on join: if {Qz.rank.%player%} is not set: set {Qz.rank.%player%} to "&7" set {Qz.chatformat.%player%} to "&7 »&7" set {Qz.tabrank.%player%} to "&7Default" make console execute command "nte player %player% prefix &7" make console execute command "nte player %player% priority 10" make console execute command "pex user %player% group set Default" set {Qz.rankcolor.%player%} to "&7" command /setrank [] []: permission: Qz.Staff+ permission message: &cYou don't have permission to do that trigger: if argument 1 is not set: send "&b[Qz] Rank System is up to date!" send "&6/rank " send "&6Ranks: &7Default, &aQz &dYT &5Famous &cStaff &4Staff+ &eOwner" else if argument 2 is "Default": if argument 1 is set: send "&c[Qz] Rank %arg-1% updated to &7Default" set {Qz.rankcolor.%arg-1%} to "&7" set {Qz.rank.%arg-1%} to "&7" set {Qz.tabrank.%arg-1%} to "&7Default" make console execute command "nte player %arg-1% prefix &7" make console execute command "nte player %arg-1% priority 10" make console execute command "pex user %arg-1% group set Default" set {Qz.chatformat.%arg-1%} to "&7 »&7" set {Qz.chatcolor.%arg-1%} to "&7" else: send "&cInvalid usage!" else if argument 2 is "YT": if argument 1 is set: send "&c[Qz] Rank %arg-1% updated to &dYT" set {Qz.rankcolor.%arg-1%} to "&d" set {Qz.rank.%arg-1%} to "&d[YT] " set {Qz.tabrank.%arg-1%} to "&dYT" make console execute command "nte player %arg-1% prefix &d" make console execute command "nte player %arg-1% priority 9" make console execute command "pex user %arg-1% group set YT" set {Qz.chatformat.%arg-1%} to "&7 »&f" set {Qz.chatcolor.%arg-1%} to "&f" else: send "&cInvalid usage!" else if argument 2 is "Qz": if argument 1 is set: send "&c[Qz] Rank %arg-1% updated to &aQz" set {Qz.rankcolor.%arg-1%} to "&a" set {Qz.rank.%arg-1%} to "&a[Qz] " set {Qz.tabrank.%arg-1%} to "&aQzARMY" make console execute command "nte player %arg-1% prefix &a" make console execute command "nte player %arg-1% priority 8" make console execute command "pex user %arg-1% group set Qz" set {Qz.chatformat.%arg-1%} to "&7 »&f" set {Qz.chatcolor.%arg-1%} to "&f" else: send "&cInvalid usage!" else if argument 2 is "Famous": if argument 1 is set: send "&c[Qz] Rank %arg-1% updated to &5Famous" set {Qz.rankcolor.%arg-1%} to "&5" set {Qz.rank.%arg-1%} to "&5[Famous] " set {Qz.tabrank.%arg-1%} to "&5Famous" make console execute command "nte player %arg-1% prefix &5" make console execute command "nte player %arg-1% priority 7" make console execute command "pex user %arg-1% group set Famous" set {Qz.chatformat.%arg-1%} to "&7 »&f" set {Qz.chatcolor.%arg-1%} to "&f" else: send "&cInvalid usage!" else if argument 2 is "Staff": if argument 1 is set: send "&c[Qz] Rank %arg-1% updated to &cStaff" set {Qz.rankcolor.%arg-1%} to "&c" set {Qz.rank.%arg-1%} to "&c[Staff] " set {Qz.tabrank.%arg-1%} to "&cStaff" make console execute command "nte player %arg-1% prefix &c[S] &c" make console execute command "nte player %arg-1% priority 3" set {Qz.chatformat.%arg-1%} to "&7 »&f" set {Qz.chatcolor.%arg-1%} to "&f" make console execute command "pex user %arg-1% group set Staff" else: send "&cInvalid usage!" else if argument 2 is "Staff+": if argument 1 is set: send "&c[Qz] Rank %arg-1% updated to &4Staff+" set {Qz.rankcolor.%arg-1%} to "&4" set {Qz.rank.%arg-1%} to "&4[Staff+] &4" set {Qz.tabrank.%arg-1%} to "&4Staff+" make console execute command "pex user %arg-1% group set Staff+" make console execute command "nte player %arg-1% prefix &4[S+] &4" make console execute command "nte player %arg-1% priority 2" set {Qz.chatformat.%arg-1%} to "&4 »&c" set {Qz.chatcolor.%arg-1%} to "&f" else: send "&cInvalid usage!" else if argument 2 is "Owner": if argument 1 is "F7l_H" or "F7l_i1": send "&c[Qz] Rank %arg-1% updated to &eOwner" set {Qz.rankcolor.%arg-1%} to "&e" set {Qz.rank.%arg-1%} to "&e[Owner] " set {Qz.tabrank.%arg-1%} to "&eOwner" make console execute command "nte player %arg-1% prefix &e[O] &e" make console execute command "pex user %arg-1% group set Owner" make console execute command "nte player %arg-1% priority 1" set {Qz.chatformat.%arg-1%} to "&e »&6" set {Qz.chatcolor.%arg-1%} to "&f" else: send "&cYou are not F7l_H, F7l_i1!" on chat: cancel event broadcast "%{Qz.rank.%player%}%%player%%{Qz.chatformat.%player%}% %message%"