# This configuration was tanslated by Dajsior savebackconfig: true configversion: notify: true created: 741 saved: 741 logging: active: true debug: false backend: console: active: false prefix: '&8[&4HAX&8]: &8» &c' file: active: false prefix: '' filename: nocheatplus.log ingamechat: active: true prefix: '&8[&4HAX&8]: &8» &c' subscriptions: false data: expiration: active: false duration: 60 history: false consistencychecks: active: true interval: 10 maxtime: 2 suppresswarnings: false protection: plugins: hide: active: true nopermission: message: '&cNie masz uprawnien' commands: - plugins - version - icanhasbukkit unknowncommand: message: Zla komenda. commands: [] commands: consoleonly: active: false message: '&cHey! &7Ta komenda moze zostac wykonana przez konsole!' commands: - op - deop clients: motd: active: true allowall: false checks: blockbreak: direction: active: true actions: cancel vl>10 log:bdirection:0:5:if cancel fastbreak: active: true strict: true delay: 100 intervalsurvival: 100 grace: 2000 actions: cancel vl>0 log:fastbreak:3:5:cif cancel frequency: active: true intervalcreative: 95 intervalsurvival: 45 shortterm: ticks: 5 limit: 7 actions: cancel vl>5 log:bbfrequency:3:5:if cancel vl>60 log:bbfrequency:0:5:cif cancel cmd:kickfrequency noswing: active: true actions: cancel vl>10 log:noswing:0:5:if cancel reach: active: true actions: cancel vl>5 log:breach:0:2:if cancel wrongblock: active: true level: 10 actions: cancel vl>10 log:bwrong:0:5:if cancel vl>30 log:bwrong:0:5:cif cancel cmd:kickwb blockinteract: direction: active: true actions: cancel vl>10 log:bdirection:0:3:if cancel reach: active: true actions: cancel vl>5 log:breach:0:2:if cancel speed: active: true interval: 2000 limit: 60 actions: cancel vl>200 log:bspeed:0:2:if cancel vl>1000 cancel log:bspeed:0:2:icf cmd:kickbspeed visible: active: true actions: cancel vl>100 log:bvisible:0:10:if cancel blockplace: against: active: true actions: cancel autosign: active: true actions: cancel vl>10 log:bautosign:0:3:if cancel direction: active: true actions: cancel vl>10 log:bdirection:0:3:if cancel fastplace: active: true limit: 22 shortterm: ticks: 10 limit: 6 actions: cancel vl>100 log:fastplace:3:5:cif cancel reach: active: true actions: cancel vl>5 log:breach:0:2:if cancel noswing: active: true exceptions: - WATER_LILY - FLINT_AND_STEEL actions: cancel vl>10 log:noswing:0:5:if cancel speed: active: true interval: 45 actions: cancel vl>150 log:bpspeed:3:5:if cancel vl>1000 log:bpspeed:3:5:cif cancel chat: color: active: true actions: log:color:0:1:if cancel commands: active: true exclusions: [] handleaschat: - me level: 10 shortterm: ticks: 18 level: 3 actions: log:commands:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickcommands vl>20 log:commands:0:5:cf cancel cmd:tempkick1 captcha: active: false characters: abcdefghjkmnpqrtuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKMNPQRTUVWXYZ2346789 length: 6 question: '&cPrzepisz ''&6[captcha]&c'' aby dalej pisac na chacie' success: '&aOK, nie jestes spambotem ;>' tries: 3 actions: cancel cmd:kickcaptcha vl>4 log:captcha:2:5:cf cancel cmd:kickcaptcha text: active: true allowvlreset: true frequency: normal: minimum: 0.0 factor: 0.9 weight: 6 level: 160 actions: cancel cmd:tellchatnormal vl>7 log:chatnormal:0:5:f cancel cmd:tellchatnormal vl>20 log:chatnormal:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickchatnormal vl>40 log:chatnormal:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickchat5 shortterm: minimum: 2.0 factor: 0.7 weight: 3.0 level: 20.0 actions: log:chatfast:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickchatfast vl>20 log:chatfast:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickchat1 vl>40 log:chatfast:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickchat5 message: lettercount: 1.0 partition: 1.0 uppercase: 1.0 afterjoin: 1.5 nomoving: 1.5 repeatviolation: 1.0 repeatglobal: 1.0 repeatself: 1.5 words: lengthav: 1.0 lengthmsg: 1.0 noletter: 0.0 global: active: true weight: 1.0 words: active: false prefixes: active: false similarity: active: false player: active: true words: active: false prefixes: active: false similarity: active: false warning: active: false level: 67 message: '&e-> &cPo co ten spam ;D?' timeout: 10 relog: active: false timeout: 5000 warning: message: '&e-> Poczekaj chwilke i wejdz' number: 1 timeout: 60000 kickmessage: Poczekaj chwilke i wejdz actions: log:relog:0:10:cf cancel vl>20 log:relog:0:10:cf cancel cmd:tempkick5 logins: active: false startupdelay: 600 perworldcount: false seconds: 10 limit: 10 kickmessage: Serwer Jest Zapełniony! Zakup Range VIP'A! Aby Wejsc Na Pelny Serwer! combined: bedleave: active: true actions: cancel log:bedleave:0:5:if cmd:kickbedleave enderpearl: active: true preventclickblock: true improbable: active: true level: 300 actions: cancel log:improbable:2:8:if invulnerable: active: true triggers: always: false falldistance: true initialticks: join: -1 ignore: - FALL modifiers: all: 0 munchhausen: active: false actions: cancel vl>100 cancel log:munchhausen:0:60:if yawrate: rate: 380 penalty: factor: 1.0 minimum: 250 maximum: 2000 improbable: true fight: canceldead: true toolchangepenalty: 500 yawrate: active: true angle: active: true threshold: 50 actions: cancel vl>100 log:angle:3:5:f cancel vl>250 log:angle:0:5:cif cancel critical: active: true falldistance: 0.06251 velocity: 0.1 actions: cancel vl>50 log:critical:0:5:cif cancel direction: active: true strict: false penalty: 500 actions: cancel vl>5 log:fdirection:3:5:f cancel vl>20 log:fdirection:0:5:if cancel vl>50 log:fdirection:0:5:cif cancel fastheal: active: true interval: 4000 buffer: 1000 actions: cancel vl>10 cancel log:fastheal:0:10:i vl>30 cancel log:fastheal:0:10:if godmode: active: true minage: 1100 maxage: 5000 actions: log:godmode:2:5:if cancel vl>60 log:godmode:2:5:icf cancel knockback: active: true interval: 50 actions: cancel vl>50 log:knockback:0:5:cif cancel noswing: active: true actions: cancel vl>10 log:noswing:0:5:if cancel reach: active: true survivaldistance: 4.4 penalty: 500 reduce: true reducedistance: 0.9 reducestep: 0.15 actions: cancel vl>10 log:freach:2:5:if cancel selfhit: active: true actions: log:fselfhit:0:5:if cancel vl>10 log:fselfhit:0:5:icf cancel cmd:kickselfhit speed: active: true limit: 15 actions: log:fspeed:0:5:if cancel shortterm: ticks: 7 limit: 6 inventory: drop: active: true limit: 100 timeframe: 20 actions: log:drop:0:1:cif cancel cmd:dropkick:0:1 fastclick: active: true sparecreative: true tweaks1_5: true limit: shortterm: 4 normal: 15 actions: cancel vl>50 log:fastclick:3:5:cif cancel instantbow: active: true strict: true delay: 130 actions: cancel vl>15 log:instantbow:2:5:if cancel instanteat: active: true actions: log:instanteat:2:5:if cancel fastconsume: active: true duration: 0.7 whitelist: false items: [] actions: log:fastconsume:2:5:if cancel items: active: true open: active: true close: true cancelother: true moving: creativefly: active: true ignoreallowflight: false ignorecreative: false horizontalspeed: 100 maxheight: 128 verticalspeed: 100 actions: log:flyshort:3:5:f cancel vl>100 log:flyshort:0:5:if cancel vl>400 log:flylong:0:5:cif cancel morepackets: active: false seconds: 6 epsideal: 20 epsmax: 22 burst: packets: 40 directviolation: 60 epmviolation: 180 actions: cancel vl>10 log:morepackets:0:2:if cancel vl>100 log:morepackets:0:2:if cancel cmd:kickpackets morepacketsvehicle: active: true actions: cancel vl>10 log:morepackets:0:2:if cancel nofall: active: true dealdamage: true resetonviolation: false resetonteleport: false resetonvehicle: true anticriticals: true actions: log:nofall:0:5:if cancel vl>30 log:nofall:0:5:icf cancel passable: active: true raytracing: active: true blockchangeonly: false actions: cancel vl>10 log:passable:0:5:if cancel vl>50 log:passable:0:5:icf cancel survivalfly: active: true extended: vertical-accounting: true falldamage: true actions: log:flyshort:3:10:f cancel vl>100 log:flyshort:0:10:if cancel vl>400 log:flylong:0:5:cif cancel vl>1500 log:flylong:0:5:cif cancel cmd:kickfly hover: active: true step: 5 ticks: 85 loginticks: 0 falldamage: true sfviolation: 500 trace: size: 60 mergedist: 0.9752 vehicles: preventdestroyown: true enforcelocation: true velocity: graceticks: 20 activationcounter: 80 activationticks: 140 strictinvalidation: true tempkickillegal: true loadchunks: join: true sprintinggrace: 2.0 assumesprint: true speedgrace: 