class Presentation { public static void KrisotfPresentation() { string songVers = @" Where are you at? Where have you been? Where are we headed? What did you mean? A bird, a butterfly and my red scarf Don't make a mess of memories Just let me heal your scars The wall, the owl, and forgotten wharf We're getting older Second, by second, by second"; string name = @"Mozes Kristof"; string profile = "Student"; string hobby = "Reading, drawing"; string birthDate = "2003 May 18"; Console.WriteLine("Favorite song:"); Console.WriteLine(songVers); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Hello"); Console.WriteLine($"My name is : {name}"); Console.WriteLine($"Hobbys: {hobby}"); Console.WriteLine($"Profile: {profile}"); Console.WriteLine($"Birth Date: {birthDate}"); } } class Program { static void Main() { Presentation.KrisotfPresentation(); // function calls here } }