| Profile Completion = 66% | Full Name = bo word | Country = US | Activision ID = b1101#7305027 | Playstation Linked Account = | Steam Linked Account = 1101 | XBOX Linked Account = | Linked Account = b1101#11757 | Titles = [CALL OF DUTY®: WORLD WAR II: NO | CALL OF DUTY®: BLACK OPS 4: NO | CALL OF DUTY®: MODERN WARFARE: YES] | WARZONE Stats = [Level: 21 | Wins: 0.0 | Top 5: 0.0 | Top 10: 0.0 | Top 25: 1.0 | Kills: 5.0 | Deaths: 15.0 | KD: 0.3333333333333333 | Downs: 3.0 | Revives: 0.0 | Contracts Done: 1.0 | Cash: 0.0 | Games Played: 6.0 | Time Played: 3198.0 | Score Per Minute: 52.5328330206379 | Score: 2800.0] | Season 1: Battle Pass = [Tier: 0 | Type: FREE] | Season 2: Battle Pass = [Tier: 3 | Type: FREE] | Season 3: Battle Pass = [Tier: 0 | Type: FREE] | Season 4: Battle Pass = [Tier: | Type:] | COD Points = 0 | Profile Completion = 66% | Full Name = Kinkade Olson | Country = US | Activision ID = KinkadeIsOk#2480010 | Playstation Linked Account = KinkadeIsOk | Steam Linked Account = | XBOX Linked Account = | Linked Account = KinkadeIsOK#1404 | Titles = [CALL OF DUTY®: WORLD WAR II: YES | CALL OF DUTY®: BLACK OPS 4: YES | CALL OF DUTY®: MODERN WARFARE: YES] | WARZONE Stats = [Level: 18 | Wins: 0.0 | Top 5: 0.0 | Top 10: 0.0 | Top 25: 2.0 | Kills: 6.0 | Deaths: 11.0 | KD: 0.5454545454545454 | Downs: 0.0 | Revives: 0.0 | Contracts Done: 1.0 | Cash: 0.0 | Games Played: 4.0 | Time Played: 4612.0 | Score Per Minute: 62.44579358196011 | Score: 4800.0] | Season 1: Battle Pass = [Tier: 0 | Type: FREE] | Season 2: Battle Pass = [Tier: 0 | Type: FREE] | Season 3: Battle Pass = [Tier: 3 | Type: FREE] | Season 4: Battle Pass = [Tier: | Type:] | COD Points = 0 | Profile Completion = 72% | Full Name = Andrew Kettles | Country = US | Activision ID = banzai98 | Playstation Linked Account = | Steam Linked Account = | XBOX Linked Account = spider of dooom | Linked Account = | Profile Completion = 66% | Full Name = alessandro dessi | Country = IT | Activision ID = aledessim | Playstation Linked Account = Desikira | Steam Linked Account = | XBOX Linked Account = | Linked Account = | Profile Completion = 78% | Full Name = harold jheferson moreno chavez | Country = AR | Activision ID = haromax | Playstation Linked Account = haroldmax | Steam Linked Account = | XBOX Linked Account = | Linked Account = | Profile Completion = 66% | Full Name = victor okorie | Country = US | Activision ID = Enzeii | Playstation Linked Account = | Steam Linked Account = | XBOX Linked Account = KrimsonAsura | Linked Account = | Profile Completion = 48% | Full Name = donnie yang | Country = US | Activision ID = Greenwood-AR | Playstation Linked Account = lilbullymonster | Steam Linked Account = | XBOX Linked Account = | Linked Account = | Profile Completion = 66% | Full Name = casey johnson | Country = US | Activision ID = puddlejumper6999 | Playstation Linked Account = | Steam Linked Account = puddlejumper6999 | XBOX Linked Account = | Linked Account = puddlejumper#1745 | Titles = [CALL OF DUTY®: WORLD WAR II: NO | CALL OF DUTY®: BLACK OPS 4: YES | CALL OF DUTY®: MODERN WARFARE: NO] | WARZONE Stats = [Level: 0 | Wins: | Top 5: | Top 10: | Top 25: | Kills: | Deaths: | KD: | Downs: | Revives: | Contracts Done: | Cash: | Games Played: | Time Played: | Score Per Minute: | Score:] | Season 1: Battle Pass = [Tier: | Type:] | Season 2: Battle Pass = [Tier: | Type:] | Season 3: Battle Pass = [Tier: | Type:] | Season 4: Battle Pass = [Tier: | Type:] | COD Points = 0 | Profile Completion = 54% | Full Name = Destin Lewis | Country = US | Activision ID = dclj721 | Playstation Linked Account = pyrexpapi | Steam Linked Account = Cole World | XBOX Linked Account = | Linked Account = | Profile Completion = 48% | Full Name = troy dixon | Country = AU | Activision ID = dodger1986 | Playstation Linked Account = | Steam Linked Account = | XBOX Linked Account = Dodger8634 | Linked Account = | Profile Completion = 48% | Full Name = michael wolski | Country = US | Activision ID = killer646 | Playstation Linked Account = tigerkiller646 | Steam Linked Account = | XBOX Linked Account = | Linked Account = | Profile Completion = 48% | Full Name = Gabriel Maurice | Country = US | Activision ID = BK Gabe | Playstation Linked Account = | Steam Linked Account = | XBOX Linked Account = BK Gabe33 | Linked Account = | Profile Completion = 66% | Full Name = Conner Brown | Country = GB | Activision ID = BlueExorcist98 | Playstation Linked Account = | Steam Linked Account = | XBOX Linked Account = PrimevalAres | Linked Account = | Profile Completion = 66% | Full Name = Hans Lintelo | Country = NL | Activision ID = Warpig_Hansel | Playstation Linked Account = Hansel198630 | Steam Linked Account = | XBOX Linked Account = | Linked Account = | Profile Completion = 48% | Full Name = kane haddow | Country = GB | Activision ID = slienthunter | Playstation Linked Account = thedarkhunter221 | Steam Linked Account = | XBOX Linked Account = | Linked Account = | Profile Completion = 48% | Full Name = Antonio Ferrari | Country = BR | Activision ID = AntonioFER#1149897 | Playstation Linked Account = | Steam Linked Account = Narutoafn | XBOX Linked Account = | Linked Account = Narutoafn#1114 | Titles = [CALL OF DUTY®: WORLD WAR II: NO | CALL OF DUTY®: BLACK OPS 4: NO | CALL OF DUTY®: MODERN WARFARE: YES] | WARZONE Stats = [Level: 71 | Wins: 2.0 | Top 5: 9.0 | Top 10: 14.0 | Top 25: 33.0 | Kills: 194.0 | Deaths: 160.0 | KD: 1.2125 | Downs: 146.0 | Revives: 0.0 | Contracts Done: 49.0 | Cash: 0.0 | Games Played: 61.0 | Time Played: 60713.0 | Score Per Minute: 155.00798840446032 | Score: 156850.0] | Season 1: Battle Pass = [Tier: 0 | Type: FREE] | Season 2: Battle Pass = [Tier: 3 | Type: FREE] | Season 3: Battle Pass = [Tier: 30 | Type: FREE] | Season 4: Battle Pass = [Tier: | Type:] | COD Points = 100 | Profile Completion = 48% | Full Name = Alexandre Costacurta | Country = BR | Activision ID = Alex1444#4376112 | Playstation Linked Account = | Steam Linked Account = | XBOX Linked Account = | Linked Account = Alex1444#11616 | Titles = [CALL OF DUTY®: WORLD WAR II: NO | CALL OF DUTY®: BLACK OPS 4: NO | CALL OF DUTY®: MODERN WARFARE: YES] | WARZONE Stats = [Level: 48 | Wins: 0.0 | Top 5: 0.0 | Top 10: 0.0 | Top 25: 0.0 | Kills: 1.0 | Deaths: 7.0 | KD: 0.14285714285714285 | Downs: 0.0 | Revives: 0.0 | Contracts Done: 0.0 | Cash: 0.0 | Games Played: 3.0 | Time Played: 1130.0 | Score Per Minute: 34.51327433628319 | Score: 650.0] | Season 1: Battle Pass = [Tier: 4 | Type: FREE] | Season 2: Battle Pass = [Tier: 18 | Type: FREE] | Season 3: Battle Pass = [Tier: 0 | Type: FREE] | Season 4: Battle Pass = [Tier: | Type:] | COD Points = 100 | Profile Completion = 48% | Full Name = Lautaro