4.0 enforcelocation: true net: flyingfrequency: active: true seconds: 5 maxpackets: 300 sounddistance: active: true maxdistance: 320 strings: angle: '&c[player] &8» &6Angel &8(&4[violations]&8)' ban: ban [player] ban-ip: ban-ip [ip] bautosign: '&c[player] &8» &6AutoSign &8(&4[violations]&8)' bbfrequency: '&c[player] &8» &6FastBreak/SpeedMine &8(&4[violations]&8)' bdirection: '&c[player] &8» &6BDirection &8(&4[violations]&8)' bedleave: '&c[player] &8» &6Opuscil Lozko &8(&4[violations]&8)' bpspeed: '&c[player] &8» &6Projectiles &8(&4[violations]&8)' breach: '&c[player] &8» &6Breach &8(&4[violations]&8)' bspeed: '&c[player] &8» &6Speed &8(&4[violations]&8)' bvisible: '&c[player] &8» &6Speed &8(&4[violations]&8)' bwrong: '&c[player] &8» &6FastClick &8(&4[violations]&8)' captcha: '&c[player] &8» &6Przepisal bledny kod captach &8(&4[violations]&8)' color: '&c[player] &8» &6Proboje pisac kolorowo! &8(&4[violations]&8)' commands: '&c[player] &8» &6Fast Execute Commands &8(&4[violations]&8)' combspeed: '&c[player] &8» &6KillAura/Macro/Clicker/Double/Triple/Quadra &8(&4[violations]&8)' critical: '&c[player] &8» &6Criticals &8(&4[violations]&8)' drop: '&c[player] &8» &6Fast Drop &8(&4[violations]&8)' dropkick: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Dropping items too fast. fastbreak: '&c[player] &8» &6FastBreak/SpeedMine &8(&4[violations]&8)' fastclick: '&c[player] &8» &6Wykryto Modyfikacje InventoryTweaks &8(&4[violations]&8)' fastconsume: '&c[player] &8» &6FastEat/FastConsume &8(&4[violations]&8)' fastheal: '&c[player] &8» &6FastHeal &8(&4[violations]&8)' fastplace: '&c[player] &8» &6Fast Place/Fast Build &8(&4[violations]&8)' fdirection: '&c[player] &8» &6Wykryto cheaty &8(&4[violations]&8)' flyshort: '&c[player] &8» &6Fly &8(&4[violations]&8)' flylong: '&c[player] &8» &6Fly &8(&4[violations]&8)' freach: '&c[player] &8» &6Fly &8(&4[violations]&8)' fselfhit: '&c[player] &8» &6Wykryto cheaty &8(&4[violations]&8)' fspeed: '&c[player] &8» &6Speed &8(&4[violations]&8)' chatnormal: '&c[player] &8» &6failed [check]: potentially annoying chat. VL &8(&4[violations]&8).' godmode: '&c[player] &8» &6GodMode &8(&4[violations]&8)' improbable: '&c[player] &8» &6Improbable &8(&4[violations]&8)' instantbow: '&c[player] &8» &6FastBow &8(&4[violations]&8)' instanteat: '&c[player] &8» &6FastEat/FastConsume &8(&4[violations]&8)' kick: kick [player] kickbedleave: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Go find a bed! kickbspeed: ncp kick [player] You interacted too fast! kickcaptcha: ncp kick [player] Enter the captcha! kickchat1: ncp tempkick [player] 1 You're still not allowed to spam! kickchat5: ncp tempkick [player] 5 You're not intended to spam! kickchatfast: ncp kick [player] You're not allowed to spam in chat! kickchatnormal: ncp kick [player] Too many chat messages, take a break. kickfly: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Kicked for flying (or related). kickcommands: ncp tempkick [player] 1 You're not allowed to spam commands! kickfrequency: ncp kick [player] How about doing that less often? kickgod: ncp kick [player] God mode? kickpackets: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Too many packets (extreme lag?). kickselfhit: ncp kick [player] That must be exhausting! kickwb: ncp kick [player] Block breaking out of sync! knockback: '&c[player] &8» &6ExtraKnockback &8(&4[violations]&8)' morepackets: '&c[player] &8» &6More Packets &8(&4[violations]&8)' munchhausen: '&c[player] &8» &6Munchhausen &8(&4[violations]&8)' nofall: '&c[player] &8» &6No Fall &8(&4[violations]&8)' chatfast: '&c[player] &8» &6Wykryto cheaty &8(&4[violations]&8)' noswing: '&c[player] &8» &6No Swing &8(&4[violations]&8)' passable: '&c[player] &8» &6Wykryto cheaty &8(&4[violations]&8)' relog: '&c[player] &8» &6Wykryto cheaty &8(&4[violations]&8)' tellchatnormal: ncp tell [player] &cToo &emany messages&c, slow down... tempkick1: ncp tempkick [player] 1 Wait a minute! tempkick5: ncp tempkick [player] 5 You have five minutes to think about it! compatibility: managelisteners: false bukkitapionly: false blocks: ignorepassable: - WOODEN_DOOR - IRON_DOOR_BLOCK - TRAP_DOOR - PISTON_EXTENSION - PISTON_MOVING_PIECE allowinstantbreak: [] overrideflags: snow: default