#USTAWIENIA options: swiat: world #SWIAT NA KTÓRYM BENDĄ ROBIONE GIANTY nazwa: &6&lXXX #NAZWA SERWERA Z KOLORKAMI & #NAGRODY PO ZABICIU GIANTA I MROCZNYCH SZKIELETÓW on death of giant: chance of 40%: drop 5 322:1 at the victim stop chance of 60%: drop 10 57 at the victim stop chance of 40%: drop 5 41 at the victim stop chance of 40%: drop 1 138 at the victim stop chance of 60%: drop 16 368 at the victim stop on death of wither skeleton: chance of 40%: drop 1 322:1 at the victim stop chance of 60%: drop 5 57 at the victim stop chance of 40%: drop 1 41 at the victim stop chance of 5%: drop 1 138 at the victim stop chance of 60%: drop 3 368 at the victim stop #źRÓDŁO SKRIPTU command /giant:resp: permission: admin.giant permission message: &8> &7Nie masz &cpermissi trigger: set {miejsce} to location at player wait 4 tick broadcast "&8<>----------<> {@nazwa} &8<>----------<>" broadcast "&8> &7Zostal stworzony &6Giant" broadcast "&8> &7Znajdziesz go na &6kordach:" broadcast "&8> &a%{miejsce.4}%" broadcast "&8<>----------<> {@nazwa} &8<>----------<>" spawn 1 giant at location of {miejsce} spawn 10 wither skeleton at location of {miejsce} command /giant:usun: permission: admin.giant permission message: &8> &7Nie masz &cpermissi trigger: broadcast "&8> &6Giant &7zostal usunienty." kill giants kill wither skeletons wait 1 second execute console command "/killall drops world" command /giant: permission: admin.giant permission message: &8> &7Nie masz &cpermissi trigger: send "&8<>----------<> {@nazwa} &8<>----------<>" send " &8> &6/giant:resp &7- tworzy gianta w twoim miejscu" send " &8> &6/giant:usun &7- usuwa giant/y na calym swiecie" send "&8<>----------<> {@nazwa} &8<>----------<>"