is giving its first-ever mobile phone package deal together with Golan Telecommunications, which won the young to operate the "Mobile Post" plan. The Israel Postal Co. has to get the first time unveiled a mobile phone strategy. Identified as "Mobile Post, very well typically the package costs only NIS 16 per calendar month and comes with 11 gigabits Internet make use of, 3, 1000 minutes involving phone telephone calls, 3, 000 written text messages and 60 minutes involving international calls. Israel Nota Co. has signed an agreement with Golan Telecom, which often won the tender for that "Mobile Post" plan. The routine will be sold at 80 post office branches around His home country of israel. From this specific week, customers of Israel's mobile phone agents should be able to switch to the plan by going to the posting office, registering his or her facts and paying a one-time fee of NIS nineteen for a new Sim. Subsequently, the Golan Telecom representative will contact those to officially complete the deal, as well as portability and functioning the line. Payments will become made to in addition to deals signed with Golan Telephony. Published by Globes, Israel business news instructions hierdoor. globes. co. elle rapid on July 5, 2020 © Copyright associated with Globe Publisher Itonut (1983) Limited. 2020