\cvsection{SKILLS} \cvtag{JavaScript}\hspace{1.5pt} \cvtag{C++} \cvtag{Python} \vspace{4pt} \cvtag{HTML} %\divider \vspace{4pt} \cvtag{CSS} %\divider \vspace{4pt} \cvtag{Bootstrap } %\divider % \cvtag{React.Js}\hspace{1.5pt} %\divider %\cvtag{Android Development}\cvskill{}{2} \smallskip % \vspace{4pt} \cvtag{Git} % \vspace{4pt} \cvtag{Git Hub} % \vspace{4pt} \cvtag{REST API} \vspace{2pt} \cvtag{Reactjs} \cvtag{Node } \cvtag{Express } \vspace{4pt} \cvtag{MongoDB} \vspace{4pt} \cvtag{Mongooes} \cvtag{Redux-toolkits} \vspace{2pt} \cvtag{Fire-base} % \divider \iffalse \cvsection{Projects} \cvproject{Quote App \href{https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mbtech.coding}{ \faExternalLink}} \begin{itemize} \item This is an Android App. \item There are \textbf{2000+} quotes fetch from a \textbf{JSON} file. \item Share to your friends on social media. \item Read the quote in \textbf{offline mode}.\\ \divider \end{itemize} \cvproject{Snake Ladder Game in Java} \begin{itemize} \item An Interactive game of snake ladder was built using swing package. \item Object Oriented Programming concepts were used. \end{itemize} \smallskip \cvproject{Online Restaurant System} \begin{itemize} \item User friendly interface for food booking and displaying menu. Online transaction system was integrated using PAYPAL API. \item PHP was used for backend development. \end{itemize} \smallskip \cvproject{Simon and Tic-Tac-Toe Game} \begin{itemize} \item Simon and Tic-Tac-Toe game is a mini project which was build for youtube channel for educational training purpose. \end{itemize} \smallskip \cvproject{Media Company Case Analysis} \begin{itemize} \item Discovering the main factors behind decreasing in number of viewers. \item Building modals using multivariet analysis and support vector machine. \end{itemize} \fi \vspace{4pt} \cvsection{COURSEWORK} \smallskip \begin{itemize} \item Data Structures and Algorithms \smallskip \item Object Oriented Programming \smallskip \item Database Management Systems \smallskip \item Operating Systems \item Networking \end{itemize} % \divider \vspace{2pt} % \vspace{4pt} % \cvsection{Training/Certifications} % \cvevent{Coding Ninjas}{C++ with Data Structures and Algorithms}{ July 2020 -- Mar 2021}{} % \cvevent{Coding Blocks}{Full Stack Web Development with NodeJS}{ June 2021 -- Oct 2021}{} % % \divider % \vspace{2pt} % \cvevent{Programming Hub }{Core Java }{2019 }{} % \divider % \cvevent{Sololearn }{HTML, CSS, JavaScript}{2019 }{} % \divider % \cvevent{codewithmosh.com}{JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB}{2020 % }{} % \divider % \cvsection{Language} % \begin{itemize} % \item Hindi % \item English % \item Bengali % \end{itemize} \cvsection{LINKS} \smallskip \begin{itemize} \item Leetcode:// Bhawishya singh\href{https://leetcode.com/lolly509/}{ \faExternalLink} \smallskip \item GFG:// Bhawishya singh\href{https://auth.geeksforgeeks.org/user/lollysingh509/practice//}{ \faExternalLink} \smallskip % % \item Codeforces:// Bhawishya Singh\_hacker\href{https://codeforces.com/profile/mahesh_hacker}{ \faExternalLink} % % \smallskip % % \item CodeChef:// mahesh\_hacker\href{https://www.codechef.com/users/mahesh_hacker}{ \faExternalLink} % % \smallskip % \item HackerRank:// @mahesh\_hacker\href{https://www.hackerrank.com/mahesh_hacker?hr_r=1}{ \faExternalLink} % \smallskip \end{itemize} \cvsection{AREAS OF INTEREST} \cvtag{Problem Solving} \vspace{2pt} \cvtag{Web Development}\hspace{2pt} \vspace{2pt} \cvtag{Explore New Technology}\hspace{2pt} \vspace{2pt} \cvtag{Data Structure}\hspace{2pt}