Pellet | Country = BR | Activision ID = Laucha#3783364 | Playstation Linked Account = | Steam Linked Account = | XBOX Linked Account = | Linked Account = Laucha#11683 | Titles = [CALL OF DUTY®: WORLD WAR II: NO | CALL OF DUTY®: BLACK OPS 4: NO | CALL OF DUTY®: MODERN WARFARE: YES] | WARZONE Stats = [Level: 31 | Wins: 0.0 | Top 5: 0.0 | Top 10: 1.0 | Top 25: 4.0 | Kills: 13.0 | Deaths: 12.0 | KD: 1.0833333333333333 | Downs: 17.0 | Revives: 0.0 | Contracts Done: 5.0 | Cash: 0.0 | Games Played: 3.0 | Time Played: 5036.0 | Score Per Minute: 162.62907069102462 | Score: 13650.0] | Season 1: Battle Pass = [Tier: 0 | Type: FREE] | Season 2: Battle Pass = [Tier: 6 | Type: FREE] | Season 3: Battle Pass = [Tier: 0 | Type: FREE] | Season 4: Battle Pass = [Tier: | Type:] | COD Points = 100 | Profile Completion = 48% | Full Name = G racer760 sevrt | Country = US | Activision ID = G racer760 | Playstation Linked Account = | Steam Linked Account = | XBOX Linked Account = Buttercoin0622 | Linked Account = Gracer760#1254 | Titles = [CALL OF DUTY®: WORLD WAR II: YES | CALL OF DUTY®: BLACK OPS 4: YES | CALL OF DUTY®: MODERN WARFARE: YES] | WARZONE Stats = [Level: 36 | Wins: 0.0 | Top 5: 3.0 | Top 10: 4.0 | Top 25: 14.0 | Kills: 35.0 | Deaths: 57.0 | KD: 0.6140350877192983 | Downs: 24.0 | Revives: 0.0 | Contracts Done: 15.0 | Cash: 0.0 | Games Played: 17.0 | Time Played: 21556.0 | Score Per Minute: 88.93115605863797 | Score: 31950.0] | Season 1: Battle Pass = [Tier: 0 | Type: FREE] | Season 2: Battle Pass = [Tier: 0 | Type: FREE] | Season 3: Battle Pass = [Tier: 12 | Type: FREE] | Season 4: Battle Pass = [Tier: | Type:] | COD Points = 100 | Profile Completion = 48% | Full Name = Jonas Dratinyyy | Country = DE | Activision ID = Orokamono_ | Playstation Linked Account = | Steam Linked Account = | XBOX Linked Account = | Linked Account = Stay100#2904 | Titles = [CALL OF DUTY®: WORLD WAR II: NO | CALL OF DUTY®: BLACK OPS 4: YES | CALL OF DUTY®: MODERN WARFARE: YES] | WARZONE Stats = [Level: 59 | Wins: 0.0 | Top 5: 0.0 | Top 10: 2.0 | Top 25: 5.0 | Kills: 44.0 | Deaths: 52.0 | KD: 0.8461538461538461 | Downs: 36.0 | Revives: 0.0 | Contracts Done: 6.0 | Cash: 0.0 | Games Played: 15.0 | Time Played: 14660.0 | Score Per Minute: 129.94542974079127 | Score: 31750.0] | Season 1: Battle Pass = [Tier: 2 | Type: FREE] | Season 2: Battle Pass = [Tier: 37 | Type: FREE] | Season 3: Battle Pass = [Tier: 2 | Type: FREE] | Season 4: Battle Pass = [Tier: | Type:] | COD Points = 100 | Profile Completion = 66% | Full Name = Joel Collis | Country = GB | Activision ID = jcollis96 | Playstation Linked Account = | Steam Linked Account = | XBOX Linked Account = Tempo MrJ | Linked Account = Jcollis96#2523 | Titles = [CALL OF DUTY®: WORLD WAR II: NO | CALL OF DUTY®: BLACK OPS 4: NO | CALL OF DUTY®: MODERN WARFARE: YES] | WARZONE Stats = [Level: 155 | Wins: 51.0 | Top 5: 162.0 | Top 10: 260.0 | Top 25: 427.0 | Kills: 1926.0 | Deaths: 1113.0 | KD: 1.7304582210242587 | Downs: 1928.0 | Revives: 47.0 | Contracts Done: 649.0 | Cash: 0.0 | Games Played: 503.0 | Time Played: 616456.0 | Score Per Minute: 233.74612299985725 | Score: 2401570.0] | Season 1: Battle Pass = [Tier: 0 | Type: FREE] | Season 2: Battle Pass = [Tier: 46 | Type: FREE] | Season 3: Battle Pass = [Tier: 100 | Type: FREE] | Season 4: Battle Pass = [Tier: | Type:] | COD Points = 400