LiIIee: hello! Pailer: Still here Jet? Pailer: Ah Pailer: Good Pailer: Are you in another room? ToxicNapalm: Hello. Pailer: I refuse to talk to this time waster LiIIee: not really lol LiIIee: should i boot? Pailer: Please Pailer: Do you know them? LiIIee: yes yucky Pailer: Have never ever seen them send. Just take up time Pailer: Speaing of never sending Pailer: How many credits do you have now? LiIIee: 140k Pailer: Stuck for the last week? LiIIee: yes sorry Pailer: No reliable pigs? Pailer: Lil?! LiIIee: i guess not :( LiIIee: how has your findommng been? Pailer: Not great tbh. Pailer: Everyone seems to be broke Pailer: Losers who are actually losers iN RL too LiIIee: oh no im sorry to hear LiIIee: ugh Pailer: It's just a blip I am sure. Even Piggyface is broke these days. LiIIee: oh no LiIIee: you deserve better Pailer: I can be patient Pailer: But not forever. Pailer: >> LiIIee: of course... LiIIee: you are too kind Pailer: I know that is my weakness LiIIee: true <3 LiIIee: thank you Pailer Pailer: I am not going to wait forever Pig LiIIee: i know... Pailer: I know you have RL and are conflicted. Pailer: But you invite everytime I am online... What do you expect from me Jet? LiIIee: i just cant get enough of you... Pailer: Funny, Obsess who was here a while ago just messaged: Pailer: "I am obsessed with you" Pailer: So that's two of you Pailer: But he pays LiIIee: -blushes- sorry Pailer: I know you don't want to go back being a full on pig, like Piggyface? Or am I wrong? LiIIee: i..i find ir ao hard to know Pailer: You like being weak for me tho? Pailer: Lil?! LiIIee: yes LiIIee: i..i have to go im so sorry Pailer: Ok, Pailer: Next time! Pailer: $$$