Hey there stranger, We are **_Diverse Society_**, a Cutting Edge raiding guild which has been actively achieving CE since Legion. Thus Raid is going to be our main activity and everything else is going to center around it. Outside of raiding we have many people doing other things like running M+, Arenas, RBGs and social discussions on discord server :slight_smile: We also have great website were you can redirect new recruits to or just in general. **Here are rules to follow in our discord channels:** **1)** Be Respectful and Civil towards other members. If you wouldn't say it in front of your Grandma, take it to DMs. **2)** Don't spam. Use a reasonable amount of time before asking again. **3)** No use of hate speech, even if it is friendly banter. Keep any racist, ablist, homophobic etc words/emotes to your group DMs. Be an adult, and have respect for other members. **4)** NO religion or politics. It does not matter what the situation, this server is not here to be your soapbox. Keep those views to yourself. This is not a request. **5)** Mentioning @everyone, the Moderators or a specific person without proper reason is prohibited. But don’t be afraid to DM us if something happens. **6)** Post content in the correct channels. **7)** Don't post someone's personal information without permission. **8)** Names that are rude or offensive will be changed. After repeated warnings you will be banned. **9)** Do not make calendar events on raid days / times without permission.