soon!' end: NotOwner: 'You are not the owner of this auction!' DelayTooLong: 'You can only shorten your auction!' DelayTooShort: 'The delay must be at least {min}!' DelayNegative: 'Positive delay expected!' cancel: NotOwner: 'You are not the owner of this auction!' Running: 'You cannot cancel a running auction!' Canceled: 'This auction is already canceled!' Ended: 'This auction is over!' fake: Fail: 'Creating fake auction failed' Success: 'Created fake auction successfully' # Error messages from auctions # Environment (where applicable): # id - the auction id # item - the item name # itemdesc - a description of the item (the name and whether it is enchanted ot not) # amount - the item amount, user friendly # totalamount - the item amount, bare number # iteminfo, enchantments - mixed item information # itemid - the item's id # itemdamage - the item's damage value # owner - the owner's name # winner - the winner, if any # minbid - smallest possible bid to participate # maxbid - highest placed bid # price - the current price # state - the state of this auction # timeleft - the remaining auction duration # fee - the total fee auction: create: QueueFull: 'Wait until other auctions have ended!' NotEnoughItems: 'You do not have enough {itemdesc}!' FeeTooHigh: 'You cannot afford the fee of {fee}!' FeeDebited: 'Your account has been debited {fee}.' OwnerCooldown: 'You have to wait {cooldown}!' start: Announce: '{owner} is auctioning {amount}x{itemdesc} for {minbid}. Click here.' gui: ChestTitle: 'Items for auction' ItemsNotEqual: 'All items must be identical!' Success: 'Your auction for {amount}x{itemdesc} will start soon!' state: Queued: Queued Running: Running Canceled: Canceled Ended: Ended info: Header: 'Auction Information' Owner: 'Auctioneer: {owner}' RealItem: 'Item: {totalamount}x{item} [{itemid}:{itemdamage}] {iteminfo}' FakeItem: 'Item: {item}' Winner: 'Winning: {winner} for {price}' NoWinner: 'Minimal bid: {minbid}' Self: 'Your bid: {maxbid}' Time: 'Time left: {timeleft}' State: 'State: {state}' Fee: 'Fee: {fee}' Help: 'Type /auc ? for a list of commands.' reminder: NoWinner: 'Auction for {amount}x{itemdesc} ends in {timeleft}. Price: {minbid}. Click here.' Winner: '{winner} wins {amount}x{itemdesc} for {price} in {timeleft}. Click here.' countdown: NoWinner: 'Auction for {amount}x{itemdesc} ends in {timeleft}!' Winner: '{winner} wins {amount}x{itemdesc} in {timeleft}!' bid: IsOwner: "You can't bid on your own auction!" UnderbidSelf: 'You have already made a larger bid!' BidTooSmall: 'You must bid at least {minbid}!' TooPoor: 'You do not have enough money!' Win: 'You are now winning this auction for {price}!' Fail: '{winner} is still winning but you raised the price to {price}!' ToLoser: '{winner} just beat you with {price}!' NewPrice: 'Price for {amount}x{itemdesc} is now {price} for {winner}' NewWinner: '{winner} beats {oldwinner}. Price {price}' UnderBid: '{player} raises but {winner} is higher. Price {price}' Still: 'You are still winning this auction for {price}.' end: ToWinner: 'Enjoy your {amount}x{itemdesc} for {price}!' OwnerSell: 'Your {amount}x{itemdesc} has been sold to {winner} for {price}.' OwnerReturn: 'Your {amount}x{itemdesc} has been returned to you.' OwnerPaymentError: 'Error processing payment. Auction canceled.' Winner: '{winner} buys {amount}x{itemdesc} for {price}.' WinnerPaymentError: 'Error processing payment. Auction canceled.' PaymentError: '{winner} cannot afford the {price} he bid. Punish him!' NoBid: 'Auction for {amount}x{itemdesc} ended with no bids.' Manual: '{player} ended the auction.' cancel: Announce: 'Auction canceled by {player}!' ToOwner: 'Your auction has been canceled!' FeeReturn: 'Your fee of {fee} has been returned to you.' time: Change: '{player} set the remaining time to {newtimeleft}.' # Special item describing strings not covered by Vault item: damaged: Singular: 'Damaged' Plural: 'Damaged' enchanted: Singular: 'Enchanted' Plural: 'Enchanted' minute: Singular: 'minute' Plural: 'minutes' second: Singular: 'second' Plural: 'seconds' stack: Singular: 'Stack' Plural: 'Stacks' chest: Singular: 'Chest' Plural: 'Chests' doubleChest: Singular: 'Double Chest' Plural: 'Double Chests' inventory: Singular: 'Inventory' Plural: 'Inventories' page: Singular: 'page' Plural: 'pages' book: ByAuthor: ' by ' # Display of the history. # Environment: see auction.* history: Header: 'Auction History' Queue: '[{id}] {owner} {totalamount}x{itemdesc}' Current: '[{id}] {owner} {totalamount}x{itemdesc}' History: '[{id}] {owner} {totalamount}x{itemdesc}' log: Header: '
Auction Log [{id}]' Log: '{log}'